If freedom fails this time it's over.

Trump can be compared to Biden. Biden is a failure. Trump is a success. Biden however costs you taxpayers a lot. Trump did the job for free. And you hate him.
Yes your rapist in your story. Why try to link Trump to a criminal? And why did you bring him up?

Trump is only a success as a criminal. I guess you admire criminals with 4 indictments.
What did he succeed at?

No the actual rapist.

Thanks to your blob, his 10 year old victim has to carry the pregnancy to term. That's why.

But you guys seem to be all in favor or sexual assault--your candidate is a habitual sexual assaulter. I guess you get off on that sort of thing.
Trump succeeded as a building builder, a golf course builder, a TV personality, and as President. Biden really has not experienced success. Even now he is failed president.

Trump has no bearing on your pal the rapist.
Trump is only a success as a criminal. I guess you admire criminals with 4 indictments.
Convictions are vital. So far Trump is in an appeal of a civil court case where the liar won her case.
You can stop this lying at any time. This has been covered over and over. Rump is a criminal and there just isn't enough time to try and convict him for everything he's guilty of. But he still has to answer to 91 separate felony charges.
Iden is the criminal. Even you can't name a crime Trump has been convicted of. But you are not the only Democrat unable to name a crime he is convicted of.
He swindled hundreds of millions from the US. And he's swindled hundreds of millions of dollars from the poor for various reasons.

Rump IS a rapist.
Even to support your lies you are not able to show a case that backs up your lies. Iden is the rapist and so is his son.
What freedoms did YOU lose under Trump? Tell me.

I've lost freedom to enjoy my savings and investments via the inflation and idiot regulations harming the economy resulting from Clinton, Obama, and Biden.

All three of them, Clinton, Obama, and Biden are even greater at "tax evader, money launderer and all around cheat and swindler, to people who work for their money".

I lost brain cells listening to Trump every time he spoke and lied to the american people. He's a traitor and an indicted criminal. Say what you want about bill, obama and joe but they are neither of those things.
I now understand 1933 Germany...
I do not believe - and I pray God - that it will not get anywhere near that bad, here...
But the idea of "looking the other way" because "they" are desperate for what The Con-Man is promising them...
That's kinda-sorta what happened 90-some years ago on the other side of The Pond...
I don't think we're going that far down the rabbit hole, but I understand 1933 better now...
All-too-human a failing, after all... 😟
I think about that exact thing all the time.

That's why I always say, this is not about him. It never has been. It never is. It's not even about politics. It's about sociology.

This is about us, about human nature. I just thought -- assumed -- that we had learned from history and moved beyond it.

Oops. Wrong.
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Convictions are vital. So far Trump is in an appeal of a civil court case where the liar won her case.

Convictions are vital, I agree, because we need to set an example that you can't get away with committing treasonous crimes against your country simply because you're the president. But in the eyes of the public it shouldn't be vital, as long as they know the simple facts behind each indictment. It's clear as day that Trump instigated the riots in DC, it's clear as day that Trump stole, withheld top secret documents and lied about returning all of them, it's clear as day, that he tried to overturn the election results through georgia, etc. You'd have to be the biggest fool to look at all his indictments and say, yeah, he didn't do it :icon_rolleyes:
Have you noticed every charge against trump is falling apart even before the trial starts.
.........91 indictments falling apart
Ummm, good poster rebnc....I have not seen where they are "falling apart".
And I, for one, doubt you have command of the facts.
But I'm always receptive to credible and well-sourced new information.

So whatcha got on this "falling apart" allegation you are now claiming.
Thanx, in advance.


"Convictions are vital. So far Trump is in an appeal of a civil court case where the liar won her case."
As I understand it, from recent reporting......Yes, Don Trump has appealed the $5million dollar judgement the 9-member jury awarded EJean Carroll for defamation.
And Don Trump has paid into an official court-authorized fund about $5.5 million as sort of a surety bond while that appeal is underway.

However, I have seen no reportage where he has deposited a similar 'guarantee' (of $83+ million) for the second 9-member jury (a different jury) awarded EJean Carroll for defamation again (and punitive award too, so as he will quit defaming her).

Now, if you have credible vetted information that there is a bond or guarantee on the 80 million, well, now would be a good time to offer it to the forum.

"Even you can't name a crime Trump has been convicted of.."
Well, I certainly can't; however, he has been found liable (civil matter) for sexual assault and defamation. About $88 million in total.

But more ominously .... he is under criminal indictment in multiple jurisdictions for multiple crimes. 91 indictments. So, patience, Grasshopper,...... the cake is still baking on Trump's criminal convictions.

"I think about that exact thing all the time."
Mac is referencing another poster's observation about the perceived similarities between the zeitgeist surrounding MAGA and Don Trump in America today with the zeitgeist of Germany in the 1930's and the rise of Naziism and Adolf Hitler.

Well, in that view.....I would add: There was a recent documentary on PBS titled "Nazitown, USA" that offered a context of the phenomena right here in the USA.

  • Here's a taster on YouTube.
Ummm, good poster rebnc....I have not seen where they are "falling apart".
And I, for one, doubt you have command of the facts.
But I'm always receptive to credible and well-sourced new information.

So whatcha got on this "falling apart" allegation you are now claiming.
Thanx, in advance.


As I understand it, from recent reporting......Yes, Don Trump has appealed the $5million dollar judgement the 9-member jury awarded EJean Carroll for defamation.
And Don Trump has paid into an official court-authorized fund about $5.5 million as sort of a surety bond while that appeal is underway.

However, I have seen no reportage where he has deposited a similar 'guarantee' (of $83+ million) for the second 9-member jury (a different jury) awarded EJean Carroll for defamation again (and punitive award too, so as he will quit defaming her).

Now, if you have credible vetted information that there is a bond or guarantee on the 80 million, well, now would be a good time to offer it to the forum.

Well, I certainly can't; however, he has been found liable (civil matter) for sexual assault and defamation. About $88 million in total.

But more ominously .... he is under criminal indictment in multiple jurisdictions for multiple crimes. 91 indictments. So, patience, Grasshopper,...... the cake is still baking on Trump's criminal convictions.

Mac is referencing another poster's observation about the perceived similarities between the zeitgeist surrounding MAGA and Don Trump in America today with the zeitgeist of Germany in the 1930's and the rise of Naziism and Adolf Hitler.

Well, in that view.....I would add: There was a recent documentary on PBS titled "Nazitown, USA" that offered a context of the phenomena right here in the USA.

  • Here's a taster on YouTube.

I wonder how many Maga clowns, including those on this board would love to join one of these camps today.
Ummm, good poster rebnc....I have not seen where they are "falling apart".
And I, for one, doubt you have command of the facts.
But I'm always receptive to credible and well-sourced new information.

So whatcha got on this "falling apart" allegation you are now claiming.
Thanx, in advance.


As I understand it, from recent reporting......Yes, Don Trump has appealed the $5million dollar judgement the 9-member jury awarded EJean Carroll for defamation.
And Don Trump has paid into an official court-authorized fund about $5.5 million as sort of a surety bond while that appeal is underway.

However, I have seen no reportage where he has deposited a similar 'guarantee' (of $83+ million) for the second 9-member jury (a different jury) awarded EJean Carroll for defamation again (and punitive award too, so as he will quit defaming her).

Now, if you have credible vetted information that there is a bond or guarantee on the 80 million, well, now would be a good time to offer it to the forum.

Well, I certainly can't; however, he has been found liable (civil matter) for sexual assault and defamation. About $88 million in total.

But more ominously .... he is under criminal indictment in multiple jurisdictions for multiple crimes. 91 indictments. So, patience, Grasshopper,...... the cake is still baking on Trump's criminal convictions.

Mac is referencing another poster's observation about the perceived similarities between the zeitgeist surrounding MAGA and Don Trump in America today with the zeitgeist of Germany in the 1930's and the rise of Naziism and Adolf Hitler.

Well, in that view.....I would add: There was a recent documentary on PBS titled "Nazitown, USA" that offered a context of the phenomena right here in the USA.

  • Here's a taster on YouTube.

There was so much rapid economic progress in Germany that in the earlier days of FDR, America wanted to emulate the progress of Hitler's Germany.
America also had enclaves of communists whose aim was to do better with Communism in America than had Stalin done in the Soviet union.
Even today there are groups that work to try to extract the best of other nations and bring that to the USA. FDR patterned the new deal on the accomplishments of the Nazis.

When Ike aimed to bring to America such marvelous extensive highway systems, his model was Germany under Hitler who had worked on that same thing in Germany.

Take current China and it's progress at building new cities and also a magnificent railroad passenger system. We have Democrats today that tell us that is what they also want in America now.
He was impeached twice and now indicted, something no president has ever achieved. He is now forever immortalized in our history books.
Democrats have put enormous effort in bringing down the Government under Trump and putting all hopes of reviving that to a grave. See the tone of what was said by Krichton. What he wants you to think is Trump has been convicted already. But Trump has not been convicted of crimes against the state.
Tries by Democrats that failed do not matter now. Such as impeaching Trump. Notice they never speak that Clinton also was impeached yet is not assumed the enemy of America. Trump as president did many good things for America. And if reelected will keep doing wonderful things.
I wonder how many Maga clowns, including those on this board would love to join one of these camps today.
When I was a Democrat child I was able to also go to summer camps that were fine places for children to be during vacation time. Matter of fact some of my childhood best days were as a Boy Scout going to camps around northern CA. It was excellent experience for youth.
He was impeached twice and now indicted, something no president has ever achieved. He is now forever immortalized in our history books.
Bill Clinton was ahead of Trump in that situation.
Ummm, good poster rebnc....I have not seen where they are "falling apart".
And I, for one, doubt you have command of the facts.
But I'm always receptive to credible and well-sourced new information.

So whatcha got on this "falling apart" allegation you are now claiming.
Thanx, in advance.


As I understand it, from recent reporting......Yes, Don Trump has appealed the $5million dollar judgement the 9-member jury awarded EJean Carroll for defamation.
And Don Trump has paid into an official court-authorized fund about $5.5 million as sort of a surety bond while that appeal is underway.

However, I have seen no reportage where he has deposited a similar 'guarantee' (of $83+ million) for the second 9-member jury (a different jury) awarded EJean Carroll for defamation again (and punitive award too, so as he will quit defaming her).

Now, if you have credible vetted information that there is a bond or guarantee on the 80 million, well, now would be a good time to offer it to the forum.

Well, I certainly can't; however, he has been found liable (civil matter) for sexual assault and defamation. About $88 million in total.

But more ominously .... he is under criminal indictment in multiple jurisdictions for multiple crimes. 91 indictments. So, patience, Grasshopper,...... the cake is still baking on Trump's criminal convictions.

Mac is referencing another poster's observation about the perceived similarities between the zeitgeist surrounding MAGA and Don Trump in America today with the zeitgeist of Germany in the 1930's and the rise of Naziism and Adolf Hitler.

Well, in that view.....I would add: There was a recent documentary on PBS titled "Nazitown, USA" that offered a context of the phenomena right here in the USA.

  • Here's a taster on YouTube.

ChilaCoat is in agreement with me and I thank him.
Convictions are vital, I agree, because we need to set an example that you can't get away with committing treasonous crimes against your country simply because you're the president. But in the eyes of the public it shouldn't be vital, as long as they know the simple facts behind each indictment. It's clear as day that Trump instigated the riots in DC, it's clear as day that Trump stole, withheld top secret documents and lied about returning all of them, it's clear as day, that he tried to overturn the election results through georgia, etc. You'd have to be the biggest fool to look at all his indictments and say, yeah, he didn't do it :icon_rolleyes:
You seem upset at our legal system. It is not set up as first you are guilty and only after you prove not so, can you be judged innocent. Trump has the legal presumption ahead of findings by juries that he is totally clear of all charges.
You made claims. But those claims have not been proven in any court. And after a jury would declare his guilt, it only is strike one. Strike two is the appeals court and strike three the Supreme Court. We have to see what happens in all of the courts. So far Trump has not been found guilty in any court other than one brought against him as a private citizen from many decades ago. I feel that in the USA, due to how the law is currently made, she will not prevail. Reason, you do not prosecute for past crimes when they were not illegal. New York has skipped an important part of the constitution that is called Latches. Also if there was not at the time of a alleged crime, a law against it, you do not get to get a ruling of guilt by a state creating a law that was not in effect when the alleged crime happened.

Say there is no stop sign on your local corner. And 5 years from today a stop sign is erected. Even if a cop has a photo proof that 5 years ago you did not stop, you can't be cited since at that time it was legal for you not to stop.

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