If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Sorry Dude, Science is THE ONLY WAY a same sex couple can have a child, and even then IT IS NOT THE GENETIC CHILD OF BOTH.

Science IS NOT REQUIRED IN THE VAST MAJORITY OF OPPOSITE SEX COUPLES, and sex within the couple will often result in a child in opposite sex couples EVEN WHEN THEY DON'T WANT IT TOO. This is NEVER TRUE in same sex coupling.

If you don't see that as a remarkable difference between the two, then nothing will.
Again So Fucking What? Spell it out . What is your position on how to tread same sex couples with children as a matter of public policy and law. Stop beating around the bush and give an honest answer.
Actually, yes they can claim as much. A lesbian can carry a child with the help of a sperm donor. A gay male couple can employ the services of a gestational surrogate-JUST LIKE MANY HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES DO. They then become parents. THAT is the purpose of being a family. Get over the horseshit about sexual orientation. It is about how you live your life and how you care for your children. You are not special just because you and a woman can produce a child on your own.

Lol, the Heterosexual will normally do so due to fertility issues. Same as Gays? Are you claiming that all gay couples can't procreate within themselves because of fertility issues?
No Bubba, I am not. I am saying that is that how a child is conceived makes no fucking difference. The only thing that matters is the fact that same sex couples have families and are parents. This is a real moronic and pointless conversation. Are you willing to say that children of gay people have less value than others? Are you willing to say that children of gay people should be punished for having gay parents and that they should be deprived of the social, legal and financial benefits of having married parents? Do you think that a family comprised of two adults of the same sex and their children should be marginalized and ostracized -causing emotional harm to those kids? Be honest and answer the questions.

I don't think I mentioned the child of gays are any less value. You made that up, but I really don't care. What I did say is that those children are made through male/female coupling. That is science my friend and that is undeniable.
And I said so what? Science is also all of the ways in which children can now be conceived and birthed. If you really don't think that those children of gays are less valuable as human being, then what the fuck is your point? Why are you blathering about this procreation crap?

And let the record show that you failed to answer the question of whether or not you think that the children of gay people should be punished in the ways that I described, by allowing discrimination against their families. It's apparent that you don't have the integrity to do so.
The only people who approve of the children of gay people being punished for their bad luck in being sold to gay parents are the people who want to continue to be able to sell gay people children.
That is moronic and psychotic ! Who exactly is selling children? Have you gone off of your meds again?
Children should never be punished for their parents. Why you would bring that up in the first place is outrageous and actually required no answer.

It does indeed require an answer because you are implying that same sex couples are inferior to opposite sex couples because they do not have children in the "usual way" In addition you are dodging the question of whether or not you support discrimination against gay couples. I strongly suspect that you do, and if that is the case, your do, in fact, support-or are at least indifferent- to the punishing effects on the children.
I think placing kids in the care of a gay couple is abuse.
Children should never be punished for their parents. Why you would bring that up in the first place is outrageous and actually required no answer.

It does indeed require an answer because you are implying that same sex couples are inferior to opposite sex couples because they do not have children in the "usual way" In addition you are dodging the question of whether or not you support discrimination against gay couples. I strongly suspect that you do, and if that is the case, your do, in fact, support-or are at least indifferent- to the punishing effects on the children.

Go ahead, try to put words in my mouth. It’s failing miserably
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Yes.....if you own private property, it belongs to you, and you should be able to do whatever you want with it, including a business that you own and operate. That is called freedom...
Just on a basic human level, why would any couple want a baker to bake their wedding cake if they knew the baker would find the action insulting and offensive? Wouldn't a normal couple, a couple with no ulterior agenda, want a baker who either approved of their union or at least did not care either way? I mean, if I walked into a print shop to have flyers for a seminar on the health risks of homosexuality printed and I realized that the printer was gay and would dislike printing the flyers, I would just thank him for his time and find a different printer.
I just wanted to be clear on what your answer met.

So you claim that 'gays' - which would mean every homosexual- are defined by a 'lifestyle of having sex with members of the' same gender?

Why would you assume such a thing?

It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.
It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Your Homosexuality did not create the child. It can't.

Only the coupling between one male and one woman can create a child. Even in the case of your child (AND THE BEST TO HIM OR HER. HOPE IT IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY), that is the case.
Just on a basic human level, why would any couple want a baker to bake their wedding cake if they knew the baker would find the action insulting and offensive? Wouldn't a normal couple, a couple with no ulterior agenda, want a baker who either approved of their union or at least did not care either way? I mean, if I walked into a print shop to have flyers for a seminar on the health risks of homosexuality printed and I realized that the printer was gay and would dislike printing the flyers, I would just thank him for his time and find a different printer.

As would most people.
Children should never be punished for their parents. Why you would bring that up in the first place is outrageous and actually required no answer.

It does indeed require an answer because you are implying that same sex couples are inferior to opposite sex couples because they do not have children in the "usual way" In addition you are dodging the question of whether or not you support discrimination against gay couples. I strongly suspect that you do, and if that is the case, your do, in fact, support-or are at least indifferent- to the punishing effects on the children.
I think placing kids in the care of a gay couple is abuse.
Ignorant, unsubstantiated, bigoted, bovine excrement.
Children should never be punished for their parents. Why you would bring that up in the first place is outrageous and actually required no answer.

It does indeed require an answer because you are implying that same sex couples are inferior to opposite sex couples because they do not have children in the "usual way" In addition you are dodging the question of whether or not you support discrimination against gay couples. I strongly suspect that you do, and if that is the case, your do, in fact, support-or are at least indifferent- to the punishing effects on the children.

Go ahead, try to put words in my mouth. It’s failing miserably
I asked you a question and you are to dishonest and to much of a coward to answer . End of story. I know what you are. Everyone observing knows what you are . My work is done here
Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Your Homosexuality did not create the child. It can't.

Only the coupling between one male and one woman can create a child. Even in the case of your child (AND THE BEST TO HIM OR HER. HOPE IT IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY), that is the case.
You are ridiculous and a bore. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so might effect the children. You are a pathetic coward for not clearly stating your beliefs.
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Children should never be punished for their parents. Why you would bring that up in the first place is outrageous and actually required no answer.

It does indeed require an answer because you are implying that same sex couples are inferior to opposite sex couples because they do not have children in the "usual way" In addition you are dodging the question of whether or not you support discrimination against gay couples. I strongly suspect that you do, and if that is the case, your do, in fact, support-or are at least indifferent- to the punishing effects on the children.

Go ahead, try to put words in my mouth. It’s failing miserably
I asked you a question and you are to dishonest and to much of a coward to answer . End of story. I know what you are. Everyone observing knows what you are . My work is done here

You = looking for a hater when there is none

Me = truth teller.
I think placing kids in the care of a gay couple is abuse.
Both I, and research, disagree.

Is it abuse to not raise children as Christians? Is it abuse to not raise children as Muslims?

That is not a good argument from any perspective. You may have good anti-gay arguments. The best interest of a child is not one of them.
I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Your Homosexuality did not create the child. It can't.

Only the coupling between one male and one woman can create a child. Even in the case of your child (AND THE BEST TO HIM OR HER. HOPE IT IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY), that is the case.
You are ridiculous and a bore. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so how that might effect the children. You are a pathetic coward for not clearly stating your beliefs.

Why it matters?

Because in one case it is a part of a couple that requires planning, caution and expense as every time the couple interacts it could result in pregnancy.

The other case, the above does not apply.

I would think an adult would understand this, but maybe not.
It is what defines them after all. Does this shock you?

Presuming- and yes- I admit this is a huge presumption on my part- you may be asexual- that you are heterosexual- and that you have had sex in your life- your lifestyle therefore is defined strictly by who you have sex with?

What about gays who are celibate? Those who have never had sex? Do they not have any lifestyle?

I don't mind at all being defined as Heterosexual. My Heterosexuality has purpose, both in the short term and implications far into the future, long after I die.

What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Only the one who carried the baby and the baby daddy created life.

The other one was just a bystander.

Unless they bought a baby from a *friend*..in which case they are all just child traffickers.

Which is probably the case.
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What is your heterosexuality lifestyle purpose?

Let us assume for a moment that you are sterile as an old mule- just for arguments sake- tell me all about how your lifestyle is defined by who you choose to have sex with- let alone who you are sexually attracted to.

You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Your Homosexuality did not create the child. It can't.

Only the coupling between one male and one woman can create a child. Even in the case of your child (AND THE BEST TO HIM OR HER. HOPE IT IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY), that is the case.
You are ridiculous and a bore. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so how that might effect the children. You are a pathetic coward for not clearly stating your beliefs.

Why it matters?

Because in one case it is a part of a couple that requires planning, caution and expense as every time the couple interacts it could result in pregnancy.

The other case, the above does not apply.

I would think an adult would understand this, but maybe not.
You are STILL avoiding the questions that I asked. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so how that might effect the children.

I might also point out that EVERY child brought into the world by a sane sex couple is a wanted child while not always the case with a hetero couple. Christ you are aggravating ! And a dishonest coward.
You don't know what a heterosexuality lifestyle purpose is? Why am I not surprised?

Anyway, the heterosexuality of my Wife and I created Life, and much of our lives have been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other. Can a Gay couple claim as much? Nope, that would be impossible. (I am ready for the pretzel twisting to begin). Then it is to mentor them through the raising of their children.

Am I sterile? I don't think so, but maybe, but no, I am not interested in you regardless.

Yes they can. My wife and I are a gay couple who, with a little help from a friend, created Life, and much of our lives has been spent providing for the offspring created by our interaction between each other.

Your Homosexuality did not create the child. It can't.

Only the coupling between one male and one woman can create a child. Even in the case of your child (AND THE BEST TO HIM OR HER. HOPE IT IS HAPPY AND HEALTHY), that is the case.
You are ridiculous and a bore. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so how that might effect the children. You are a pathetic coward for not clearly stating your beliefs.

Why it matters?

Because in one case it is a part of a couple that requires planning, caution and expense as every time the couple interacts it could result in pregnancy.

The other case, the above does not apply.

I would think an adult would understand this, but maybe not.
You are STILL avoiding the questions that I asked. You refuse to answer the questions of why it matters how a child is brought into the world, and whether or not gay parents of that child should be regarded differently and treated differently than other parents, and how doing so how that might effect the children.

I might also point out that EVERY child brought into the world by a sane sex couple is a wanted child while not always the case with a hetero couple. Christ you are aggravating ! And a dishonest coward.

No child should be judged by there parents. A CHILD HAS NO CONTROL OVER IT!

How many more times do you need that answered?

What a pest you are

And thanks for pointing out another difference between gay and hetro sex, the accidental creation of children.

Now, you tell me that both parents in a gay couple, having a child, through whatever method ALWAYS LOVE THE CHILD AND NEVER THINK THEY MADE A MISTAKE.

You really are not that stupid, or are you?
Why it matters?

Because in one case it is a part of a couple that requires planning, caution and expense as every time the couple interacts it could result in pregnancy.

The other case, the above does not apply.

I would think an adult would understand this, but maybe not.
There are straight couples who can never get pregnant, no matter what they do.

All I am saying is that the best interest of the child is a poor argument. Don't take this as an attack.

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