If democrats aren't using the virus as a political weapon how come...

Worshipping phony aristocrats is even more shallow than worshipping real aristocrats.
yeah you stay with the not everyone wants wealth. yep. I'm laughing at you in case you didn't know it. let's take those poor folks off welfare then. they don't care, your words.

It is always about balance, how to explain balance to the unbalanced?

Not my problem.

Half a century of utterly bipartisan neo-liberal economic policy; societal wealth redistribution to the top.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018.
dude you're not worth any further discussion.

You've never discussed anything on here and you clearly cannot manage one here either, good move. Cheers.
I can't help your kind of stupid. The effort isn't worth trying to teach you. stay in your fantasy.

Oh, now you're not finished?
I just saw a little of a press conference from Gov DeSantis and had to turn off seems we haven't had hardly any test kits in Florida and some that were on the way are faulty and we should have yada, yada, yada this weekend. He did say sending to CDC does not have a quick turn around.
Here's what we know for sure. We got caught with our pants down, bipartisanly over time, we put all our eggs in the endless global for profit war basket, ostensibly for fweedumb and national / economic security.

So now we blame.
you got caught with your pants down? you should be ashamed.
Don did, Stormy told the world.
he did? you have evidence? you just admitted to having yours down. shame on you. you should watch your posts.

Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials
The slow pace of coronavirus testing has created a major gap in the U.S. public health response.
Exclusive: U.S. coronavirus testing threatened by shortage of critical lab materials

American exceptionalism on display.
what happened to the virus I asked for that wasn't a pandemic. where'd you go?
yeah you stay with the not everyone wants wealth. yep. I'm laughing at you in case you didn't know it. let's take those poor folks off welfare then. they don't care, your words.

It is always about balance, how to explain balance to the unbalanced?

Not my problem.

Half a century of utterly bipartisan neo-liberal economic policy; societal wealth redistribution to the top.

The Productivity–Pay Gap

Link takes the data out to 2018.
dude you're not worth any further discussion.

You've never discussed anything on here and you clearly cannot manage one here either, good move. Cheers.
I can't help your kind of stupid. The effort isn't worth trying to teach you. stay in your fantasy.

Oh, now you're not finished?
it's called a clarification for you. shit always teaching you. still waiting on the name of the virus that wasn't a pandemic.
and there's still these figures

Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
COVID-19: Approximately 121,564 cases worldwide; 1,050 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 11, 2020.

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

Anyone here of a pandemic against the flu this year. Can't make this up.
Joe Biden just spoke on every news channel. it looked like a pre-written speech from the teleprompter. I guess this is where we are supposed to pretend that Sleepy Joe is some kind of a leader or something.

Die Hunter just score the US Distribution rights for the Test Kits?
Doesn't matter, we can all say he did anyway. Don Jr is aghast that a deadbeat entitled trust fund baby like Hunter would grift and skate through life on his daddy's name.

The world should be aghast.
Why? Americans aren't. Grifting and corruption are as American as apple pie, baseball, genocide and violence.

Baseball has been passed up by Football some time ago.
Try to keep up.

That's not every virus, do you enjoy proving yourself wrong?
which one you need? I was pointing to flu.

Here is the H1N1
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
SARS, the First Pandemic of the 21st Century

maybe you should learn what a pandemic is.
That's stupid, this is not the flu.

It is the Flu -
A mild version of the flu.
And you want to know why, more than just sick 80 year old's would be dying. logic is the last thing in a leftist world.

Correct - Once they allow Logic to enter the picture - it's no longer Leftist World.
Not compatible
IS there any valid medical evidence to support what Trump said about the warmer weather helping end this maybe in April?
That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.
So stopping flights from Europe is unnecessary? Why did that guy crash the market then?
It was a reaction to the nonsense of the media. It can't hurt, but it was NOT necessary.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
We ARE testing. There is no need to test everyone.

Nobody said everyone needs to be tested. We started late, we had a shortage and people were denied testing.

Quarantined nurse raises alarms over being denied coronavirus test

There are specific patterns to the vector spread of these kinds of things. We are the best at determining them.

By under testing? It's imperative that we test hundreds of thousands if not millions.

There is no excuse for this --> Trump officials unsure how many people tested for coronavirus

We should be testing those who have a credible circumstance in which they came into contact with a person who is infected.

Testing needs to be effective, targeted and strategic.

People are contagious without showing symptoms, children for example. Testing should be opened up to understand patterns and hot spots.
There is nothing imperative about it.
That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.
Do you know what the Corvid-19 virus is?

Now, go look up the recommended ways of prevention.

You can apologize later.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.
So stopping flights from Europe is unnecessary? Why did that guy crash the market then?

He's more interested in protecting the president than anything else.
I'm interested in stopping the panic and the real harm that is being done to Americans.

Or have you not been watching the panicking that is going on out there?
Joe Biden just spoke on every news channel. it looked like a pre-written speech from the teleprompter. I guess this is where we are supposed to pretend that Sleepy Joe is some kind of a leader or something.

Die Hunter just score the US Distribution rights for the Test Kits?
Doesn't matter, we can all say he did anyway. Don Jr is aghast that a deadbeat entitled trust fund baby like Hunter would grift and skate through life on his daddy's name.

The world should be aghast.
Why? Americans aren't. Grifting and corruption are as American as apple pie, baseball, genocide and violence.

Baseball has been passed up by Football some time ago.
Try to keep up.

Hard to keep up because he's most likely not an American.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

Yep greatest nation in the world let's another nations get ahead of us on this. The admin new of this and took it as a fucking joke just like some of you. We'll see.
That’s because our leaders told us it was not a problem.
It isn't. Practice some hygiene on occasion and you'll be fine.

There you have it

Corona virus is just a left wing myth. Nothing a little hand washing won’t solve.
Do you know what the Corvid-19 virus is?

Now, go look up the recommended ways of prevention.

You can apologize later.

Trolls don't apologize.
And are feeling fine.......

And since they were tested they are quarantined and won't be spreading the virus. See how that works?
will recover as if they had the flu and won't die. hmmmmmmmm Wouldn't they do the same if it was called the flu? just wondering where your logic stops.
COVID19 has a higher mortality rate and can be spread when showing no symptoms which while great for Tom Hanks and his wife the could have spread it to others which could include more vulnerable people. The only reason they won't be spreading this virus is because they were tested. Testing is the solution and we were late, we are still late.
no it doesn't, you don't have all of the information to make such a statement.

Testing isn't helpful? It sure helped anyone who would come into contact with those now quarantined because they were tested.

Christ, even Trump isn't as dumb as you boobs.
You really aren't very bright.

So, we test someone and find they do not have the corvid-19. We set the free with a clean bill of health and before they leave the building, they get exposed to someone who DOES have the virus. But now, they are free to spread the virus they acquired AFTER being tested.

So, we test someone and find out that they have the virus.

How long have they had the virus? Does the test tell us that? It does not.

That means that they have to remember every person they were in contact with for the past two weeks. Those people have to be chased down, and the people they have been in contact for the past two weeks have to be chased down. Then THOSE people have to be chased down.....Do you see where this is leading?

This means that we will have to quarantine EVERYONE! Because EVERYONE will eventually be exposed to it.

Yet, here you are, whining about test kits when the very exact same thing can be accomplished by knowing the vector of increase.

Now, take the number of people vulnerable to this virus. That would be the population that is over 60. That would be roughly 70 million.

The rest of the population is likely to get at worst the flu, at best, a mild cold.

So, we need only concern ourselves with that 70 million people.

We know where the virus is in the US now, thanks to the Democrats and their political games of stopping any prudent measures being made.

In those hot spots, we need to isolate those who have the virus and their contacts for the past two weeks.

It is THOSE people who need to be tested. Not the whole country.

Now go wash you hands.
How would we know, we are short on tests...

That's really it. We don't know shit. We've been behind the 8 ball on this the entire time. In spite of what multiple health professionals have said we were told this will blow over, people are getting better and working (worst advice ever) and we (them) haven't even tried to figure out how big this is. This is what incompetence does and this incompetence has been carried forward on the shoulders of it's cult members. The latest was a vague, shaky and unconvincing speech to the nation that has only caused more chaos and confusion.

I'm so tired of the last 3 years and now, not a month ago, not a year ago but now is when life is going to become difficult to a scale most of us have never lived through. The virus is not Trump's fault, our response to it is.

What's on the horizon? When we get over this, after hundreds of thousands if not millions of us are infected with this virus we get to go back to our lives and continue to be unprepared for a larger crisis just around the corner. That is going to make whatever we go through in the next couple of months look like a vacation.

Beyond angry.
This administration responded to this virus BEFORE the Democrats even knew it existed.

The effective and prudent steps taken to prevent the virus from running rampant in this country was met with shouts of 'racism' by the Democrats and the frothing liberal majority.

We are not as ignorant of our condition as you'd portray, but what you are portraying is that YOUR questions are not being sufficiently met.

I don't care if you don't get your answers.

I do care that our healthcare system is able to meet this challenge and they cannot do that if people like you are inciting panic that will lead to rioting.

YOU are the problem, not Donald Trump.

We haven't tested enough people. We are testing about 5/6 people per million. South Korea is testing about 200k per million if not more by now.

Because we aren't testing we don't really know where the virus is spreading except for the most obvious of cases. But now we have a travel ban against the E.U. A little late, it's here and it's growing.

Our healthcare system at anytime has about 200k open beds across the country and a shortage of breathing machines and other equipment. We are not prepared for this.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response
We ARE testing. There is no need to test everyone.

Nobody said everyone needs to be tested. We started late, we had a shortage and people were denied testing.

Quarantined nurse raises alarms over being denied coronavirus test

There are specific patterns to the vector spread of these kinds of things. We are the best at determining them.

By under testing? It's imperative that we test hundreds of thousands if not millions.

There is no excuse for this --> Trump officials unsure how many people tested for coronavirus

We should be testing those who have a credible circumstance in which they came into contact with a person who is infected.

Testing needs to be effective, targeted and strategic.

People are contagious without showing symptoms, children for example. Testing should be opened up to understand patterns and hot spots.
we did? how do you know?
What I find amusing about this thread is that the acolytes of big government are screaming that big government isn't working!

None of this shit that needs to be done is required to have the President do something. They have full authority to act in cases involving threats to the nation's health.

If any of you think that the Democratic President would have done better, you are delusional.

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