If God doesn't exist...

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:eusa_liar: - really, it had nothing to do with innocents to begin with ?

christianity is evil as proven repeatedly over the course of history from the period of its canonization going forward - when the Almighty was abandoned ... what is there not to know about repentance than if it has never been utilized.

And no, you didn't answer the question.

certainly did, abandoning the book of lies is the proper solution for all the desert religions ....

So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?

metanoia: it means to change one's mind or ways.
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?


who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
You are just terrified that someone is going to criminalise your superstition, aren't you?
Not at all. I like to lead people to the logical conclusion of their argument like I did you.
Except you didn't. You keep claiming that i want to criminalise your religion, but I don't. Will I be happy when it abolishes itself? Yes. Yes I will. Do I feel any need to pass any authoritarian laws to criminalise a belief, however irrational, or idiotic? Nope.

You see that is the conclusion we keep coming to. You keep asking if I want to abolish it. I keep pointing out to you that it is going to abolish itself, so I don't need to.

You see, the religious freedom found in the First Amendment gives you the right to believe whatever you want to believe, without government interference. It does not, however, protect you from the scorn, mockery, and ridicule for that believe from others, such as myself.

In fact, the freedom of speech also found in the First Amendment gives me the right to mock, and ridicule to my beady little heart's desire.
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Except you didn't. You keep claiming that i want to criminalise your religion, but I don't. Will I be happy when it abolishes itself? Yes. Yes I will. Do I feel any need to pass any authoritarian laws to criminalise a belief, however irrational, or idiotic? Nope.

You see that is the conclusion we keep coming to. You keep asking if I want to abolish it. I keep pointing out to you that it is going to abolish itself, so I don't need to.

I wasn't talking to you about this just now. You had your chance to argue this point. Instead you amended your position from there is no baby in the bathwater to Christianity has done good. Unfortunately you were unable to provide any justification for the basis of your belief that it has done some good. In other words, you did an incomplete analysis which once again proved your lack of objectivity.
You see, the religious freedom found in the First Amendment gives you the right to believe whatever you want to believe, without government interference. It does not, however, protect you from the scorn, mockery, and ridicule for that believe from others, such as myself.

In fact, the freedom of speech also found in the First Amendment gives me the right to mock, and ridicule to my beady little heart's desire.

Absolutely correct. I am not arguing against that. I am arguing against your bullshit claim that you don't go out of your way to mock people who have religious beliefs. Of course you do. You literally chase them down and seek them out by trolling religious forums.

I answered your question, have you repented your crime or not ... seems you could care less about where your book of lies has led its followers or correctly it has been its followers that chose your book.


What crime have I committed again? Do you even know what repent means? And no, you didn't answer the question. I would think if you really believed that Christianity were so evil you wouldn't hesitate to ban it or even shout from the rooftops that it should be banned. Heck, you might even want to round them up and destroy them if you really believed they evil. Do you know why they stopped burning witches? Because they realized they weren't witches. If we really believed that there were evil beings whose intent was to do evil, destroying them would be the right thing to do, would it not?
Do you know why they stopped burning witches? Because they realized they weren't witches.

:eusa_liar: - really, it had nothing to do with innocents to begin with ?

christianity is evil as proven repeatedly over the course of history from the period of its canonization going forward - when the Almighty was abandoned ... what is there not to know about repentance than if it has never been utilized.

And no, you didn't answer the question.

certainly did, abandoning the book of lies is the proper solution for all the desert religions ....

So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?

metanoia: it means to change one's mind or ways.
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?


who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

What crime have I committed again? Do you even know what repent means? And no, you didn't answer the question. I would think if you really believed that Christianity were so evil you wouldn't hesitate to ban it or even shout from the rooftops that it should be banned. Heck, you might even want to round them up and destroy them if you really believed they evil. Do you know why they stopped burning witches? Because they realized they weren't witches. If we really believed that there were evil beings whose intent was to do evil, destroying them would be the right thing to do, would it not?
Do you know why they stopped burning witches? Because they realized they weren't witches.

:eusa_liar: - really, it had nothing to do with innocents to begin with ?

christianity is evil as proven repeatedly over the course of history from the period of its canonization going forward - when the Almighty was abandoned ... what is there not to know about repentance than if it has never been utilized.

And no, you didn't answer the question.

certainly did, abandoning the book of lies is the proper solution for all the desert religions ....

So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?

metanoia: it means to change one's mind or ways.
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?


who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.
Except you didn't. You keep claiming that i want to criminalise your religion, but I don't. Will I be happy when it abolishes itself? Yes. Yes I will. Do I feel any need to pass any authoritarian laws to criminalise a belief, however irrational, or idiotic? Nope.

You see that is the conclusion we keep coming to. You keep asking if I want to abolish it. I keep pointing out to you that it is going to abolish itself, so I don't need to.

I wasn't talking to you about this just now. You had your chance to argue this point. Instead you amended your position from there is no baby in the bathwater to Christianity has done good. Unfortunately you were unable to provide any justification for the basis of your belief that it has done some good. In other words, you did an incomplete analysis which once again proved your lack of objectivity.
Wow...you really do like to make shit up as you go, and ignore anything that doesn't fit into your own self-righteous narrative. I didn't amend my position. I never claimed that Christianity has never had any positive influences. You, on hte other hand, have yet to say what positive influences that you know it has had. When asked all you could do was cut and paste the thoughts of someone else from Wikipedia, leaving me to presume that you, yourself, know of no positive influences at all. I didn't just have a chance to argue this point. i made you look stupid arguing this point, as I continue to do. I understand that in your warped little brain, you think you're "winning", but you're not. You just keep repeating the same lame points that I keep throwing back in your face, because you don't really do a lot of thinking. You just parrot the thoughts of others.
:eusa_liar: - really, it had nothing to do with innocents to begin with ?

christianity is evil as proven repeatedly over the course of history from the period of its canonization going forward - when the Almighty was abandoned ... what is there not to know about repentance than if it has never been utilized.

And no, you didn't answer the question.

certainly did, abandoning the book of lies is the proper solution for all the desert religions ....

So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?

metanoia: it means to change one's mind or ways.
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?


who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

Except you didn't. You keep claiming that i want to criminalise your religion, but I don't. Will I be happy when it abolishes itself? Yes. Yes I will. Do I feel any need to pass any authoritarian laws to criminalise a belief, however irrational, or idiotic? Nope.

You see that is the conclusion we keep coming to. You keep asking if I want to abolish it. I keep pointing out to you that it is going to abolish itself, so I don't need to.

I wasn't talking to you about this just now. You had your chance to argue this point. Instead you amended your position from there is no baby in the bathwater to Christianity has done good. Unfortunately you were unable to provide any justification for the basis of your belief that it has done some good. In other words, you did an incomplete analysis which once again proved your lack of objectivity.
Wow...you really do like to make shit up as you go, and ignore anything that doesn't fit into your own self-righteous narrative. I didn't amend my position. I never claimed that Christianity has never had any positive influences. You, on hte other hand, have yet to say what positive influences that you know it has had. When asked all you could do was cut and paste the thoughts of someone else from Wikipedia, leaving me to presume that you, yourself, know of no positive influences at all. I didn't just have a chance to argue this point. i made you look stupid arguing this point, as I continue to do. I understand that in your warped little brain, you think you're "winning", but you're not. You just keep repeating the same lame points that I keep throwing back in your face, because you don't really do a lot of thinking. You just parrot the thoughts of others.
So you never said there was no baby, just dirty bathwater?
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?

metanoia: it means to change one's mind or ways.
So doesn't it make sense to do away with evil, Einstein? Or do you like having evil around? Maybe we should burn them, huh? Would you like that?


who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

who is doing the burning was established in the beginning, you frankly make little sense where morality and precepts are a matter of historical record or for a verifiable course for a life in the Everlasting.

unless of course you actually believe your book of lies rather than the verbal admission of its leading character -

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani . 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me'?


So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

do you ask questions because you are afraid to answer them yourself ... troll.

So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?
So can I count on you to try to abolish Christianity?


my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

do you ask questions because you are afraid to answer them yourself ... troll.

I don't reject Christ. I believe in One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I don't apologize for Christianity. I believe that by any objective measure that Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of man. I believe that you believe that Christianity is evil and would abolish it f you could. How's that? What else do you need to know?
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my answer has twice been given to you, obviously you are in denial christian that's a little less than repentance ... to bad for you.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

do you ask questions because you are afraid to answer them yourself ... troll.

I don't reject Christ. I believe in One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I don't apologize for Christianity. I believe that by any objective measure that Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of man. I believe that you believe that Christianity is evil and would abolish it f you could. How's that? What else do you need to know?
I don't reject Christ ... I believe that you believe

you haven't the liberty to do both ... the latter seems to be the real bing.

' Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani '

represents the spoken religion from antiquity and the final chapter for who spoke it.

try as you may your written text will someday vanish and with it your beliefs, if that is all you are.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

Yes. The logical conclusion of your beliefs are self evident.

no, the conclusions of my beliefs are not being discussed nor have a historical record it is the conclusion, illustration of your religion and your expression of misogyny that are the subject that is reprehensible and deplorable and existent in the present tense.

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

You believe that Christianity is evil, right?

do you ask questions because you are afraid to answer them yourself ... troll.

I don't reject Christ. I believe in One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I don't apologize for Christianity. I believe that by any objective measure that Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of man. I believe that you believe that Christianity is evil and would abolish it f you could. How's that? What else do you need to know?
I don't reject Christ ... I believe that you believe

you haven't the liberty to do both ... the latter seems to be the real bing.

' Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani '

represents the spoken religion from antiquity and the final chapter for who spoke it.

try as you may your written text will someday vanish and with it your beliefs, if that is all you are.

John 14:26, Romans 8:26, Acts 2:38, 1 Corinthians 6:19, John 14:15-17, Isaiah 11:2, Luke 11:13

2 Corinthians 3:17

Romans 15:13

Ezekiel 36:26-27

1 Corinthians 2:13

Ephesians 1:13

Romans 8:9

Romans 5:5

I have chosen the better portion, it will not be taken away from me.

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You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
And THEN... I learned a possible truth that explains everything in all our crazy god-fearing ways... and adds some science to the mixture.

The ancient rulers and teachers the Sumerians called the Anunnaki.

Those peeps can be an explanation of both human evolution AND creation, at the same time! And it actually makes a lot of sense...

Anunnaki = "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came"

The Anunnaki are the basis of practically every major religion on Earth. Yet ignored today.
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You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
It seems that in your analysis you forgot to look at the good things that were done by the Church and religion.
You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
It seems that in your analysis you forgot to look at the good things that were done by the Church and religion.
Like the Inquisition, the Crusades, shuttling pedophiles around... That type of thing?
You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
It seems that in your analysis you forgot to look at the good things that were done by the Church and religion.
Like the Inquisition, the Crusades, shuttling pedophiles around... That type of thing?
Sure, now what good has religion done?
You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
It seems that in your analysis you forgot to look at the good things that were done by the Church and religion.
Like the Inquisition, the Crusades, shuttling pedophiles around... That type of thing?
Sure, now what good has religion done?
Made people feel better by telling them fairy tales?
The rejection of science?
Making women second class citizens?
Anything else?
You left it at "I', so I'm wondering did you just continue on with the other imaginary figures they were promoting in your mind, or did you step back and think a bit...

I know at a young age it's hard to do, but I realized it even before I knew Santa wasn't real. I am Cuban and grew up in a Catholic household. But even as a young child it never made sense to me. It never settled into my mind as being a truth. And when I got older, I took the opportunity to study other religions (before the internet) and other ideas.

My conclusion was that as long as I'm a good person, and do things that are conducive to the betterment of society and the world, it REALLY doesn't matter what I believe. All that belief stuff is junk, used by snake-oil salesmen to make money and gain power.

Being a good person that cares about things should be good enough for the world.

Because when I got older, and really learned the truly horrific acts that were committed by religions and their followers, that totally blew away any possibility that one of their made-up Gods were true.

And then.... I learned about ancient civilizations (esp Sumer), and what they actually wrote. And how those ancient texts were completely changed over time to suit a religion that an upcoming ruler wanted. Thus the original texts by the Sumerians, where plagerized and changed to suit later polytheistic and monotheistic "religions". The great "evil" being monotheism and the Old Testament.
It seems that in your analysis you forgot to look at the good things that were done by the Church and religion.
Like the Inquisition, the Crusades, shuttling pedophiles around... That type of thing?
Sure, now what good has religion done?
Made people feel better by telling them fairy tales?
The rejection of science?
Making women second class citizens?
Anything else?
You lack of objectivity is showing.
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