IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
When you have the opposition actively searching for reasons to impeach him the entire time he is in office (please deny that happened....I dare you to show us what little integrity you have), then you have an opposition working against the will of those who got him elected. And spare me the majority bullshit....the constitution was written this way for a reason.
Every Congress is looking for reasons to impeach the president. It’s called oversight.

Trump gave them the opportunity to through his own actions. Do you accuse the cop for catching a speeder because he’s looking for someone breaking the law?
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.

Yes it is.

Ans for help, go fuck yourself.

You will feel it for years.

And Biden will never escape it.

I thought the GOP were assholes to Obama (who I didn't like).

You fuckers took it to a new low.

We'll keep that trend going.

And you can thank yourselves.
“I won”
“Elections have consequences”
There’s a long list of his reaching out quotes like these. So fuck off.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.
When you have the opposition actively searching for reasons to impeach him the entire time he is in office (please deny that happened....I dare you to show us what little integrity you have), then you have an opposition working against the will of those who got him elected. And spare me the majority bullshit....the constitution was written this way for a reason.
Every Congress is looking for reasons to impeach the president. It’s called oversight.

Trump gave them the opportunity to through his own actions. Do you accuse the cop for catching a speeder because he’s looking for someone breaking the law?

Yes, keep justifying it.

It's what you do.

No....they don't look for reasons to impeach him. The impeach him if he/she gives them a reason.

But....it just speaks to the point of this thread.

The impeachment charges were bullshit. There was no case.

And it only further polarized the country.

So , the question of the OP is answered in part by that kind of thing.

Enjoy....it's coming back to you.

Now, you can have the last word. I am tired of your sillyness.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.

Yes it is.

Ans for help, go fuck yourself.

You will feel it for years.

And Biden will never escape it.

I thought the GOP were assholes to Obama (who I didn't like).

You fuckers took it to a new low.

We'll keep that trend going.

And you can thank yourselves.
“I won”
“Elections have consequences”
There’s a long list of his reaching out quotes like these. So fuck off.

Dude...keep it in context.

The fuckers were the left.....

We (I am on your side) are going to harrass and challenge Biden at every turn.

And the left can thank themselves for it.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.

Slight would be to many.

You'll get to feel it now.

Try to govern with us constantly in your face and holding investigations.

Fuck you lefties.

It's going to be on for four years.
We are on the brink of another Civil War because of Biden and his butt pirate buddies stealing the election.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.

Slight would be to many.

You'll get to feel it now.

Try to govern with us constantly in your face and holding investigations.

Fuck you lefties.

It's going to be on for four years.
We already knew they were anti-american whack-jobs. Can you tell us anything new?
But given the rancid envornment you prickes helped create.....here we are.
Again, Trump was elected specifically to be an asshole to half the country.

And it’s the left that created this environment?
Trump was elected as a "populist" to bring back jobs that Obama/Biden said "weren't coming back".
Now Biden says he'll bring jobs back, as Hunter takes $billions from China.

Yes the left created this environment with the Russia Collusion hoax, the Mueller Investigation, the Flynn perjury trap, the falsified evidence, the illegal FISA warrants, the bullshit partisan impeachment, Nancy ripping up the SOTU, the 95% negative MSM coverage, the harassment of admin folks in restaurants and their homes, suppression polls, and on and on and on...

And we will make sure they don't fucking forget it.

I hate to say it, but my guess is Hunter Biden isn't happy with his dad winning.

We will destroy him in front of his father....as he needs to be destroyed.
I hope Barr appoints a special prosecutor next week.
We (I am on your side) are going to harrass and challenge Biden at every turn.
Which means you are admitting that all of your attacks are nothing BUT baseless harassments. You will be reminded often
But given the rancid envornment you prickes helped create.....here we are.
Again, Trump was elected specifically to be an asshole to half the country.

And it’s the left that created this environment?
Trump was elected as a "populist" to bring back jobs that Obama/Biden said "weren't coming back".
Now Biden says he'll bring jobs back, as Hunter takes $billions from China.

Yes the left created this environment with the Russia Collusion hoax, the Mueller Investigation, the Flynn perjury trap, the falsified evidence, the illegal FISA warrants, the bullshit partisan impeachment, Nancy ripping up the SOTU, the 95% negative MSM coverage, the harassment of admin folks in restaurants and their homes, suppression polls, and on and on and on...
If Trump had been a rational person, this never would have happened. The Mueller investigation was because of his incompetence and lying. Flynn was prosecuted for lying. The impeachment was because he refused to allow oversight and did what no prior president would have done.

Trump doesn’t deserve all the blame for how he was treated but he does deserve the overwhelming majority. There are consequences for actions and why his supporters think he should be immune from those consequences is beyond me.
1. The Mueller Investigation was about Russian interference, then slid into Russian Collusion, but did not look into FusionGPS and Hillary's connections to Russians. A partisan sham by any other name.
2. Flynn was setup for a perjury trap, Comey admitted it.
3. Impeachment for a "non-crime", partisan overreach and abuse of power.

Real Republicans will not be singing Kumbya any time soon.
The Mueller Investigation was about Russian interference, then slid into Russian Collusion, but did not look into FusionGPS and Hillary's connections to Russians. A partisan sham by any other name.

Mueller was not directed to look into FusionGPS or Clinton. There was no need for a special prosecutor to do so. The DoJ would be able to handle that just fine. The reason it wasn’t looked into was because it’s a non-story

Flynn was setup for a perjury trap, Comey admitted it.

Flynn lied. He admitted it. It wasn’t a perjury trap, Comey never said that. They asked him a question and he lied.

That’s illegal

Impeachment for a "non-crime", partisan overreach and abuse of power.

Nope. Impeachment is for high crimes. The House determined his abuse of office was a high crime. It’s 100% consistent with the intent of the founders.
But given the rancid envornment you prickes helped create.....here we are.
Again, Trump was elected specifically to be an asshole to half the country.

And it’s the left that created this environment?
Trump was elected as a "populist" to bring back jobs that Obama/Biden said "weren't coming back".
Now Biden says he'll bring jobs back, as Hunter takes $billions from China.

Yes the left created this environment with the Russia Collusion hoax, the Mueller Investigation, the Flynn perjury trap, the falsified evidence, the illegal FISA warrants, the bullshit partisan impeachment, Nancy ripping up the SOTU, the 95% negative MSM coverage, the harassment of admin folks in restaurants and their homes, suppression polls, and on and on and on...
If Trump had been a rational person, this never would have happened. The Mueller investigation was because of his incompetence and lying. Flynn was prosecuted for lying. The impeachment was because he refused to allow oversight and did what no prior president would have done.

Trump doesn’t deserve all the blame for how he was treated but he does deserve the overwhelming majority. There are consequences for actions and why his supporters think he should be immune from those consequences is beyond me.
1. The Mueller Investigation was about Russian interference, then slid into Russian Collusion, but did not look into FusionGPS and Hillary's connections to Russians. A partisan sham by any other name.
2. Flynn was setup for a perjury trap, Comey admitted it.
3. Impeachment for a "non-crime", partisan overreach and abuse of power.

Real Republicans will not be singing Kumbya any time soon.
LOL. The Durham Investigation was supposed to do that.

How'd that go?

Buehler? Buehler?
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.

Yes it is.

Ans for help, go fuck yourself.

You will feel it for years.

And Biden will never escape it.

I thought the GOP were assholes to Obama (who I didn't like).

You fuckers took it to a new low.

We'll keep that trend going.

And you can thank yourselves.
“I won”
“Elections have consequences”
There’s a long list of his reaching out quotes like these. So fuck off.

Dude...keep it in context.

The fuckers were the left.....

We (I am on your side) are going to harrass and challenge Biden at every turn.

And the left can thank themselves for it.
My fault. Thought I was replying to colfax.
I don’t think Biden’s term alone will bring the country together but I do think his term could be the start of it in some ways.

Really? Based on what? What exactly has Biden EVER said or done - or anyone from his inner circle, for that matter - that you imagine could represent common ground with Republicans/conservatives? How, precisely, do you expect "Biden's term alone" to be at all unifying?

I said that it could be the start, not that his term alone would be unifying. With the slim majority that the democrats have in the house and the slim majority that the republicans have in the senate his administration will have to compromise and govern in a more moderate way for anything to be accomplished in the next two years. If that happens then you could see some potential cooperation which could lead to more moderate voices being heard instead of the extremes on both sides. Of course for that to happen the far left minority within the Democratic Party will have to temper their demands and also the far right minority that will not want to give up their dedication to Trump will need to do the same or else both groups will become the pariahs of their parties and be replaced in two years by even more moderate voices that are tired of the extreme partisanship.

The reason why I say Biden's term could help lead to this is because he is much less divisive than Trump and so even if he isn't well liked he probably wouldn't be nearly as inflammatory and divisive as another four years of Trump would have been in my personal opinion. In the last four years Trump has rarely, if ever, talked about unity. Biden already did that and he hasn't even taken office yet. It's a start.
Biden, like Obama, will reach out to the GOP MOC in an attempt to get the work done.

He understands policy and history. That makes him better prepared than Trump could ever be.

Will McConnell play ball?
When a Democrat reaches out to Republicans, that means Republicans should do what the Democrat wants. That's not how it's supposed to work.
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.
That is so wrong. It depends on the left wing media.

Who has been spreading hate the last 4 years by labeling everyone who is white, republican, or a trump supporter as racist, misogynist? Not right wing media.

Who has twisted the narrative and context of everything the president has said, even though you can explain it to them time and time again and refute it? Not the right wing media.

Who has, for the last 4 years, said they need to harass and commit violence against Republicans in public places? Not the right wing party.

Who has spent the last 4 years investigating and trying to impeach the president, even before elected, for partisan reasons without any proof or evidence? Not the right wing party.

When it comes to the media, I can promise you, liberal media is the biggest offender of hate speech. I've heard some pretty bad things out of these left wing talk shows that you would never hear from a right wing talk show.
The Mueller Investigation was about Russian interference, then slid into Russian Collusion, but did not look into FusionGPS and Hillary's connections to Russians. A partisan sham by any other name.

Mueller was not directed to look into FusionGPS or Clinton. There was no need for a special prosecutor to do so. The DoJ would be able to handle that just fine. The reason it wasn’t looked into was because it’s a non-story

Flynn was setup for a perjury trap, Comey admitted it.

Flynn lied. He admitted it. It wasn’t a perjury trap, Comey never said that. They asked him a question and he lied.

That’s illegal

Impeachment for a "non-crime", partisan overreach and abuse of power.

Nope. Impeachment is for high crimes. The House determined his abuse of office was a high crime. It’s 100% consistent with the intent of the founders.
Lol, a liberal house that, before the president was elected, started talking about investigations and impeachment. That is not even remotely close to what the founders wanted.

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