If Dems won on the back of George Floyd, a corrupt academia, a bias complicit media / social media, illegal aliens and a scamdemic.

We can be pretty sure of one thing: These people will never, ever look in the mirror and honestly wonder what they might be doing that stops decent people from voting for them. They will never see anything they do as negative or repellent. Decent people will always vote for them. Everything negative will always be the fault of the evil "other", and they will always point the finger elsewhere.

One of the primary dangers of tribalism across the spectrum. A cautionary tale for both ends.
The right has been cultivating tribalism for a long time. Remember all the accusations of "traitor" for anyone who didn't support Bush in everything he did?
Neither of you ignorant fools have the balls to address the core premise of the thread…face it, if you’re decent at all, you’re embarrassed to admit that George Floyd, illegal wetbacks and corruption won you the presidency, you can’t offer anything rational.
Ok. In direct response to the core premise of the thread, the things listed are nothing more than childish made up excuses for why trump lost so badly. People liked Biden and disliked trump a lot, and for a lot of reasons, and that was reflected in the vote count.
The right has been cultivating tribalism for a long time. Remember all the accusations of "traitor" for anyone who didn't support Bush in everything he did?
It has been bad, but it reached an all-new level with the advent of the alternate universe. I don't know how this gets fixed.
It has been bad, but it reached an all-new level with the advent of the alternate universe. I don't know how this gets fixed.
The "alternate universe"?
The one where chicks can have dicks, where white people are America's greatest threat and blacks are America's greatest asset, where America's sovereignty is despised by "Americans", where wealthy foreign invaders can get free healthcare when middle class Americans living week to week can't, where the First Amendment is hated, where too much patriotism is racist and xenophobic, where incompetent almost dead dudes win presidential elections because they're "nice".
Is that the "alternate universe" you speak of?
Neither of you ignorant fools have the balls to address the core premise of the thread…face it, if you’re decent at all, you’re embarrassed to admit that George Floyd, illegal wetbacks and corruption won you the presidency, you can’t offer anything rational.
Your premise is a fabrication based on the belief that the country couldn't honestly decide that your man wasn't who they wanted to run the country.
Your premise is a fabrication based on the belief that the country couldn't honestly decide that your man wasn't who they wanted to run the country.
At the very core of this: They just can't wrap their heads around the fact that a majority of the country doesn't blindly adore the orange buffoon like they do.

So someone must have cheated, because the whole world loves this flamboyant, hypersensitive, childish, grotesque, vulgar New York City billionaire like they do.

POSPOTIUS JoeXi, because of being a CIA puppet (not simply a Catholic puppet) will benefit from Chinese-Taliban drug traffic intensified through Gwadar Port. Was Floyd’s fentanyl also Chinese, as it is in Missouri?
Ok. In direct response to the core premise of the thread, the things listed are nothing more than childish made up excuses for why trump lost so badly. People liked Biden and disliked trump a lot, and for a lot of reasons, and that was reflected in the vote count.

Your premise is a fabrication based on the belief that the country couldn't honestly decide that your man wasn't who they wanted to run the country.

At the very core of this: They just can't wrap their heads around the fact that a majority of the country doesn't blindly adore the orange buffoon like they do.

So someone must have cheated, because the whole world loves this flamboyant, hypersensitive, childish, grotesque, vulgar New York City billionaire like they do.


So you assert that Biden would have won without a George Floyd incident, without a complicit media and academia, without a scamdemic, without voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour and without desperate anchor babies voting for free shit?
Before answering, keep in mind that what little credibility you have left is at stake here in your response.
So you assert that Biden would have won without a George Floyd incident, without a complicit media and academia, without a scamdemic, without voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour and without desperate anchor babies voting for free shit?
Before answering, keep in mind that what little credibility you have left is at stake here in your response.
No one knows the answer to your hypothetical. Would Hillary have won if FBI director Comey hadn't publicly announced a resumption of the investigation into her emails? If she had won Biden would probably not have run against her a second time.
So you assert that Biden would have won without a George Floyd incident, without a complicit media and academia, without a scamdemic, without voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour and without desperate anchor babies voting for free shit?
Before answering, keep in mind that what little credibility you have left is at stake here in your response.
You poor guy. This song was written for sad little trumpsters like you.
You poor guy. This song was written for sad little trumpsters like you.

Did you play that when beaners were in check and you were kicking ass on Trumps watch yet still screaming "IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER" and "RUSSIA"?
The Dems won by pointing at the last four years and asking, "is this really want you want America to be?"

That's about it. Then they ran a safe, boring, mediocre candidate who didn't turn too many people off.

Trumpsters, willfully ignorant about the perspectives, experiences and priorities of so much of the country, have no idea how many people don't want America to be the ugly place it had been.
The Dems won by pointing at the last four years and asking, "is this really want you want America to be?"

That's about it. Then they ran a safe, boring, mediocre candidate who didn't turn too many people off.

Trumpsters, willfully ignorant about the perspectives, experiences and priorities of so much of the country, have no idea how many people don't want America to be the ugly place it had been.

This is a YES or NO question. Try again

"So you assert that Biden would have won without a George Floyd incident, without a complicit media and academia, without a scamdemic, without voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour and without desperate anchor babies voting for free shit?"
This is a YES or NO question. Try again

"So you assert that Biden would have won without a George Floyd incident, without a complicit media and academia, without a scamdemic, without voting guidelines changed in the 11th hour and without desperate anchor babies voting for free shit?"

I just explained how they won, and why.

Your approval is not required.
Did you play that when beaners were in check and you were kicking ass on Trumps watch yet still screaming "IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER" and "RUSSIA"?
Things were pretty grim there for a while, but we learned that we can never allow complacency to let a fool like trump be elected again. You might not see the "HAIR ON FIRE" frenetic behavior like from the right, but you can be sure complacency won't be a problem for us in the future.
The Dems won by pointing at the last four years and asking, "is this really want you want America to be?"

That's about it. Then they ran a safe, boring, mediocre candidate who didn't turn too many people off.

Trumpsters, willfully ignorant about the perspectives, experiences and priorities of so much of the country, have no idea how many people don't want America to be the ugly place it had been.
Dude, you have become so lost...it's comical....Your lack of self awareness and your total disconnect is mind-blowing.
Anybody even half sane, aware and honest knows for a fact that Dems couldn't have won without any one of the components / happenings noted in the OP.....They also know that this "ugliness" you really like to talk about and pin on Trump and Trumpsters is perpetuated, manifested and fostered by you Hate America / Change America globalist whackos.
Dude, you have become so lost...it's comical....Your lack of self awareness and your total disconnect is mind-blowing.
Anybody even half sane, aware and honest knows for a fact that Dems couldn't have won without any one of the components / happenings noted in the OP.....They also know that this "ugliness" you really like to talk about and pin on Trump and Trumpsters is perpetuated, manifested and fostered by you Hate America / Change America globalist whackos.
Luckily we have you to keep us up to speed on da troof.
Now you're going to poke fun of black folks and their jungle talk....in the next thread you'll cry racist.
Zero self awareness.
Yeah, it's not them I'm poking fun at.

Speaking of "zero self awareness".

You really are one miserable person.

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