If banning rifles is a winner for democrats, why do they want to hide it from voters?

The liberal ideology and 'platform' is rife with deception because they would never get elected otherwise. The ignorance of the masses is appalling but it has always been & always will be... The electorate cares more about the pebble in the shoe than the nuance and feasibility of what they are promised. If you want more taxes for a nanny state / socialism... tell the masses that U deserve free college, healthcare, cell phones, internet, "nutrition" assistance, etc. etc. The response is a cacophony of raa, raa, Yes we want it... Yes we deserve it. You tell them the wonkish stuff about where the money comes from and how it is unsustainable like Trump is doing and only the Truth seekers *on both sides of the isle) will be buoyed to rise to the occasion & vote pragmatically in the real world & not the fantasy apparition conjured for them by the Bernie Sanders, and Warrens of the left.
Blah blah, rhetoric...This liberal loves his guns and wished he had artillery pieces and tanks to play with. The democrats, not all have orated a desire to ban some if not all weapons, how is this hiding an agenda if they aver in public and write it on websites and plank declarations?
The GOP is one of the worst leaders in the Nanny state because they claim they are against it yet when in power have and will never abolish it.

The GOP, in general, doesn't push for gun control as Dem Party members do. G.Bush was one of the notable exceptions, but he is a globalist so that made sense. Funny how globalists always want to disarm the populace.
Reagan did after leaving office.

Really? Care to share those links.
Remember the assault weapon ban in the 1990's AKA Brady Bill?
Pepperidge Farms remembers..

Yeah, I do.That was G Bush (who I specifically named) and bill clinton. Try and keep up.
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.
The Dem party has zero ability to ban any rifles or weapons.

Until they get their people in positions of power. Funny how that works.
Yet that is several years away, today other issues could be covered yet instead today the dead horse gets the beating..

Before their dreams can happen, they must first build the foundation. I am working to make sure it never gets poured.
They know stating their gun control intent is not (yet) a winning proposition. They are wise to tone that down.
Never fear, they will never (as long as it's allowed) stop their march to disarm America

Remember in November....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are the reasons to vote for Trump....... and Ginsburg and Breyer are two reasons to vote for Republican Senators in November....

Voting either Rep or Dem will have no change to the 2nd amendment. Not one iota. You are still trying to use fear. Well fear this, the more you lie like this and try to instill fear the more common sense people will rebel against your ideals since they are based strictly on fear and hate.

Oh? So that applies to SCOTUS appointments too....right?

The Court System is supposed to be Politically blind. It's supposed to only rule on the Constitutionality of the laws and only the constitutionality alone. It was never designed to make any laws at all. The problem we have is, what happens when we have a congress playing hard ball partisan games and NOT passing laws like they should or passing laws that are NOT constitutional. I have seen more than a few times that SCOTUS has refused to hear something. But they did actually hear it but refused to rule it. Instead, they did their refusal with a scathing of Congress for not doing their jobs. It shouldn't really matter which party a supreme court justice comes from if they are ruling with just the constitution in their ruling and not trying to make new laws.
All the Flags of State of Florida

Bonnie Blue Flag From 1810 to Early Confederate Days

The Declaration of Secession from 1861 to 1868

State Florida Flag sometimes nicknamed the Reconstruction Flag from 1868 to 1900. Some found it odd that it resembled a white flag with that back ground and it had to be changed.

Florida State Flag 1900 to 1985

Current Florida State Flag

Florida is doing just fine without the alternate history trying to be passed off as fact.
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.
The Dem party has zero ability to ban any rifles or weapons.

Until they get their people in positions of power. Funny how that works.
Yet that is several years away, today other issues could be covered yet instead today the dead horse gets the beating..

Before their dreams can happen, they must first build the foundation. I am working to make sure it never gets poured.

From the sounds of things (If we go by the claims of the anti clintonites) there is big, big money in those foundations. I need to start mine today. Please remit funds to me so I can get started. It's your patriotic duty
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.

If we go by the majority of the population, some gun regulation is needed. In fact it's running pretty high that more gun regulation is needed. But it runs even higher that we should have the right to own sane fire arms. The Feds can really only rule on Insane Weapons. Not common sense weapons. The Feds just don't have the right to rule on the lower forms of fire arms. But the States, Counties, Common Wealths and Municipalities do have that right. But even they can't take away the right of sane home defense firearms in the home. This is where we stand today on the various federal court rulings. I don't see any change coming even with one more republican supreme court judge being appointed since the 2nd and the 14th amendment pretty well covers it already.
Because raving loonies like the OP will conflate 'assault rifles' with 'rifles'.

Hey look, he's already done it. Woo hoo.
Because raving loonies like the OP will conflate 'assault rifles' with 'rifles'.

Hey look, he's already done it. Woo hoo.

And your point is?

What I want is for leftards to put themselves out in front to confiscate weapons that they believe I shouldn't be able to possess under their "new and improved" version of the 2nd amendment. My bet is that they would fold like a cheap chair.
Leftards talk a better game than they could ever hope to play....even when they put up fake events like Sandy Hoax.
Because raving loonies like the OP will conflate 'assault rifles' with 'rifles'.

Hey look, he's already done it. Woo hoo.

And your point is?

What I want is for leftards to put themselves out in front to confiscate weapons that they believe I shouldn't be able to possess under their "new and improved" version of the 2nd amendment. My bet is that they would fold like a cheap chair.
Leftards talk a better game than they could ever hope to play....even when they put up fake events like Sandy Hoax.

The first step to any two way conversation is to not insult the other person with petty insults. Now, reread your response and see if you accomplished that mission. Now, see if anyone else should bother responding in a decent manner to you. I know I don't feel the undying need.
Because raving loonies like the OP will conflate 'assault rifles' with 'rifles'.

Hey look, he's already done it. Woo hoo.

And your point is?

What I want is for leftards to put themselves out in front to confiscate weapons that they believe I shouldn't be able to possess under their "new and improved" version of the 2nd amendment. My bet is that they would fold like a cheap chair.
Leftards talk a better game than they could ever hope to play....even when they put up fake events like Sandy Hoax.

The first step to any two way conversation is to not insult the other person with petty insults. Now, reread your response and see if you accomplished that mission. Now, see if anyone else should bother responding in a decent manner to you. I know I don't feel the undying need.

Are you a leftard? If the shoe fits, lace them fuckers up and wear them with pride. The intention of my post wasn't to engage in a conversation about the 2nd amendment....it was a statement of fact from MY position and a counter-response was not asked for. Are we clear on this? Was I too subtle?
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.

If we go by the majority of the population, some gun regulation is needed. In fact it's running pretty high that more gun regulation is needed. But it runs even higher that we should have the right to own sane fire arms. The Feds can really only rule on Insane Weapons. Not common sense weapons. The Feds just don't have the right to rule on the lower forms of fire arms. But the States, Counties, Common Wealths and Municipalities do have that right. But even they can't take away the right of sane home defense firearms in the home. This is where we stand today on the various federal court rulings. I don't see any change coming even with one more republican supreme court judge being appointed since the 2nd and the 14th amendment pretty well covers it already.

Why? Because a small minority of violent criminals commits all of these violent crimes so we have to punish the non violent criminals in the vain hope that it will rub off on the bad people? That's stupid.
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.
The Dem party has zero ability to ban any rifles or weapons.

Wrong...had hilary won and had control of congress they planned on getting rid of the Lawful Commerce in Arms act, which protects gun makers from frivolous gun law suits....then they planned on using the Department of Justice to sue gun makers into banning all sorts of guns..... Right now you have various cities and towns trying to ban semi automatic weapons....you know, guns.......
First off your fear is unfounded on just that, fear of the unknown..

It ain't a "fear". It's a fact that the dem Party wishes to ban anything that looks nasty to them. There is already a SCOTUS ruling on them though. So that will slow them down, but if you think that they don't desire the absolute disarmament of the People of the USA, then you are a fool.

If we go by the majority of the population, some gun regulation is needed. In fact it's running pretty high that more gun regulation is needed. But it runs even higher that we should have the right to own sane fire arms. The Feds can really only rule on Insane Weapons. Not common sense weapons. The Feds just don't have the right to rule on the lower forms of fire arms. But the States, Counties, Common Wealths and Municipalities do have that right. But even they can't take away the right of sane home defense firearms in the home. This is where we stand today on the various federal court rulings. I don't see any change coming even with one more republican supreme court judge being appointed since the 2nd and the 14th amendment pretty well covers it already.

We have all the gun laws we need to stop criminals..... we don't need any more.
Because raving loonies like the OP will conflate 'assault rifles' with 'rifles'.

Hey look, he's already done it. Woo hoo.

No...that is what morons like you do.... At the CNN town hall, you dumb ass, they called for banning all semi automatic weapons...... at the school walkouts and the anti gun rallies they did the same thing.....you dumb ass.
They know stating their gun control intent is not (yet) a winning proposition. They are wise to tone that down.
Never fear, they will never (as long as it's allowed) stop their march to disarm America

Remember in November....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment....

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are the reasons to vote for Trump....... and Ginsburg and Breyer are two reasons to vote for Republican Senators in November....

Voting either Rep or Dem will have no change to the 2nd amendment. Not one iota. You are still trying to use fear. Well fear this, the more you lie like this and try to instill fear the more common sense people will rebel against your ideals since they are based strictly on fear and hate.
Yeah protecting peoples' rights is hateful

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