IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. Your lying eyes. "Republicans seized on the finding of flaws and omissions to further their case that the FBI and Justice Department have run amok out of political animus toward Trump."
IG Horowitz was a democrat, even he was shocked by what he found happened at the FBI & DOJ.

2. "The FBI agents who interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during the early days of the Russia investigation knew they might catch him lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and mused about getting him fired, according to newly unsealed documents in his criminal case."
The FBI interview of Flynn was not requested by Pence, it was requested by Comey to setup Flynn, before the WH was "organized". The Flynn interview was not "predicated", he was naive to accept the interview w/o a lawyer, it was an FBI setup.

“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces,” Pence told reporters. “I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appears to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully.”
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. Your lying eyes. "Republicans seized on the finding of flaws and omissions to further their case that the FBI and Justice Department have run amok out of political animus toward Trump."
IG Horowitz was a democrat, even he was shocked by what he found happened at the FBI & DOJ.

2. "The FBI agents who interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during the early days of the Russia investigation knew they might catch him lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and mused about getting him fired, according to newly unsealed documents in his criminal case."
The FBI interview of Flynn was not requested by Pence, it was requested by Comey to setup Flynn, before the WH was "organized". The Flynn interview was not "predicated", he was naive to accept the interview w/o a lawyer, it was an FBI setup.

“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces,” Pence told reporters. “I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appears to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully.”
1. Right. You're accusing Rosenstein of having so much hatred for Trump that he was appointing Mueller to investigate him. Sure. That makes a ton of sense.

2. The FBI is in charge of counterintelligence. There is sufficient predication to sit down with Flynn who had been lying to the government about his contacts with adversarial nations. This is so obvious it should not require further discussion.
Biden will be just like that Obama piece of shit and further cause division in the US. We will be close to a Civil War as the filthy ass Democrats kiss foreign ass, alienate White working Americans, raise taxes and take away our Liberty.

China owns Biden. There goes millions of jobs.

I'm already setting up all my computer memes to basically say, "What are you bitching about? You voted for this, you moron, so enjoy."
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. Your lying eyes. "Republicans seized on the finding of flaws and omissions to further their case that the FBI and Justice Department have run amok out of political animus toward Trump."
IG Horowitz was a democrat, even he was shocked by what he found happened at the FBI & DOJ.

2. "The FBI agents who interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during the early days of the Russia investigation knew they might catch him lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and mused about getting him fired, according to newly unsealed documents in his criminal case."
The FBI interview of Flynn was not requested by Pence, it was requested by Comey to setup Flynn, before the WH was "organized". The Flynn interview was not "predicated", he was naive to accept the interview w/o a lawyer, it was an FBI setup.

“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces,” Pence told reporters. “I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appears to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully.”
1. Right. You're accusing Rosenstein of having so much hatred for Trump that he was appointing Mueller to investigate him. Sure. That makes a ton of sense.

2. The FBI is in charge of counterintelligence. There is sufficient predication to sit down with Flynn who had been lying to the government about his contacts with adversarial nations. This is so obvious it should not require further discussion.
OK, last round:
1. Yes, Rosenstein had so much hatred he even suggested wearing a wire to 25th Trump's ass.
Appointing Mueller to get Trump makes way more than a ton of sense to impartial observers.

2. I never saw any evidence of Flynn lying before the FBI perjury trap setup. Please show evidence of a real crime by Flynn.
Worst case he lobbied for Turkey w/o registering, which is not a big deal in DC, happens all the time, except Biden wanted the Logan Act used.
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. Your lying eyes. "Republicans seized on the finding of flaws and omissions to further their case that the FBI and Justice Department have run amok out of political animus toward Trump."
IG Horowitz was a democrat, even he was shocked by what he found happened at the FBI & DOJ.

2. "The FBI agents who interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during the early days of the Russia investigation knew they might catch him lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and mused about getting him fired, according to newly unsealed documents in his criminal case."
The FBI interview of Flynn was not requested by Pence, it was requested by Comey to setup Flynn, before the WH was "organized". The Flynn interview was not "predicated", he was naive to accept the interview w/o a lawyer, it was an FBI setup.

“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces,” Pence told reporters. “I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appears to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully.”
1. Right. You're accusing Rosenstein of having so much hatred for Trump that he was appointing Mueller to investigate him. Sure. That makes a ton of sense.

2. The FBI is in charge of counterintelligence. There is sufficient predication to sit down with Flynn who had been lying to the government about his contacts with adversarial nations. This is so obvious it should not require further discussion.
OK, last round:
1. Yes, Rosenstein had so much hatred he even suggested wearing a wire to 25th Trump's ass.
Appointing Mueller to get Trump makes way more than a ton of sense to impartial observers.

2. I never saw any evidence of Flynn lying before the FBI perjury trap setup. Please show evidence of a real crime by Flynn.
Worst case he lobbied for Turkey w/o registering, which is not a big deal in DC, happens all the time, except Biden wanted the Logan Act used.
1. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Doesn't mean he has hatred, but concern for his country. At the end of the day, if Trump wanted Clinton investigated for having the Steele Dossier, he could have. Nothing was standing in his way. It is not Mueller's fault that it wasn't part of his mandate.

2. Flynn lied to Pence.
It is time, past time really, to start compiling a list of communists active in the US. Bring back McCarthy hearings.

That was a pathetic time in our history when we abandoned any semblance of the idea of freedom whatsoever. You want to go back to that? The McCarthy hearings were something that would fit right in with Soviet Russia, not the USA and certainly counter to freedom in every possible meaning of the term.
The McCarthy hearings were certainly as American as they come. If we had them today we would be eliminating the communists active in government. Odd that you concern yourself with worrying about the Soviet Union when the Communists are already asking who supported Trump.
Odd that you think it is 'American' to persecute people for thought crime - just like the communists you despise.

I know, we should open gulags for those pesky political dissidents next.

It wouldn't be odd if you actually knew what you were talking about, rather than confidently spouting off on "everyone knows" talking points.
Uh huh. Tell us more.
It is time, past time really, to start compiling a list of communists active in the US. Bring back McCarthy hearings.

That was a pathetic time in our history when we abandoned any semblance of the idea of freedom whatsoever. You want to go back to that? The McCarthy hearings were something that would fit right in with Soviet Russia, not the USA and certainly counter to freedom in every possible meaning of the term.
The McCarthy hearings were certainly as American as they come. If we had them today we would be eliminating the communists active in government. Odd that you concern yourself with worrying about the Soviet Union when the Communists are already asking who supported Trump.
Odd that you think it is 'American' to persecute people for thought crime - just like the communists you despise.

I know, we should open gulags for those pesky political dissidents next.

It wouldn't be odd if you actually knew what you were talking about, rather than confidently spouting off on "everyone knows" talking points.
Uh huh. Tell us more.

Pay me for my time, and I'll provide you the education you were too lazy and self-satisfied to get for yourself prior to pompously commenting on it anyway, based on nothing more than your belief that you're so "morally superior" that you don't need facts.

Otherwise, you're connected to the Internet, and I suggest that you correct your "commenting from ignorance" problem yourself.
It is time, past time really, to start compiling a list of communists active in the US. Bring back McCarthy hearings.

That was a pathetic time in our history when we abandoned any semblance of the idea of freedom whatsoever. You want to go back to that? The McCarthy hearings were something that would fit right in with Soviet Russia, not the USA and certainly counter to freedom in every possible meaning of the term.
The McCarthy hearings were certainly as American as they come. If we had them today we would be eliminating the communists active in government. Odd that you concern yourself with worrying about the Soviet Union when the Communists are already asking who supported Trump.
Odd that you think it is 'American' to persecute people for thought crime - just like the communists you despise.

I know, we should open gulags for those pesky political dissidents next.

It wouldn't be odd if you actually knew what you were talking about, rather than confidently spouting off on "everyone knows" talking points.
Uh huh. Tell us more.

Pay me for my time, and I'll provide you the education you were too lazy and self-satisfied to get for yourself prior to pompously commenting on it anyway, based on nothing more than your belief that you're so "morally superior" that you don't need facts.

Otherwise, you're connected to the Internet, and I suggest that you correct your "commenting from ignorance" problem yourself.
Ohhhh, Here. Ill pay what your education is worth:

Not a real one to be sure. It is only worth a digital picture of one.
It is time, past time really, to start compiling a list of communists active in the US. Bring back McCarthy hearings.

That was a pathetic time in our history when we abandoned any semblance of the idea of freedom whatsoever. You want to go back to that? The McCarthy hearings were something that would fit right in with Soviet Russia, not the USA and certainly counter to freedom in every possible meaning of the term.
The McCarthy hearings were certainly as American as they come. If we had them today we would be eliminating the communists active in government. Odd that you concern yourself with worrying about the Soviet Union when the Communists are already asking who supported Trump.
Odd that you think it is 'American' to persecute people for thought crime - just like the communists you despise.

I know, we should open gulags for those pesky political dissidents next.

It wouldn't be odd if you actually knew what you were talking about, rather than confidently spouting off on "everyone knows" talking points.
Uh huh. Tell us more.

Pay me for my time, and I'll provide you the education you were too lazy and self-satisfied to get for yourself prior to pompously commenting on it anyway, based on nothing more than your belief that you're so "morally superior" that you don't need facts.

Otherwise, you're connected to the Internet, and I suggest that you correct your "commenting from ignorance" problem yourself.
Ohhhh, Here. Ill pay what your education is worth:

Not a real one to be sure. It is only worth a digital picture of one.

Thank you for confirming that leftists don't value knowledge. Not, you understand, that listening to you talk wasn't confirmation enough.
It is time, past time really, to start compiling a list of communists active in the US. Bring back McCarthy hearings.

That was a pathetic time in our history when we abandoned any semblance of the idea of freedom whatsoever. You want to go back to that? The McCarthy hearings were something that would fit right in with Soviet Russia, not the USA and certainly counter to freedom in every possible meaning of the term.
The McCarthy hearings were certainly as American as they come. If we had them today we would be eliminating the communists active in government. Odd that you concern yourself with worrying about the Soviet Union when the Communists are already asking who supported Trump.
Odd that you think it is 'American' to persecute people for thought crime - just like the communists you despise.

I know, we should open gulags for those pesky political dissidents next.

It wouldn't be odd if you actually knew what you were talking about, rather than confidently spouting off on "everyone knows" talking points.
Uh huh. Tell us more.

Pay me for my time, and I'll provide you the education you were too lazy and self-satisfied to get for yourself prior to pompously commenting on it anyway, based on nothing more than your belief that you're so "morally superior" that you don't need facts.

Otherwise, you're connected to the Internet, and I suggest that you correct your "commenting from ignorance" problem yourself.
Ohhhh, Here. Ill pay what your education is worth:

Not a real one to be sure. It is only worth a digital picture of one.

Thank you for confirming that leftists don't value knowledge. Not, you understand, that listening to you talk wasn't confirmation enough.
And yet, I am not a leftist.

That you only see you and everything else is leftist is your problem, not mine. It also speaks to why your 'education' is not worth a real penny.
Joe Biden just said that wearing a mask will help stop the spread of covid. Love that guy, what a thoughtful smart President he is going to be.
Explain how "smart" this was.
A) You aren't suppose to cough outside of your mask.
B) You aren't suppose to cough in your hand.
Seems pretty stupid to me!
Biden is Irish. being Irish means laughing at life, knowing that life will break your heart...Trump will break Biden's heart, my friends!
1. What was the purpose of the Mueller Investigation? Hint: to smear Trump, there was no collusion except by Clinton/DNC.
2. What was the purpose of interviewing Flynn? Hint: to smear Trump and take Flynn off the board.

There were no real national security or criminal issues based on legitimate evidence, no "crime" other than ticky-tack process crimes. Remember Biden even suggested prosecuting Flynn using the "Logan Act"?
These were political smears by Obama appointees and/or the deep state who plain hate Trump.
1. Rosenstein laid out the purpose of the Mueller investigation. It's a pretty weird accusation that Rostenstein, who was appointed by Trump, was out to get him.
2. Interviewing Flynn was to determine if and why the NSA was lying to the Vice President and whether he was being forthcoming about his communications with Russian officials. Surely you'd consider the national security advisor to be someone you'd expect to be honest about such communications?
1. Your lying eyes. "Republicans seized on the finding of flaws and omissions to further their case that the FBI and Justice Department have run amok out of political animus toward Trump."
IG Horowitz was a democrat, even he was shocked by what he found happened at the FBI & DOJ.

2. "The FBI agents who interviewed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn during the early days of the Russia investigation knew they might catch him lying about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and mused about getting him fired, according to newly unsealed documents in his criminal case."
The FBI interview of Flynn was not requested by Pence, it was requested by Comey to setup Flynn, before the WH was "organized". The Flynn interview was not "predicated", he was naive to accept the interview w/o a lawyer, it was an FBI setup.

“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces,” Pence told reporters. “I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appears to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully.”
1. Right. You're accusing Rosenstein of having so much hatred for Trump that he was appointing Mueller to investigate him. Sure. That makes a ton of sense.

2. The FBI is in charge of counterintelligence. There is sufficient predication to sit down with Flynn who had been lying to the government about his contacts with adversarial nations. This is so obvious it should not require further discussion.
OK, last round:
1. Yes, Rosenstein had so much hatred he even suggested wearing a wire to 25th Trump's ass.
Appointing Mueller to get Trump makes way more than a ton of sense to impartial observers.

2. I never saw any evidence of Flynn lying before the FBI perjury trap setup. Please show evidence of a real crime by Flynn.
Worst case he lobbied for Turkey w/o registering, which is not a big deal in DC, happens all the time, except Biden wanted the Logan Act used.
1. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Doesn't mean he has hatred, but concern for his country. At the end of the day, if Trump wanted Clinton investigated for having the Steele Dossier, he could have. Nothing was standing in his way. It is not Mueller's fault that it wasn't part of his mandate.

2. Flynn lied to Pence.
1. QED
2. Not a crime
There will be no end to the partisan warfare. It's possible it could die down some, just from Biden talking less than Trump. Despite the accusations of a rigged, stolen election, the cries of racism, the talk of being in China's pocket, the talk of kissing up to despots around the world, and all the other various accusations we are seeing now and have seen for years, I think it really boils down to this: too many of the American people not only accept the us-vs-them, right-vs-left two party system, they seem to revel in it.
And all we're asking is a little short 30-day peek at the election process via an audit. Is that too much to ask?
You’ll be entitled to whatever peek you’re entitled to by law.

But if y’all could stop fabricating conspiracies that’s be great. It’s clear that only one outcome will be accepted by a lot of Trump supporters and that’s bad for the country.

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