If Democratic Thugs Didn’t Kill Epstein, Leftists’ Worldview Certainly Did


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
If Democratic Thugs Didn’t Kill Epstein, Leftists’ Worldview Certainly Did

If Democratic Thugs Didn’t Kill Epstein, Leftists’ Worldview Certainly Did
August 11, 2019 ~ By Kevin McCullough
Attorney General Bill Barr has called for possibly multiple federal investigations into the death of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The circumstances surrounding the death of history’s (perhaps) most well known serial sex abuser of children wreak of a coordination and organized hit at worst, or just general stupidity and malfeasance at best. Since he was in the custody of the feds it is appropriate and just for the top federal law enforcement officer to get to the bottom of things. Hence it is likely the FBI is already investigating, and just in case the bureau might get “Strzoked,” he also formally empowered the Inspector General to open a parallel track inquiry. Despite what paranoid never-trump talk-radio voices seethed about this weekend, transparency and accountability in this (and in all criminal matters) are good. The nexus of established Democratic corruption within the bureau—that until the election of President Trump went undetected—alone is justification to sniff out any possibility that might exist to confirm (or deny) the involvement of high profile Democrats. These dragnets should necessarily also snag any celebrities, royals, or republicans that also might be exposed.
It’s the right thing to do. Having said that it’s also entirely possible to believe that the pedophile in question did mysteriously convince his handlers that he wasn’t a threat to himself and that he was properly processed when taken off “suicide watch” and returned to his “regular” incarceration. It’s possible that he took his own life, of his own volition. Yet even in that leftists still played a role. The idea that elites live by different rules than everyday people surprises no one. That they in fact can do so with some level of impunity makes regulars feel angry about the disparity, or apathetic and indifferent towards the idea of “justice for all.” I want the Attorney General to ferret out whether or not Democratic thugs put a hit on Epstein to attempt to shut him up. But the thinking that contributed to the polluted life and inglorious end of that person was certainly rooted in the very philosophy that a morality-free progressive left champions every single day. It harms us all to say otherwise.

As the FBI "investigators" run around with pencil and pad in hand and saying "We are very concerned" ,the "Elites" continue making sure that they have a steady supply of "New slaves" coming across the southern border. And like Epstein God help anything or anyone that even comes close to exposing them.
Epstein's high-profile Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat politicians/associates are 'breathing a sigh of relief' after death... ain’t no such thing as a coincidence.. True to form, PMS/DSA Democrats killed Epstein. You can tell by how Dems are trying to blame Trump for killing him. Do we really not know how these people operate yet? They are telling us that they killed him.
If the rich and powerful get this swept under the rug, as the Clinton's have for decades, it will be the end of justice in America. It will become obvious that it is now "Just Us" for them, the "Elites" and No Justice for us, the common people.
OP "I want the Attorney General to ferret out whether or not Democratic thugs put a hit on Epstein to attempt to shut him up."​

I think Attorney General Barr is wise to keep all options open to whatever the truth was, because I've heard conspiracy theories from the samo-samo Clinton retaliation theory-from-hell to even worse, "Trump did it to save his xxxxxxx marriage."

And I hope the Congress will unify for once and pass a law that states "If a prisoner is put on suicide watch, his cell is to be videotaped for patrol duty and personal attempts from the time it is issued until 12 months after the trial is over" or for 5 years total, whichever is most appropriate from a justice and caregiver vantage point. That's because suspicions have their bases in thought, that spreads like wildfire, where there isn't one. And they may call it the Epstein Law to resolve some of this well-thought reservations that become animus as in what happened in the case of the McMartin Day Care Facility which wrongfully imprisoned a man for 5 years and was resolved in a "Probably did not happen" outcome 10 years later in which the accuser committed suicide when her mind came up with information that was not corroborated by any way shape or form of evidence, placed on steroids by child psychologists' unwittingly placing false memories into numerous little heads, a few of which denied any wrongdoing by the McMartin family or their staff at trial, all of who gave professional care at all times to their precious little charges. I was hammered on another website back then for saying no real evidence was presented to implicate the facility in child abuse. Others in the press were calling for the entire staff to be shot. How stupid is that? The entire nation was deceived by a mentally-ill schizophreniac whose history was to defame and collect on trial day anyone prosperous enough to pay up.

I think Attorney General Barr is thinking the suicide may have been genuine, but wants to give the nation the peace of mind that it was the real deal. At any rate, he wants to know, because the Trump case sitting before him is rife with proof that Trump acted properly during his entire campaign before and after becoming the President.

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