If a woman aborted my child, I would probably go ape shit. Why are the feelings of the father...

Nope. You made a statement, about the "man controlling the woman's body", and it's pretty obvious what major part of the equation you left out.

I mean, a child could figure it out.

It is ultimately the woman's choice because she is the one taking the risks and dealing with the pregnancy. I do think that if she was any kind of person, she would discuss it with the man first, but if she doesn't then she doesn't. Such is life. You, as a man, are also responsible for who you have sex with and for your actions. Don't have sex with those types of people, and you won't have to worry about it. Get to know the person before you have sex with the person.

I appreciate that you agree that the woman SHOULD respect the man's involvement and discuss it with him.
I agree with that too. So what?

The law should reflect what is right, it does not define what is right.

I know that you are too invested in the law, to see that.
Says you, because the law is not on your side. Those with the law on their side, argue the law. That's de who don't, pound the table.

So, you don't claim that the law is right, you just claim that it is on your side.

Such a stance is morally and ethnically indefensible.
I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

That is retarded. Lol.
But it is fair. Once a woman has proven herself unworthy to be a mother, she should be sterlized for the good of humanity.

Who is to say she is unworthy? You? Lol. Too funny. Anyhow, there are a myriad of circumstances as to why a woman might have an abortion.
Rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother are less than 2% of all abortions.

I met a woman who worked in a pro-life clinic that gave free sonograms. She told me this story:

A woman came in, saw that she was pregnant, and told her that she was having an abortion so she could fit into her wedding dress.

She came back months later and was pregnant again, but this time she had no wedding dress to fit into so she kept the baby.
Only one of them can get pregnant. That makes them very unequal partners. The last say he gets was taking off his underpants.
Which is why only one of them gets to make the utlimate decision regarding abortion.

While the other shares complete responsibility but no control.
Which is why I started by saying men should take greater care in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with that. That's when they have control. If they want to give it up, knowing they will be responsible, that's on them.

So, you're not denying the imbalance between control and responsibility, you just don't mind it being unfair.

Well, I do.
I never denied there's an inequality. That inequality, however, is inherent since women get pregnant and men don't. If men could get pregnant, then they would have the option of abortion..

If men could get pregnant there would be 100 more forms of birth control and drive through abortions on demand. All free.
As Jesus would say, let those without sin cast the first stone. ;)

If that is aimed at me, I was not being judgmental about the slutty women. Just saying.

I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

Its obvious you have never lost a child.
No, I haven't, thank God.

But if I had, I would understand more completely what it would be like to have my child aborted.

I know I would never completely heal from the experience.
I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

That is retarded. Lol.
But it is fair. Once a woman has proven herself unworthy to be a mother, she should be sterlized for the good of humanity.

You are proving you are unfit to be a father.

Think about it. You really are.
I have three children, and I am quite fit to be their father. Thanks for your concern.
I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

That is retarded. Lol.
But it is fair. Once a woman has proven herself unworthy to be a mother, she should be sterlized for the good of humanity.

Who is to say she is unworthy? You? Lol. Too funny. Anyhow, there are a myriad of circumstances as to why a woman might have an abortion.
Rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother are less than 2% of all abortions.

I met a woman who worked in a pro-life clinic that gave free sonograms. She told me this story:

A woman came in, saw that she was pregnant, and told her that she was having an abortion so she could fit into her wedding dress.

She came back months later and was pregnant again, but this time she had no wedding dress to fit into so she kept the baby.

Maybe she can't afford a baby? Maybe there is no dad in the picture and she doesn't want her child to be a "thug," as you guys say will happen? Maybe she is a drug addict, an alcoholic or a person who is mentally unstable. Maybe she already has health or mental health issues?
I would support a law, I think, that any woman who gets an abortion must be sterilized afterwards so she cannot get pregnant again, and have the need for any further abortions.

Fair is fair.

That is retarded. Lol.
But it is fair. Once a woman has proven herself unworthy to be a mother, she should be sterlized for the good of humanity.

Who is to say she is unworthy? You? Lol. Too funny. Anyhow, there are a myriad of circumstances as to why a woman might have an abortion.
Rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother are less than 2% of all abortions.

I met a woman who worked in a pro-life clinic that gave free sonograms. She told me this story:

A woman came in, saw that she was pregnant, and told her that she was having an abortion so she could fit into her wedding dress.

She came back months later and was pregnant again, but this time she had no wedding dress to fit into so she kept the baby.

Well your anecdotes are just that, anecdotes. They don't hold much water in this discussion. And also that just bolsters my previous argument that men also have to be careful who they sleep with! If you go around sleeping with just anybody, then you might run into some pretty bad people!
As Jesus would say, let those without sin cast the first stone. ;)

If that is aimed at me, I was not being judgmental about the slutty women. Just saying.

You're another one who has never lost a child.

Calling women is, by definition, judgemental.

As usual, no mention of the male's role in the pregnancy - just his demands.

Me and chris wandered off topic for a moment. Try not to draw any cra cra conclusions.

Your assumptions about my past are not my concern.
Or maybe she is a teenager and doesn't feel ready for having a pregnancy, having a baby, raising a baby, or even giving a baby up for adoption. Maybe she feels the whole experience would be too traumatic for her?
Which is why only one of them gets to make the utlimate decision regarding abortion.

While the other shares complete responsibility but no control.
Which is why I started by saying men should take greater care in not getting a woman pregnant if they can't deal with that. That's when they have control. If they want to give it up, knowing they will be responsible, that's on them.

So, you're not denying the imbalance between control and responsibility, you just don't mind it being unfair.

Well, I do.
I never denied there's an inequality. That inequality, however, is inherent since women get pregnant and men don't. If men could get pregnant, then they would have the option of abortion..

If men could get pregnant there would be 100 more forms of birth control and drive through abortions on demand. All free.


Not all men are fucktarded baby killers and children's rights deniers like you.
The actual fact is that men get no choice, but I'm not complaining about that, I don't think we should.

When my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, we were both happy for it, even though we were really not prepared financially for supporting a baby.

We never thought to get an abortion, and thank God for that, because my daughter is a person and I can't imagine not having her in our lives.

The whole concept that we are allowed to erase people from existence angers me, and I don't understand anyone who feels differently.

Liberals say they are compassionate towards the poor, Muslims, illegals, minorities, but all they offer the unborn baby is a painful death at an abortion mill.
And let's not forget about instances where the man does NOT want to be a father and he insists that the woman have an abortion. I'm quite sure that happens frequently too.
And let's not forget about instances where the man does NOT want to be a father and he insists that the woman have an abortion. I'm quite sure that happens frequently too.

Far less so now. More in the past I am sure.
When you have a child with someone, you are tied to that person for pretty much the rest of your life, like it or not. That could be a reason for some women having an abortion too. That could be a reason why some men want a woman to have an abortion. Because the sex act meant nothing to either of them.
And let's not forget about instances where the man does NOT want to be a father and he insists that the woman have an abortion. I'm quite sure that happens frequently too.

Far less so now. More in the past I am sure.

Why do you say far less so now? With the rise of single motherhood, I would say probably more so now.
And let's not forget about instances where the man does NOT want to be a father and he insists that the woman have an abortion. I'm quite sure that happens frequently too.

Far less so now. More in the past I am sure.

Why do you say far less so now? With the rise of single motherhood, I would say probably more so now.

Because the woman has the legal recourse to force the man to support the child, whether he wants to or not.
Are you conceding the fact that fatherhood begins at conception?
I don't give a shit when fatherhood begins. All I am saying is that a father gets no say in whether his child is aborted or not. He has no burden, unlimited semen, and endless numbers of women ready to spread for a diamond ring. He has lost relatively nothing.

If we are really concerned about preserving life, shouldn't we try to prevent any unwanted pregnancies? Wouldn't banning all sex prevent abortions? Why should people have the right to fuck if they may end up abusing that right? Make sex a privilege, requiring registration, licensing, testing, and pre-intercourse insurance.

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