If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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In the 1980's, I owned a video dating service. I strictly kept it as a HETEROSEXUAL dating service. No gays. Occasionally I would get calls from them wanting to use the service homosexually. I told them that was not allowed.

They sometimes said .> "That's discrimination". I replied "Yes it is" - and hung up.

I guess you knew then what will be made clear in the courts very soon: that homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle and not innate like race. Did you allow blacks and people from Palestine to use your service? Just curious.
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

Gays do what? And again this projection that you claim to know what 'gays' do- is like me saying I know what 'Christians' do.

You asked a question to which I answered.

You sure seem confused.

I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

To your second question, the implications of their life's are not that distantly different than those that practice the lifestyle actively.

Any more questions?
In the 1980's, I owned a video dating service. I strictly kept it as a HETEROSEXUAL dating service. No gays. Occasionally I would get calls from them wanting to use the service homosexually. I told them that was not allowed.

They sometimes said .> "That's discrimination". I replied "Yes it is" - and hung up.

I guess you knew then what will be made clear in the courts very soon: that homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle and not innate like race. Did you allow blacks and people from Palestine to use your service? Just curious.
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

Yet, when raised one, one might continue, or choose not to. We protect these children as they should have that right to choose.

I'm not sure I am aware of a single child raised by a gay mother and father that became gay because that is how they were raised to be gay. You?
Fact is gays could always marry, not one far left drone troll can cite an example fo any "gays" that were imprisoned for being in an illegal marriage.
That is fucking ridiculous! We not talking about jail. Gays could not legally get married and could not get the legal benefits of marriage recognized by the state. But you really knew that.
Id like to know where this discrimination exists. What you call discrimination, others call exercising their religious liberties. Christians don't hate gay people, they may not like the lifestyle, but nobody has ever proven that they hate the people themselves.

Why don't we stop trying to turn the situation into something it is not, and call it like it really is.
MY God! What alt-reality do you reside in? LGBT people do not have any legal protection in the areas of housing, employment or public accommodation in many states and at the Federal level.

The Trump shit hole administration is trying to get the rulings of three circuit courts - that ruled that LGBT is cover under the 1964 Civil rights act -overturned

There are many documented cases of discrimination in those areas. And, discrimination in the name of religion is still discrimination. It is discrimination perpetrated by holly roller bigots who think that God talks to then , and who presume to know what God wants. They may be in for a rude surprise on judgement day.

They use religion as a weapon to advance their hateful political agenda just like the segregationists did.

You might want to look at this:

Two meanings of religious freedom/liberty:1. Freedom of belief, speech, practice. 2. Freedom to restrict services, hate, denigrate, or oppress others.

1. The historical meaning of religious freedom:

This term relates to the personal freedom:
•Of religious belief,
•Of religious speech,
•Of religious assembly with fellow believers,
•Of religious proselytizing and recruitment, and
•To change one's religion from one faith group to another -- or to decide to have no religious affiliation -- or vice-versa.

The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.

. A rapidly emerging new meaning of religious freedom: the freedom to discriminate and denigrate:

In recent years, religious freedom is taking on a new meaning: the freedom and liberty of a believer apply their religious beliefs in order to hate, oppress, deny service to, denigrate, discriminate against, and/or reduce the human rights of minorities.

Now, the direction of the oppression has reversed. It is now the believer who is the oppressor -- typically fundamentalist and evangelical Christians and other religious conservatives. Others -- typically some women, as well as sexual, and other minorities -- are the targets. This new meaning is becoming increasingly common. It appears that this change is begin driven by a number of factors:

•The increasing public acceptance of women's use of birth control/contraceptives. This is a practice regarded as a personal decision by most faith groups, but is actively opposed by the Roman Catholic and a few other conservative faith groups.
•The increasing public acceptance of equal rights for sexual minorities including Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender persons and transsexuals -- the LGBT community (); and
•The increasing percentage of NOTAs in North America. These are individuals who are NOT Affiliated with an organized faith group. Some identify themselves as Agnostics, Atheists secularists, Humanists, free thinkers, etc. Others say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

One interesting feature of this "religious freedom to discriminate" is that it generally has people treating others as they would not wish to be treated themselves. It seems to be little noticed among those who practice or advocate "religious freedom to discriminate" that this way of treating people is a direct contradiction to the Golden Rule, which Jesus required all his followers to practice. See Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, and the Gospel of Thomas, 6.

Source: http://www.religioustolerance.org/relfree.htm
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Gays do what? And again this projection that you claim to know what 'gays' do- is like me saying I know what 'Christians' do.

You asked a question to which I answered.

You sure seem confused.

I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.
Gays do what? And again this projection that you claim to know what 'gays' do- is like me saying I know what 'Christians' do.

You asked a question to which I answered.

You sure seem confused.

I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

To your second question, the implications of their life's are not that distantly different than those that practice the lifestyle actively.

Any more questions?

Sure what are those 'implications'? Are you always so coy when it comes to explaining your prejudices?

Exactly how does one practice a lifestyle- actively?

Is that like active senior golf?


I do get that this is an example of practicing an active Jewish lifestyle

But like how does one lead an active Neo-Nazi lifestyle?


You are very good at telling us about the how and why people live an 'active lifestyle'- share with us.
You asked a question to which I answered.

You sure seem confused.

I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.
In the 1980's, I owned a video dating service. I strictly kept it as a HETEROSEXUAL dating service. No gays. Occasionally I would get calls from them wanting to use the service homosexually. I told them that was not allowed.

They sometimes said .> "That's discrimination". I replied "Yes it is" - and hung up.

I guess you knew then what will be made clear in the courts very soon: that homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle and not innate like race. Did you allow blacks and people from Palestine to use your service? Just curious.
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

I'm not sure I am aware of a single child raised by a gay mother and father that became gay because that is how they were raised to be gay. You?

Ah so you are saying that it can't be a lifestyle- if they were not raised to be 'something'- that it is a lifestyle if someone is raised to be a Catholic- and is a Catholic- but then those who convert to Catholicism- that is not a lifestyle?

I don't know of anyone who is raised by a straight mother and father who became retired seniors living in a senior only community- with an 'active senior lifestyle' because they were raised to be 'active seniors'.

Its almost like you are just pulling definitions out of a hat in order to justify your 'definition'.
You asked a question to which I answered.

You sure seem confused.

I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

To your second question, the implications of their life's are not that distantly different than those that practice the lifestyle actively.

Any more questions?

Sure what are those 'implications'? Are you always so coy when it comes to explaining your prejudices?

Exactly how does one practice a lifestyle- actively?

Is that like active senior golf?

View attachment 198071

I do get that this is an example of practicing an active Jewish lifestyle
View attachment 198072

But like how does one lead an active Neo-Nazi lifestyle?

View attachment 198073

You are very good at telling us about the how and why people live an 'active lifestyle'- share with us.

^^^^^^ All produced by Heterosexuality. Conversly ^^^^^^ none created by Homosexuality. Was that Coy?
I guess you knew then what will be made clear in the courts very soon: that homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle and not innate like race. Did you allow blacks and people from Palestine to use your service? Just curious.
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

I'm not sure I am aware of a single child raised by a gay mother and father that became gay because that is how they were raised to be gay. You?

Ah so you are saying that it can't be a lifestyle- if they were not raised to be 'something'- that it is a lifestyle if someone is raised to be a Catholic- and is a Catholic- but then those who convert to Catholicism- that is not a lifestyle?

I don't know of anyone who is raised by a straight mother and father who became retired seniors living in a senior only community- with an 'active senior lifestyle' because they were raised to be 'active seniors'.

Its almost like you are just pulling definitions out of a hat in order to justify your 'definition'.

^^^^^^ The pretzel twisting began
I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

I am a husband and a father- and no- I have no idea what the 'heterosexuality lifestyle is".

If 'heterosexuality lifestyle' is what you claim it is- then isn't it sad that Bob and Dolores Hope never got to experience that 'joy'


Actually they experienced less of that lifestyle than one of my gay best friends who has two biological children he raised.

So has my friend experienced half of a heterosexual lifestyle- but Bob Hope never did?
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

I'm not sure I am aware of a single child raised by a gay mother and father that became gay because that is how they were raised to be gay. You?

Ah so you are saying that it can't be a lifestyle- if they were not raised to be 'something'- that it is a lifestyle if someone is raised to be a Catholic- and is a Catholic- but then those who convert to Catholicism- that is not a lifestyle?

I don't know of anyone who is raised by a straight mother and father who became retired seniors living in a senior only community- with an 'active senior lifestyle' because they were raised to be 'active seniors'.

Its almost like you are just pulling definitions out of a hat in order to justify your 'definition'.

^^^^^^ The pretzel twisting began

LOL- just trying to untangle the pretzel of rationalizations you have made for your prejudices.
In the 1980's, I owned a video dating service. I strictly kept it as a HETEROSEXUAL dating service. No gays. Occasionally I would get calls from them wanting to use the service homosexually. I told them that was not allowed.

They sometimes said .> "That's discrimination". I replied "Yes it is" - and hung up.

I guess you knew then what will be made clear in the courts very soon: that homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle and not innate like race. Did you allow blacks and people from Palestine to use your service? Just curious.
Religion is a behavioral lifestyle.....and if homosexuality is a behavioral lifestyle, so is heterosexuality.

A Catholic family might be persecuted through many generations, a homosexual is quite different as homosexuality is not passed on from generation to generation (if you can prove homosexuality in the first place).

There is no genetic component to Catholicism.

Certainly religion is a lifestyle.

Being sexually attracted to the same gender, or the opposite gender- is not a lifestyle.

Yet, when raised one, one might continue, or choose not to. We protect these children as they should have that right to choose.

So we should be telling Catholics that they should raise their kids without trying to influence their 'right to choose'?

How about if the Catholics just raise them to believe that while they love being Catholics, that they will love their children even if they chose to be Jewish or Baptists?
It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

I am a husband and a father- and no- I have no idea what the 'heterosexuality lifestyle is".

If 'heterosexuality lifestyle' is what you claim it is- then isn't it sad that Bob and Dolores Hope never got to experience that 'joy'

View attachment 198076

Actually they experienced less of that lifestyle than one of my gay best friends who has two biological children he raised.

So has my friend experienced half of a heterosexual lifestyle- but Bob Hope never did?

I do feel sorry for the disabled, whether that disability is mental, physical or sexual.

You suppose that the Hope's would have loved to have at least one of those children been biologically theirs? I know many who have had to adopt due to fertility issues, and all of them, although they love their adopted children, wished they had had one on their own.

You will note that I never use those that have a disability in a political debate, unless that is to defend them.

And your friend. Did he/she have the children with their marriage partner?
I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.
Actually, yes they can claim as much. A lesbian can carry a child with the help of a sperm donor. A gay male couple can employ the services of a gestational surrogate-JUST LIKE MANY HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES DO. They then become parents. THAT is the purpose of being a family. Get over the horseshit about sexual orientation. It is about how you live your life and how you care for your children. You are not special just because you and a woman can produce a child on your own.

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