IF Biden wins, will the US come together, or continue the partisan warfare? (poll)

Do the democrats and Joe Biden deserve any more respect than they gave to Donald Trump?

  • No. They are partisan scum.

    Votes: 59 92.2%
  • Yes. (fill in the blank)__________________

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
There will be no great coming together. View attachment 412172
Why would I come together with liberals who are the antithesis of everything I believe.
This election proves America is bitterly divided between Urban and Rural Americans and there is no bridging that gulf.
Build walls around cities. Keep the Liberals in. They will all go extinct in 100 years due to abortion, sex changes and gay marriage
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes...
If you think we're rallying now you ain't seen nothing yet. If you see anybody from the Democrats in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Except that, generally speaking, right-wingers are more law-abiding and civilized than to behave that way.
And of course, by noticing that obvious truth you are deemed a racist. See how that works?
Ya know, I want to be magnanimous. I want to offer the olive branch...but really

Look what you people are saying
Biden claims mandate... and an end to partisanship...
Fuck you Biden!!!
This country couldn't be more divided and there is no mandate.
Again, the left do not want to end partisanship, they simply don't want the right to call them on anything. Its the equivalent of them saying "we have the ball now and we don't want you guys to mention anything we may do wrong"

Look, the statement "I'm going to be president for all americans" is a flat out lie, just like when trump said it. Curious, if you are going to be a president for all americans...does that mean you are going to ban public funding of abortion? Are you going to hold media outlets accountable to be fair to both sides? Are you going to avoid raising taxes, or stop public mandates on Healthcare? No??? Well, then you are not a president for everyone because to be a president for everyone, youd have to conceed things for the other side.

Truth is, he will ram all of his leftists agendas down everyone's throats whether they like them or not. That's not being a president for all Americans.

Honestly, I wish they would just tell the truth "I'm going to stick it up in you and break it off". At least THAT would be honest.
Every time the communists demand unity or respect they need to be met with even more opposition and disrespect. A wall, a tsunami of fury. Just cause they deserve it.
My hope is that we can move away from the extremes of both party's with out them we have a chance, may not happen we keep electing the same kinds of people (self serving) over & over for endless years & somehow expect different results
1. In 2016 Trump won, and became president.
2. The democrats and the MSM never accepted Trump's win.
3. The democrats did everything in their power, including an abuse of power to impeach Trump.
4. Maxine Waters and other democrats even went as far as to threaten Trump's people with harassment at restaurants and their homes.
5. Democrats never gave Trump the respect he earned, even to the point of Nancy tearing up her copy of the State of the Union speech.
6. Democrats started this partisan warfare, and they should reap what they sow.

Now Biden and the democrats, and probably even the RINOs want to play nice, can't we all get along?
We're one people, we are all US citizens, its just that some of us are more equal than others.

Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?

They are vile and evil.....they are killing this country with their petty cravings for power.........

We will enter a Great Depression, that will last decades if not more....because the democrats are evil and vile and will do anything to take that power....
What do you mean killing this country? In 2019 you claim America was doing great. You tell us when Democrats do something that makes it less great
Every time the communists demand unity or respect they need to be met with even more opposition and disrespect. A wall, a tsunami of fury. Just cause they deserve it.
I watched Obama reach a hand out to Republicans for eight years and have it smacked away.

There is no compromise with the Republicans we have now.

We need to be like parents with recalcitrant kids...

Fair but firm. NO you can not get what you want. You can not stay out all night. You can not kick your sister.

Now don't make me pull this car over
When does an embryo become human life?

When the mother says so.

If she wants it, "The Baby is due in September".

If she doesn't want it, "I have to take care of that thing on Tuesday".

Happy to clear that up for you.
What gives the mother the ability to determine when its a human? Does she have some scientific background that gives her that insight? Or is it just how she "feels"?

Thats not science. I mean, if that's your science, then someone else should be able to also determine when human life begins..like at conception.

Sounds kinda like the left wants to be able to have it both ways, maybe to shed guilt if they decide on abortion. "Ahh, it was just tissue, no big deal"

Tell you what, if its just "tissue" and not life, then I hope nobody on the left uses insurance to help keep that "thing" healthy. I mean, health insurance is for "people", not "things". My health insurance won't pay for a new TV for me, why should it pay for you have a "thing"?
When does an embryo become human life?

When the mother says so.

If she wants it, "The Baby is due in September".

If she doesn't want it, "I have to take care of that thing on Tuesday".

Happy to clear that up for you.
Thanks for proving my point. You believe the science when it fits your agenda. Otherwise, you don't accept science. Ignorant phoney.
Every time the communists demand unity or respect they need to be met with even more opposition and disrespect. A wall, a tsunami of fury. Just cause they deserve it.
I watched Obama reach a hand out to Republicans for eight years and have it smacked away.

There is no compromise with the Republicans we have now.

We need to be like parents with recalcitrant kids...

Fair but firm. NO you can not get what you want. You can not stay out all night. You can not kick your sister.

Now don't make me pull this car over
Bullshit. Obama told Republicans to sit in the back of the bus and elections have consequences.
Every time the communists demand unity or respect they need to be met with even more opposition and disrespect. A wall, a tsunami of fury. Just cause they deserve it.
I watched Obama reach a hand out to Republicans for eight years and have it smacked away.

There is no compromise with the Republicans we have now.

We need to be like parents with recalcitrant kids...

Fair but firm. NO you can not get what you want. You can not stay out all night. You can not kick your sister.

Now don't make me pull this car over
No you didn't, for years you had "ive got a pen and a phone and ill go around congress".

He didnt reach his hand out.
Every time the communists demand unity or respect they need to be met with even more opposition and disrespect. A wall, a tsunami of fury. Just cause they deserve it.
I watched Obama reach a hand out to Republicans for eight years and have it smacked away.

There is no compromise with the Republicans we have now.

We need to be like parents with recalcitrant kids...

Fair but firm. NO you can not get what you want. You can not stay out all night. You can not kick your sister.

Now don't make me pull this car over
Shitstain obama had a hand smacked away. It should have been spat upon. There is no compromise. No agreement. No respect. Nothing. Democrats are now communists and need to be treated as such.
1. If Trump's lawyers make any progress on legal issues, it matters, if they don't, its over.
2. If the courts throw the illegal votes out, they deserve to be thrown out (for not following the election laws)
I agree.

I recall a story about Trump battling a local group of Karens who took him to court for the main flag pole on one of his properties being too tall, it was in violation of the building code.

Trump asked them if he made the pole shorter to meet the requirements of the code would they drop the suit? They said they would, and so the papers were drawn up, signed, and made an official legally binding agreement.

So Trump took down the pole, had a HUGE mound built on the place, and put in the shorter pole, but the US flag ended up being like 20' higher than it was before.

THAT is how Trump trinks around these smooth brained ideologues and partisan hacks.

Observing that DHS has been involved in securing the ballots from forgery with hidden features of some kind, I think he has this covered.
Minor building code broken (no big deal) Trump makes a deal to fix it if suit is dropped, but does something entirely different, in fact rude big shot deal, I am better than you little ordinary people, an you applaud that?
When does an embryo become human life?

When the mother says so.

If she wants it, "The Baby is due in September".

If she doesn't want it, "I have to take care of that thing on Tuesday".

Happy to clear that up for you.
What gives the mother the ability to determine when its a human? Does she have some scientific background that gives her that insight? Or is it just how she "feels"?

Thats not science. I mean, if that's your science, then someone else should be able to also determine when human life begins..like at conception.

Sounds kinda like the left wants to be able to have it both ways, maybe to shed guilt if they decide on abortion. "Ahh, it was just tissue, no big deal"

Tell you what, if its just "tissue" and not life, then I hope nobody on the left uses insurance to help keep that "thing" healthy. I mean, health insurance is for "people", not "things". My health insurance won't pay for a new TV for me, why should it pay for you have a "thing"?
Be a little realistic. The more democrat abortions the fewer democrats.
Amazing to watch these lying jackals try to rewrite history. Dumb cocksuckers.
Should we bury the hatchet, or turn things up a partisan notch or two?
First you guys need to stop perpetuating false allegations of voter fraud. We need your help. Otherwise this is going to go badly.

Yes it is.

Ans for help, go fuck yourself.

You will feel it for years.

And Biden will never escape it.

I thought the GOP were assholes to Obama (who I didn't like).

You fuckers took it to a new low.

We'll keep that trend going.

And you can thank yourselves.
Biden, like Obama, will reach out to the GOP MOC in an attempt to get the work done.

He understands policy and history. That makes him better prepared than Trump could ever be.

Will McConnell play ball?

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