

Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a melinnia, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
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And keys hits a new low in his personal medioaucratocracy.

Both the left and the right can be dopey, and your type of Conservatism is weird world, boy.
QUOTE="Matthew, post: 11594955, member: 22889"]That is what the left is making this country into!!! They're doing it so they can transform us into a third world shit hole....[/QUOTE]

Brilliance in 3 parts

Part I:
A.Allow those men who want to marry men, marry men.

B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.

C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.

D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.

Part II:

10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level

1. Detroit , MI 32.5%

2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%

3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%

4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%

5. Miami , FL 26.9%

5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%

7. El Paso , TX 26.4%

8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%

9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%

10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961

Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954

Cincinnati, OH- (3rd) not since 1984

Cleveland, OH- (4th) not since 1989

Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor

St. Louis, MO- (6th) not since 1949

El Paso, TX- (7th) has never had a Republican mayor

Milwaukee, WI- (8th) not since 1908

Philadelphia, PA- (9th) not since 1952

Newark, NJ- (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats....... Yet they are still POOR.

Part III:

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."

Abraham Lincoln

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian."

Henry Ford

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

S. L. Clemens
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Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.
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Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!
Unfortunatlely, the only group turning us into a 3rd world oligarchy is the New Reaganist BS GOP. see sig . Destroying the nonrich with pander to the rich tax rates and policies. Great job!
After 30 years of Voodoo/Reaganism: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! AND a corrupt world depression..
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a melinnia, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.

Aw, and I thought this thread was the title of your autobiography: Idiocracy: My Life as a Troll.
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a melinnia, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.

Aw, and I thought this thread was the title of your autobiography: Idiocracy: My Life as a Troll.


And the evidence just keeps pourin' in... .
Keys favorite fallacy

Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

I generally accept your definition of "Idiocracy" within the common meaning of "idiot". But the common meaning is not actually comprehensive to the original meaning.

You might be surprised to learn even dictionaries do not address the original root meanings of the word. That root meaning actually reveals a behavioral origin that is quite telling psychologically and sociologically.

The root reference of the word "idiot", is "Id". From Greek meaning the animal or child mind. In modern terms, the unconscious mind.
The addition of "ot", refers to "auto" automatic or "robot". Basically automatic unconscious behavior or
behavior lacking relevant cognitive basis.

As you say, "objectivity".

What is revealed when mass behaviors exhibit these traits?

There are only three ways such traits can be assimilated on a mass level.

The first can be eliminated for he most part as it is resulting from hypnosis and not all the people are subject to that. However, the leadership might be.
Then there is media influence with semiotics. Semiotics is the study of symbols and their instinctual impacts. Since 1978 degrees in semiotics have been awarded and those with such degrees have gotten jobs in advertising, public relations and film/television writing.

Now that can explain a lot related to the unconscious invocation of instincts that control peoples behaviors and on a mass level it's fairly credible that over time a considerable influence could be found.

But there is a third, almost unknown potential. And curiously, the lack of a specific book, the only book documenting it, shows how important such influence might be. A book calked "The Hundredth Monkey".

I am the only person you will ever find that read the original 1962 book published by 23 Japanese biologists studying a primate called the macaque fuscata on the island of Koshima in the South Pacific.
This book was so important to get rid of in its scientific veracity that another book by the same title was published in 1974. It marginalized the original information by associating it with a world free of nuclear weapons just by virtue of having a specific percentage of the population think they were gone or did not exist.

Other disinformation campaigns were directed at researchers that happened to read the book and wrote about it integrating the subject of the possibility of dream state sharing between mammals.

The original book was only published in two printings of 10k books. The Japanese biologists could not get the university in Japan to publish their findings which basically were that the primates had been witnessed sharing information related to a vital social activity by conducting dream state communications.

The biologists used their meager pay to self publish.

In about 1975 I happened to meet a woman who worked in a used bookstore. She explained to me that the bookstore used a teletype machine to list all books that came in, and of those done titles were purchased by the same global organization that ran the teletype service.

She showed a degree of disturbance when explaining that she felt that the books were being removed from circulation. She based this on the consistently fringe, but credible aspects or topics of the books the store would ship out and collect considerable money for.

Now, if very powerful entities knew such mental performance was actually a real phenomena, and endeavored to inculcate unconsciously certain behaviors amongst mass groups of humans, it would make sense to improve the effect by making that group of people unaware of how they could be subtly controlled enmasse.

With leaders acting on post hypnotics giving direction having sophisticated, parallel relationship to inundation of symbology, and "The Hundredth a Monkey" effect making the unconscious social directive slowly uniform, an "Idiocracy" could be formed fairly quickly with the right preparations.
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Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!
Kay bud. Youll go through life being a mr knowitall douchebag unable to read social queues and ignorant to the fact youre disliked by all. If not most.

Suck that.
I wonder if you were able to communicate that to him in a dream state.
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!
Kay bud. Youll go through life being a mr knowitall douchebag unable to read social queues and ignorant to the fact youre disliked by all. If not most.

Suck that.
Wishful thinking of a child.
Idiotocracy is already here, as speech writers for American politicians/officials write for single digit reading ages.

Meaning our elected politicians/officials think Americans are stupid, and incapable of comprehending big words.
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!
Kay bud. Youll go through life being a mr knowitall douchebag unable to read social queues and ignorant to the fact youre disliked by all. If not most.

Suck that.

Yes... because 'being liked' by the idiots is SO important to a happy, viable life.


Sweet Mother that was PRECIOUS!

(Now Reader, I want you to know that I do not know that would-be 'contributor' and I have absolutely no communication with that 'person' beyond that posted in the open on the thread... so, as much as it may appear that I have paid this person to say idiotic shit, in order to prove that my position is correct... the truth is the IDIOCRACY IS HERE and that jackass is proof certain of it.)

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