Idiots can't grasp until now what's going on in Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Not Putin, Biden, Scholz or Zelensky have the power, but their Satanist bosses ( of course all our 'leaders' are satanists too, but in the hierarchy they are sooner the small ones ) who command them.
The extremely strange war in Ukraine is a grinder where satanists destroy still remaining small amount of white Christian peoples, first of all Russians, Ukrainians and another Slavs.
Stop to believe corrupted presstitutes and trash 'politicians', satanists want to annihilate the White Christian World completely, the war in Ukraine will gonna never stop until the last Christian dies.
Is SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 not enough to show satanists will do anything possible to destroy our civilization?
Not Putin, Biden, Scholz or Zelensky have the power, but their Satanist bosses ( of course all our 'leaders' are satanists too, but in the hierarchy they are sooner the small ones ) who command them.
The extremely strange war in Ukraine is a grinder where satanists destroy still remaining small amount of white Christian peoples, first of all Russians, Ukrainians and another Slavs.
Stop to believe corrupted presstitutes and trash 'politicians', satanists want to annihilate the White Christian World completely, the war in Ukraine will gonna never stop until the last Christian dies.
Is SCAMdemic CONvid - 1984 not enough to show satanists will do anything possible to destroy our civilization?

Dude, did they cut your Borscht ration again at the St. Petersburg Troll Farm?
Dude, did they cut your Borscht ration again at the St. Petersburg Troll Farm?

Who are you working for, just asking?
Due to your numerous posts against Christians and Conservatives on USMB the answer can be only NWO ( 20+ Putins belong to NWO too )
Actually borscht traditionally belongs to Ukrainian cuisine. Russian variation of similar dish is shchi.

Bortsch belongs to Russia like Apple Pie to America
Here's what happens when your howitzer is worn out and didn't get serviced....

The Ukrainian military launched an artillery strike in the center of Donetsk, hitting the shopping malls of the Central Market.
One Donetsk woman killed and six wounded by Ukrainian Armed Forces shelling
is your ulus
Medvedev : "Gas price of €5000 by the end of 2022. With warm regards." Aug 28, 2022.
Natural gas futures in Europe touched €43 megawatt-hour or €430 cubic meter. Apr 7, 2023.
Who are you working for, just asking?
Due to your numerous posts against Christians and Conservatives on USMB the answer can be only NWO ( 20+ Putins belong to NWO too )

I work for myself.
I have no use for religious phonies trying to impose their morality on the rest of us.

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