If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Many will accept Gays, many hope that their involvement will show them the folly of their ways"
That is just a boatload of bovine excrement. Again, did you study this issue? If so how did you draw your sample and what questions did you ask to come to your conclusion. You seem to be in the habit of presenting you opinions as fact and bassing your assertions on what you would like to believe or what you have deluded yourself into believing as opposed to reality
Many will accept Gays, many hope that their involvement will show them the folly of their ways"
That is just a boatload of bovine excrement. Again, did you study this issue? If so how did you draw your sample and what questions did you ask to come to your conclusion. You seem to be in the habit of presenting you opinions as fact and bassing your assertions on what you would like to believe or what you have deluded yourself into believing as opposed to reality

Nah, I've spoken to many "Christians", including Ministers and Pastors who agree with me. It's a fact that many of those that you think back you're way of life are simply trying to cure you by showing you the errors of your life's.
Then why do we see the constant attack on Christians by Gays and Gay right activists. I have yet to see an openly gay member of this board come to the defense of someone discussing these issues with someone that is religious.
You mean those gay people who take a stand against bigotry and discrimination.? Too bad

Yeah, those gays, who are a disservice to your side. Note the States that went Red after Obergfell?
True, but most do not agree that homosexuals are normal either.
Really? Did you take a survey? If you did, how did you define normal?

Having sex with members of your own gender as a lifestyle would certainly qualify as "not normal"
That does not even begin to answer the question. Thank for admitting that you just pulled that little tid-bit about what most Christians believe out of your pie hole.
True, but most do not agree that homosexuals are normal either.
Really? Did you take a survey? If you did, how did you define normal?

Having sex with members of your own gender as a lifestyle would certainly qualify as "not normal"
That does not even begin to answer the question. Thank for admitting that you just pulled that little tid-bit about what most Christians believe out of your pie hole.

I doubt that a good Christian would tell a gay dude what they really think about them. They are, at a minimum, well mannered
Many will accept Gays, many hope that their involvement will show them the folly of their ways"
That is just a boatload of bovine excrement. Again, did you study this issue? If so how did you draw your sample and what questions did you ask to come to your conclusion. You seem to be in the habit of presenting you opinions as fact and bassing your assertions on what you would like to believe or what you have deluded yourself into believing as opposed to reality

Nah, I've spoken to many "Christians", including Ministers and Pastors who agree with me. It's a fact that many of those that you think back you're way of life are simply trying to cure you by showing you the errors of your life's.
A truly impressive piece of research work
PP Who gives a shit when "gay marriage" via Obergefell was not arrived at legally? .

Prohibitions against same gender marriage were found to be unconstitutional just like prohibitions against mixed race marriages were.

The bigots hated both decisions by the Supreme Court- but both still stand.

You don't like either of them? Go work on that Constitutional Amendment to discriminate against Americans.
True, but most do not agree that homosexuals are normal either.
Really? Did you take a survey? If you did, how did you define normal?

Having sex with members of your own gender as a lifestyle would certainly qualify as "not normal"
That does not even begin to answer the question. Thank for admitting that you just pulled that little tid-bit about what most Christians believe out of your pie hole.

I doubt that a good Christian would tell a gay dude what they really think about them. They are, at a minimum, well mannered

Wow....so that means there are sure a lot of bad Christians here at USMB
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
Yep, Christianity is a faith and is forced on nobody.
Unlike religion

You've got it backwards, Christianity is a religion.

Faith can exist with or without religion.
Na, religion is man-made…
Christianity is a faith, a faith thru grace alone....

:rolleyes: Jesus needs to hurry up and get his ass back here because his followers are confused as hell.

Faith is belief in something for which there is an absence of proof, it doesn't require esoteric dogma, all sorts of convoluted rules and funny hats to exist.

.....and Christianity is "man-made" and it's a religion.
and it's been around a fking long time eh? how many times you think they've heard what you wrote?
Once again we see the same age old argument that being "gay" is a race.

No matter how much the far left thinks that will never make it true.

Fact is gays could always marry, not one far left drone troll can cite an example fo any "gays" that were imprisoned for being in an illegal marriage.
Then why do we see the constant attack on Christians by Gays and Gay right activists. I have yet to see an openly gay member of this board come to the defense of someone discussing these issues with someone that is religious.
You mean those gay people who take a stand against bigotry and discrimination.? Too bad

Yeah, those gays, who are a disservice to your side. Note the States that went Red after Obergfell?

Note the States that went switched from Blue after Loving v. Virginia....those blacks are sure a disservice to 'our side'.

True, but most do not agree that homosexuals are normal either.
Really? Did you take a survey? If you did, how did you define normal?

Having sex with members of your own gender as a lifestyle would certainly qualify as "not normal"
That does not even begin to answer the question. Thank for admitting that you just pulled that little tid-bit about what most Christians believe out of your pie hole.

I doubt that a good Christian would tell a gay dude what they really think about them. They are, at a minimum, well mannered

Wow....so that means there are sure a lot of bad Christians here at USMB

Could be
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?
This is just another thread based on the idiotic and divisive premise that it is the gays vs. Christians.

1. Not all Christians are bigots. In fact most are not

2. Many gay people are Christians

3.Many Christian denominations welcome gays and support gay rights, and will even marry them

4. Gay people do not have a problem with Christians. They have a problem with bigots

"2. Many gay people are Christians"

Maybe, but we don't know why. If it's a way to make themselves feel more accepted, then it is not for sincere reasons..

Do you really think you know why anyone is a Christian- other than yourself?

Why would you question that of a gay man any more than of anyone else?
True, but most do not agree that homosexuals are normal either.
Really? Did you take a survey? If you did, how did you define normal?

Having sex with members of your own gender as a lifestyle would certainly qualify as "not normal"

Who has sex as a lifestyle? The sex life of my wife and I really are not our 'lifestyle'- but maybe who you have sex with is your 'lifestyle'?

Gays do.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?
This is just another thread based on the idiotic and divisive premise that it is the gays vs. Christians.

1. Not all Christians are bigots. In fact most are not

2. Many gay people are Christians

3.Many Christian denominations welcome gays and support gay rights, and will even marry them

4. Gay people do not have a problem with Christians. They have a problem with bigots

"2. Many gay people are Christians"

Maybe, but we don't know why. If it's a way to make themselves feel more accepted, then it is not for sincere reasons..

Do you really think you know why anyone is a Christian- other than yourself?

Why would you question that of a gay man any more than of anyone else?

Who said I was a Christian?

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