If Biden Isn't Getting Charged With Having Illegal Documents Then Why Is Trump?

The left often changes when Trump and Biden are competent and when they're not around an awful lot. I noticed that it seems to depend on when it's convenient for them too. Hmmm....🤔
Well Hillary wasn't charged because Comey said (by implication) that she was so stupid/ignorant no reasonable court would prosecute her despite multiple lies to Congress, obstruction of an official investigation, destruction of evidence, etc. etc. etc.

Robert Hur said Biden’s practices “present serious risks to national security” but wouldn't charge him because he (by implication) was so old and senile so that a jury wouldn't find him guilty.

Trump, however, is automatically guilty and must be prosecuted because he could prevent Biden or maybe Hillary from being President.
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They definitely seem to be.

[How are they the same? What laws are you looking at which says that they are the same?
What did Biden AND Pence and Trump do the same which would lead to Biden AND Pence to be indicted for it?
Then why isn't he being charged? Oh and I take back what I said before, BS Filter has pointed out the inconstancy before. Either Trump's a genius or he's not and same with Biden. It's really all that simple no matter what the situation is.
[It is a matter of law, not of genius. The simple thing is that neither Pence nor Biden took the documents, or someone brought them and it got forgotten in their homes, and then when finding them refused to return them. They called NARA immediately.
Trump not only took all of those thousands of documents to Mar A Lago After ending his Presidency, but he chose them one by one and refused to return many of them after asked to do so.
I'm a Trump supporter and as I said before if this was the law for both of them I would be all for it, but it isn't.

You are attempting to rewrite the laws.

Pence did not do what Trump did.

Biden did not do what Trump did.

Trump made his choices.. Bad choices he did not have to make.
There are consequences for those choices and he is now experiencing the consequences which come with those choices.
Trump was not incompetent in regards to the documents. He chose the documents, had them packed and shipped to Mar A Lago. The incompetence was about how his administration was run, what he chose to do and what he achieved.

Biden is doing a great job with the economy, employment, infrastructure and many other things. Choosing to not see those accomplishments does not change the fact that they are being done successfully.

The inconsistency comes from one's choice of sources and the reality happening on a daily basis. The two will never meet.
My God man . Far out .... your a joke.
Trump was not incompetent in regards to the documents. He chose the documents, had them packed and shipped to Mar A Lago. The incompetence was about how his administration was run, what he chose to do and what he achieved.

Biden is doing a great job with the economy, employment, infrastructure and many other things. Choosing to not see those accomplishments does not change the fact that they are being done successfully.

The inconsistency comes from one's choice of sources and the reality happening on a daily basis. The two will never meet.
My God man . Far out .... your a joke.
Things happen. Should is a losing word.

Learn the laws surrounding all of these situations and then complain about it.

What may be true in some cases is not true in this one, as Pence and Biden did not take the documents on purpose with the intent of keeping them or showing them to anyone as Trump most definitely did.
Do you ever tell the truth.
Well Hillary wasn't charged because Comey said (by implication) that she was so stupid/ignorant no reasonable court would prosecute her despite multiple lies to Congress, obstruction of an official investigation, destruction of evidence, etc. etc. etc.

Sounds just like they're just making to get excuses to get their own way and I'm sure more conservatives on here know this but so far me and BS Filter were the only ones (or at least to my knowledge) who pointed this out.

What did Biden AND Pence and Trump do the same which would lead to Biden AND Pence to be indicted for it?

Trump not only took all of those thousands of documents to Mar A Lago After ending his Presidency, but he chose them one by one and refused to return many of them after asked to do so.

You are attempting to rewrite the laws.

Pence did not do what Trump did.

Biden did not do what Trump did.

Trump made his choices.. Bad choices he did not have to make.
There are consequences for those choices and he is now experiencing the consequences which come with those choices.

Did all those people take illegal documents? Yes or no?

Do you ever tell the truth.

Oh and I know that eagle1462010 made a thread about the charges should be dropped against Trump, but we also really have to look at the bigger picture of why so that's what this thread is actually about.
There's some big differences, obviously.

Trump's classified documents were declassified and stored in a $500 million facility guarded by the US Secret Service.

Robert L Peters stole classified material starting in the 70's, never had the authority to possess it outside of a SCIF, until recently, and stored it in 4 locations including facilities owned by China and his open garage behind a Corvette.

BUT the biggest difference - Briben is a drooling dumbfuck with the mental capacity of a crescent wrench... and Trump is a Republican.

unfit to stand trial.jpg
Sounds just like they're just making to get excuses to get their own way and I'm sure more conservatives on here know this but so far me and BS Filter were the only ones (or at least to my knowledge) who pointed this out.

Did all those people take illegal documents? Yes or no?

It is more evidence of a two-tiered justice system that is utilized to protect their own and that has been weaponized against anyone not sharing the neo-Marxist policies and intentions meaning weaponized against at the very least half of Americans.
So, for Hillary, it was:
"No reasonable prosecutor something something"
Fast-forward, now for Biden:
"No reasonable jury something something"

It's just.... I can't.

Sounds just like they're just making to get excuses to get their own way and I'm sure more conservatives on here know this but so far me and BS Filter were the only ones (or at least to my knowledge) who pointed this out.

Did all those people take illegal documents? Yes or no?

Biden AND Pence legally took a few documents to their homes for work while Vice President.

They legally requested those documents and went through the procedure to have them released so they could work on them.

Trump illegally took dozens of boxes full of documents on the day he was no more President of the USA.

Trump took all of those thousands of documents without going through the proper procedure to have them released and he did not have the authority on January 20th 2021 to take any documents out of the WH.

That is the difference and will always be the difference.
Pence hasn't been charged with taking classified documents.

Biden hasn't been charged with taking classified documents.

FPOTUS#45 hasn't been charged with taking classified documents.
As someone that worked with classified materials for 20 years I'd be fine with:
  • Charging Pence immediately.
  • Charging Biden once he's out of office through impeachment or at the end of his term.
  • Adding the charge to FPOTUS#45's current indictment charges in FL.
Biden AND Pence legally took a few documents to their homes for work while Vice President.

They legally requested those documents and went through the procedure to have them released so they could work on them.

Trump illegally took dozens of boxes full of documents on the day he was no more President of the USA.

Trump took all of those thousands of documents without going through the proper procedure to have them released and he did not have the authority on January 20th 2021 to take any documents out of the WH.

That is the difference and will always be the difference.
Apples and oranges comparison. I document as compared to thousands in Biden's cache.
Not to mention the Highly Secret Document removed fron a Senate SCIF. The theft of that singular document should be enough to earn Biden 10 to 20 years. Joey Xi was neither VP or president. Neither fish, nor fowl but skunk.
What was the nonetary value to Joe Xi Bai Dung to hold that documentation for so long?
So, for Hillary, it was:
"No reasonable prosecutor something something"
Fast-forward, now for Biden:
"No reasonable jury something something"

It's just.... I can't.

Yup. The arguments are too stupid/ignorant/clueless/old/forgetful/senile so they will be allowed to get away with violating and endangering national security but hey, they make or would make great presidents.

(I still say it must be something in the water that leftist Democrats drink that makes them believe arguments like that make sense.)
Apples and oranges comparison. I document as compared to thousands in Biden's cache.
Not to mention the Highly Secret Document removed fron a Senate SCIF. The theft of that singular document should be enough to earn Biden 10 to 20 years. Joey Xi was neither VP or president. Neither fish, nor fowl but skunk.
What was the nonetary value to Joe Xi Bai Dung to hold that documentation for so long?
It comes back to mens rea, aka criminal intent.

It’s possible the Afghanistan documents were never in the Virginia home at all, but were accidentally kept without Biden’s knowledge in Delaware since he was vice president,

In Trump's case, he obstructed requests to return documents, and lied about them being returned. By contrast, Biden cooperated with investigators.

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