If a few cells on MARS would be considered “Life on MARS”, why isn’t a human zygote “Life”?

If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
You mean don't rape yourself, don't kill yourself and don't enslave yourself.
No, when you have an abortion, you’re not killing yourself, you’re killing SOMEONE ELSE. Just like when you rape someone, you’re raping someone else.

So please stop with the “if you don’t want to have an abortion don’t have one” BS. The same thing was probably said about slavery.
Sorry, but not everyone agrees with you that it's "someone else", you have to let people choose for themselves how they view it. It's all part of being "pro-choice". So are you still pro-choice?

A baby in the womb is either a human being or not. It’s not a matter of personal taste or whatever we want it to be. From a scientific standpoint, there is absolutely no question that the baby in the womb is a human being. You can argue that is not a “person” but you cannot argue that is not a human being without looking like a complete idiot. And the bottom line is, all living human beings are persons, with value. The preborn baby doesn’t go from being trash to a precious valuable being the second his head pops out. Grow up.
You're wrong, but you don't need to take my word, here, chomp on this:
human being | Definition of human being in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Yup, and a pre-born is a member of the human species. If you want I can round up some quotes for you, from biologists and medical textbooks.
So you're not pro-choice, you want everyone to think as you do. Now you know.
A baby in the womb is either a human being or not. It’s not a matter of personal taste or whatever we want it to be. From a scientific standpoint, there is absolutely no question that the baby in the womb is a human being.

Of course there's a "question". It's the same question we ask when someone is brain dead. We even call them "vegetables" to emphasize the point. The key being that a human being is more than a lump of living flesh. The thing that makes a human being is a mind. Without that, a human body isn't complete - not a human being. It's just a lump of cells.

No, from a scientific standpoint that is not what makes us human beings. That is simply your opinion, and it’s completely arbitrary. Genetically, in our DNA, we are human beings from the very beginning. Everything that makes us a unique, individual human being is there, in our DNA, it simply needs to grow and develop.

I guess you never trim your toenails, eh?

Are you really that ignorant? Do you really not understand the difference between a fetus and a skin cell?

Do you understand the difference between a zygote and a living person? I'm gonna guess not.

Yes I do. Both are human beings, simply in a different stage of life. A zygote is not supposed to be able to do algebra, or have the same abilities that we do. Just as a newborn is not supposed to be able to do the same things that you and I do. But that doesn’t make the zygote or the newborn any less human than you and I, because you can’t be more or less human, you are either a human being, or not.
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.
No, if you are against murder, you not only don't murder yourself, but you stop others from murdering too. Get it now?
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.

A better comparison is laws against suicide.
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.
No, if you are against murder, you not only don't murder yourself, but you stop others from murdering too. Get it now?
So why aren't you out in the street right now preventing murders? Aren't you against murder?
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.

A better comparison is laws against suicide.
Is that like the Chinese executing someone and charging his family for the bullet? :biggrin:
If you're against abortion, it's simple, don't have one. See how choice works?
If you're against murder, simply don't murder someone.

But its okay if others do.

That is what your statement says. I know you won't understand, but someone has to say it.
Someone already said that, and they were wrong then too.

If you're against murder, don't murder yourself is what you mean.
No, if you are against murder, you not only don't murder yourself, but you stop others from murdering too. Get it now?
So why aren't you out in the street right now preventing murders? Aren't you against murder?

The fight isn't over. The problem with progressives is that they think if they don't get immediate results, they are losing.
Seems contradictory to me.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.
Cancer is life. You live with it. I don’t want to.

This is why the American Left is a soul-sickness.

Equating cancer, which kills, to human life.

Run from this soul-sickness. Just run.
Seems contradictory to me.

Who said a zygote isn't "life"? The question is whether it's a person, with legal rights.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.

Is it "murder" when you take a shit? You're flushing living organisms from your body, down the toilet, every time you do.

Three total dunderheads thought this was funny. Soul-sickness.

What is that poop going to grow into...those organisms?

The zygote grew into YOU.

You can to an extent argue with ignorance--to an extent. Soul-sickness, not really. It takes an act of Divine Grace to overcome. If it is not overcome, then it has a terrible outcome.
If a few cells are murder so is masturbation and menstruation, of course so is washing your face. And that recent bowel movement, any life there you think. You guys are too funny, you care nada for living children as immigration opposition demonstrates, or healthcare for children, or the child who dies ever few seconds in the world, but you get all emotional over cellular life. Why? because it is empty emotion of no real depth or thought.

Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

America was not founded on....

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

Diarrhoeal disease - UNICEF DATA

No. Everyone knows born children dying from poverty is wrong and awful.

But you just said pre-born children dying is like you taking a poop. THAT is the difference. IT's not. We know this. Because Progs have become the party of anti-science.
Seems contradictory to me.

Who said a zygote isn't "life"? The question is whether it's a person, with legal rights.

I am for a woman’s right to choose, but to call it anything but a woman’s right to choose to murder thier baby seems disingenuous.

Is it "murder" when you take a shit? You're flushing living organisms from your body, down the toilet, every time you do.
Shit isn’t living organisms.

There are, in fact, many living organisms in feces.

People on your side cannot tell human beings, made in the image of God, from bacteria they leave in the toilet.

Every day, multiple times a day, I ask Jesus to come back---today. It won't be long. Your degenerate friends are why. Can't tell their poop-bacteria from humans.

It will be soon. You're not ready, and neither are they. I'm sorry for it, but it appears I can't help it. It is what it is.
I am pro choice. The point is disingenuous to say it’s not life that is being killed from an abortion.
Yup, same here.

This is the kind of thing that happens when people get paralyzed by an ideology. They become afraid to admit the obvious.

An interesting position then. "I realize the human zygote and fetus is human life, but I believe the woman has the right to abort it because..."

At the very least, our barbaric nation (at least on the topic of abortion) should take a page from Europe and ban abortions after 12 weeks.

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