IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.
That is so wrong. It depends on the left wing media.

Who has been spreading hate the last 4 years by labeling everyone who is white, republican, or a trump supporter as racist, misogynist? Not right wing media.

Who has twisted the narrative and context of everything the president has said, even though you can explain it to them time and time again and refute it? Not the right wing media.

Who has, for the last 4 years, said they need to harass and commit violence against Republicans in public places? Not the right wing party.

Who has spent the last 4 years investigating and trying to impeach the president, even before elected, for partisan reasons without any proof or evidence? Not the right wing party.

When it comes to the media, I can promise you, liberal media is the biggest offender of hate speech. I've heard some pretty bad things out of these left wing talk shows that you would never hear from a right wing talk show.
Of course that's what the right wing "media" tells you.
Did any of you left wing fucks pick up AOC's call for a "list".

I laughed. There would be 10 people keeping the list for every 90 on it.

When she gets ready to do something about it, well let her have her last words before we smack the horse on the ass and let her swing.
The Mueller Investigation was about Russian interference, then slid into Russian Collusion, but did not look into FusionGPS and Hillary's connections to Russians. A partisan sham by any other name.

Mueller was not directed to look into FusionGPS or Clinton. There was no need for a special prosecutor to do so. The DoJ would be able to handle that just fine. The reason it wasn’t looked into was because it’s a non-story

Flynn was setup for a perjury trap, Comey admitted it.

Flynn lied. He admitted it. It wasn’t a perjury trap, Comey never said that. They asked him a question and he lied.

That’s illegal

Impeachment for a "non-crime", partisan overreach and abuse of power.

Nope. Impeachment is for high crimes. The House determined his abuse of office was a high crime. It’s 100% consistent with the intent of the founders.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Goole it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. Clinton isn’t the FBI. What exactly is the investigation for if she never used it but someone whom she has no control of did?

2. All Flynn had to do was tell the truth. How could that be a setup?

3. The legal threshold for an impeachment is a majority vote in the House. There is no legal threshold that it be supported by Republicans. You’re making things up.
Biden will be just like that Obama piece of shit and further cause division in the US. We will be close to a Civil War as the filthy ass Democrats kiss foreign ass, alienate White working Americans, raise taxes and take away our Liberty.

China owns Biden. There goes millions of jobs.
What appointments have does Pelosi have anything to do with?
Meaning that to be confirmed the appointee needs to be a moderate, and any moderate would piss off Pelosi, the squad, and the Bernie wing of the party. So Biden is literally between a rock and a hard place.

Pelosi has nothing to do with the process ergo she is not relevant. Nor will the radicals in the party really care either - nominations are never really about how radical the nominee is. They are only about what political party the person nominating them belongs to. The left will pretty much accept anyone that Biden puts up.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. Clinton isn’t the FBI. What exactly is the investigation for if she never used it but someone whom she has no control of did?

2. All Flynn had to do was tell the truth. How could that be a setup?

3. The legal threshold for an impeachment is a majority vote in the House. There is no legal threshold that it be supported by Republicans. You’re making things up.
1. You're off track on this issue. My point is that the Mueller Hoax was to investigate Russian interference into the 2016 election, and that morphed into Russian collusion by Trump. No Trump collusion was found, but the investigation didn't even look into the obvious collusion by the Hillary campaign, and that the bogus dossier was illegally used by the FBI. Mueller was just another partisan hoax by radical democrat lawyers, nothing more.
2. I disagree with the FBI setting up perjury traps as their notes prove they did.
3. OK, if impeachment only needs a majority vote in the House, impeachment has no value, since the senate ignores it. It should be a crime serious enough to garner bi-partisan support or its just a waste of valuable legislative time. I'd rather have congress solving serious problems.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. Clinton isn’t the FBI. What exactly is the investigation for if she never used it but someone whom she has no control of did?

2. All Flynn had to do was tell the truth. How could that be a setup?

3. The legal threshold for an impeachment is a majority vote in the House. There is no legal threshold that it be supported by Republicans. You’re making things up.
1. You're off track on this issue. My point is that the Mueller Hoax was to investigate Russian interference into the 2016 election, and that morphed into Russian collusion by Trump. No Trump collusion was found, but the investigation didn't even look into the obvious collusion by the Hillary campaign, and that the bogus dossier was illegally used by the FBI. Mueller was just another partisan hoax by radical democrat lawyers, nothing more.
2. I disagree with the FBI setting up perjury traps as their notes prove they did.
3. OK, if impeachment only needs a majority vote in the House, impeachment has no value, since the senate ignores it. It should be a crime serious enough to garner bi-partisan support or its just a waste of valuable legislative time. I'd rather have congress solving serious problems.
1. Post a credible link to your assertion that Mueller was to investigate Russian interference.

2. One, as my credible link showed, it wasn’t a perjury trap. Two, whether you like it or not, it is not legal to lie to the FBI.

3. Impeachment has a value. It is one of the only ways to oversee the executive.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?

Fuck that. Nobody steals from me. NOW THE REAL RESISTANCE BEGINS.

Trump will prevail in court.

The filthy pedophile fascist Biden will never be president. The forces of evil and hate, the fascist socialist democrat party, think they have won, but they have not. Trump will prevail. #StopTheSteal
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. Clinton isn’t the FBI. What exactly is the investigation for if she never used it but someone whom she has no control of did?

2. All Flynn had to do was tell the truth. How could that be a setup?

3. The legal threshold for an impeachment is a majority vote in the House. There is no legal threshold that it be supported by Republicans. You’re making things up.
1. You're off track on this issue. My point is that the Mueller Hoax was to investigate Russian interference into the 2016 election, and that morphed into Russian collusion by Trump. No Trump collusion was found, but the investigation didn't even look into the obvious collusion by the Hillary campaign, and that the bogus dossier was illegally used by the FBI. Mueller was just another partisan hoax by radical democrat lawyers, nothing more.
2. I disagree with the FBI setting up perjury traps as their notes prove they did.
3. OK, if impeachment only needs a majority vote in the House, impeachment has no value, since the senate ignores it. It should be a crime serious enough to garner bi-partisan support or its just a waste of valuable legislative time. I'd rather have congress solving serious problems.
1. Post a credible link to your assertion that Mueller was to investigate Russian interference.

2. One, as my credible link showed, it wasn’t a perjury trap. Two, whether you like it or not, it is not legal to lie to the FBI.

3. Impeachment has a value. It is one of the only ways to oversee the executive.
1. There are many links that prove my point, just google the Mueller Investigation

2. The FBI interview of Flynn was a perjury trap, plain and simple

3. Partisan impeachments are a waste of time. They need bi-partisan support to be effective, especially in the senate where 67 votes are needed.
1. The Hillary campaign used Russian disinformation to provide "dirt" on Trump, duh. Google it. (Trump was a non-story too)

She didn't use the dossier at all, silly. It was published on Jan 10, 2017.

And if you wanted this investigated for any reason, the Trump lead DoJ should have either mandated it as part of the Mueller investigation (they didn't) or done their own investigation because there was no need for a special prosecutor to be appointed for this matter. Although I do remember Trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton. At the end of the day, the only fault that this didn't happen rests solely with Trump and his appointees.

2. Google how Comey setup Flynn for a perjury trap, that is common knowledge. Flynn plead guilty but then retracted it.

"Google it" is nonsense. A perjury trap is different than what you think. Start here:

A perjury trap is when information is illegally obtained. There was nothing illegal about the FBI agents asking Flynn a question they already knew the answer to. In fact, this happens in investigations all the time with law enforcement as a means to determine a person's willingness to lie, something that increases suspicion of the person.

3. Democrats in the House abused their power, no Republicans voted for a non-crime impeachment.

Nope. The founders knew that laws did not apply in the traditional sense to presidents. The language used in the constitution is extremely deliberate and if you consider yourself an originalist, you know that impeachment stating "high crimes" indicates a crime that can be only committed by a high official. Use of the office of president to further personal political gain falls under that category.

4. Provide credible links proving your assertions, not just your "opinion".

Fair enough.
1. The FBI used the dossier to justify the illegal FBI spying on Trump

2. Comey bragged that he setup Flynn while the WH was disorganized. There was no other reason to send agents there, and the agents' notes prove it was a setup.

3. The fact that no Republican House members supported the impeachment proves that the legal phone call did not reach the threshold for impeachment, anymore than Biden's extortion video to protect Hunter's $83,000 a month scam. The Trump impeachment was a partisan smear, nothing more.
1. Clinton isn’t the FBI. What exactly is the investigation for if she never used it but someone whom she has no control of did?

2. All Flynn had to do was tell the truth. How could that be a setup?

3. The legal threshold for an impeachment is a majority vote in the House. There is no legal threshold that it be supported by Republicans. You’re making things up.
1. You're off track on this issue. My point is that the Mueller Hoax was to investigate Russian interference into the 2016 election, and that morphed into Russian collusion by Trump. No Trump collusion was found, but the investigation didn't even look into the obvious collusion by the Hillary campaign, and that the bogus dossier was illegally used by the FBI. Mueller was just another partisan hoax by radical democrat lawyers, nothing more.
2. I disagree with the FBI setting up perjury traps as their notes prove they did.
3. OK, if impeachment only needs a majority vote in the House, impeachment has no value, since the senate ignores it. It should be a crime serious enough to garner bi-partisan support or its just a waste of valuable legislative time. I'd rather have congress solving serious problems.
1. Post a credible link to your assertion that Mueller was to investigate Russian interference.

2. One, as my credible link showed, it wasn’t a perjury trap. Two, whether you like it or not, it is not legal to lie to the FBI.

3. Impeachment has a value. It is one of the only ways to oversee the executive.
1. There are many links that prove my point, just google the Mueller Investigation

2. The FBI interview of Flynn was a perjury trap, plain and simple

3. Partisan impeachments are a waste of time. They need bi-partisan support to be effective, especially in the senate where 67 votes are needed.
1. The link provided disproves your. Read the memo signed by Rosenstein. Paragraph b, line 1. Read it and tell me what you see. I’d explain it to you but I really think you need to read it yourself.

2. I’ve given you a credible link about what a perjury trap is. It shows that Flynn’s interview is not a perjury trap. Why ask for links if you’re going to ignore them?

3. Oversight is not a waste of time.
Biden, like Obama, will reach out to the GOP MOC in an attempt to get the work done.

He understands policy and history. That makes him better prepared than Trump could ever be.

Will McConnell play ball?
Biden will be in a corner watching child porn while Democrats continue to tell Republicans to eat shit.
But given the rancid envornment you prickes helped create.....here we are.
Again, Trump was elected specifically to be an asshole to half the country.

And it’s the left that created this environment?
Trump was elected as a "populist" to bring back jobs that Obama/Biden said "weren't coming back".
Now Biden says he'll bring jobs back, as Hunter takes $billions from China.

Yes the left created this environment with the Russia Collusion hoax, the Mueller Investigation, the Flynn perjury trap, the falsified evidence, the illegal FISA warrants, the bullshit partisan impeachment, Nancy ripping up the SOTU, the 95% negative MSM coverage, the harassment of admin folks in restaurants and their homes, suppression polls, and on and on and on...

And we will make sure they don't fucking forget it.

I hate to say it, but my guess is Hunter Biden isn't happy with his dad winning.

We will destroy him in front of his father....as he needs to be destroyed.
^^^ Absolutely. I don’t tolerate pedophiles. It’s going to be 4 years of reminding democrats and Hollywood of that every chance I get if this buffoon ends up in office.

Fuck the left and their fake virtue signaling #savethechildren BS
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
Your sequence of events is way off and your poll is outdated.

Now that Joe Biden is the next president whether the country pull together or not depends largely on the RWNJ media.

I have very slight hopes there.
What media would that be?

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