
Watched "Idiocracy" ... and it is absolutely incredible how close the average Leftist is to the citizens of the Idiocracy.

The writers of that movie expected that such severe intellectual degeneracy would take half a century, when in reality, it took the Left less than 7 years.
Youre emotionally stunted.

A died in the wool leftist wrote idiocracy dipshit.


Golly... if that were in ANY WAY relevant, what a wonderful point that would have been.

Sadly, Idiocracy is the logical extension of the Ideological Left's relativist stripping objectivity from human reason. As when ya strip objectivity ya strip the means to recognize the principle, which can and has only lead to being incapable of recognizing the essential purpose of standards and the Idiocracy is a place where there are no standards, no objectivity and absolutely no means to reason.

Now the thing to recognize is that the Idiocracy; as portrayed in the movie, cannot exist. And that's because the foundational premise was that humanity is the top predator, thus nothing to check the decay of a degenerating public.

When in truth, humanities predator is humanity... and decaying cultures are consumed by rising cultures and in that process the abundant idiots are dispatched.

But... as demonstrated by the post to which I am responding... the Idiocracy is HERE!
Kay bud. Youll go through life being a mr knowitall douchebag unable to read social queues and ignorant to the fact youre disliked by all. If not most.

Suck that.

Yes... because 'being liked' by the idiots is SO important to a happy, viable life.


Sweet Mother that was PRECIOUS!

(Now Reader, I want you to know that I do not know that would-be 'contributor' and I have absolutely no communication with that 'person' beyond that posted in the open on the thread... so, as much as it may appear that I have paid this person to say idiotic shit, in order to prove that my position is correct... the truth is the IDIOCRACY IS HERE and that jackass is proof certain of it.)
Nice rant, loser.

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