If Dems won on the back of George Floyd, a corrupt academia, a bias complicit media / social media, illegal aliens and a scamdemic.

Yeah, it's not them I'm poking fun at.

Speaking of "zero self awareness".

You really are one miserable person.
Sorry bud, I only know one group of people who use the phrase "da troof"....they're the same people who use "finta go tooda club ta get mines"
Could they have won without any one of the aforementioned?
What will they need to concoct to win in 2024?

Did it ever entered your head that he was murdered by a racist cop?
He was convicted and sent to gaol for it yet here you are exposing your racism and blaming something else for that fact.

Your cause would be better served by letting the subject slide instead of continually regurgitating the same lies thinking it is furthering your cause.
You can't be that dumb to think it will be overturned or it was something else.
Dude, you have become so lost...it's comical....Your lack of self awareness and your total disconnect is mind-blowing.
Anybody even half sane, aware and honest knows for a fact that Dems couldn't have won without any one of the components / happenings noted in the OP.....They also know that this "ugliness" you really like to talk about and pin on Trump and Trumpsters is perpetuated, manifested and fostered by you Hate America / Change America globalist whackos.
You are certainly free to believe that, right along with trump's big lie. I just don't understand how you could be surprised when sane people laugh and point at you.

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