If he had had a gun, he would be alive today, hero of mass shooting should have had a gun...

his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

OK. How do you stop criminals from getting guns?

This is a National Geographic Documentary on Ghost Guns.

Manufacturing the guns in the jungles, transported to the US, and sold by illegal arms dealers in California, to known criminals, who intend on using the guns for crimes.

.......you won't be able to stop all criminals from getting ''all'' the guns ''all'' the time/etc--but you can cut it down
very pro-gun St Louis population -- 320,000-- murders about-- 200- higher rate than Chicago
gun controlled NYCity population- 8,000,000 ----murders --292
gun controlled California LOWER murder rate than very pro-gun Missouri
St. Louis Murder Count Stands At 203 After Four Fatal Shootings - KTRS | St Louis News and Talk Radio | The Big 550 AM
Despite recent violence, Chicago is far from the U.S. ‘murder capital’

Last edited:
This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....
It was one of the worst scams courtesy of the left and Democrats. It was really a subliminial message saying: "Welcome to our place...feel free to walk and and shoot as many people as you can possibly can...and you may win a prize!"

his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.
It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

Banning one weapon when there are countless others that won't be banned and are identical in operation will do absolutely nothing to lower murder rates or the number of mass shootings
Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.
It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

Banning one weapon when there are countless others that won't be banned and are identical in operation will do absolutely nothing to lower murder rates or the number of mass shootings
Other guns are not "identical in operation." I have been through this argument multiple times. I have read article after article by gun lovers that say AR-type guns are best for rapid fire and ease of use.
Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.
It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

Banning one weapon when there are countless others that won't be banned and are identical in operation will do absolutely nothing to lower murder rates or the number of mass shootings
your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant
Where I live, it is doubly remote. Am I allowed to have some concern for fellow Americans, though, or can I only worry about myself?
It was one of the worst scams courtesy of the left and Democrats. It was really a subliminial message saying: "Welcome to our place...feel free to walk and and shoot as many people as you can possibly can...and you may win a prize!"

well, no, it's saying, "Probably not much we can do to stop committed mass murderers, given that the NRA seems hell bent on arming them, but we aren't going going to let average idiots get into shooting matches over who took the last donut."

It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

One more time, guy. We are already there. We have metal detectors, security guards, key cards, surveillance cameras, all because you guys have a gun fetish. the rest of us never agreed to this. this is certainly not what the Founding fathers envisioned. (They were talking about well-regulated militias, not this craziness).

Yet the premise of this thread is "Wouldn't it be cool if all the kids had guns and started shooting back!"
Well here's a unique thread.

Not only does the OP klown believe the way to fight a fire is to pour gasoline on it, here he is trying to whine that somebody put the fire out without gasoline. Oh woe is us, this is a threat to gun fetishism and blasphemy to Almighty Gun.

If the NRa gets to cuckish for some

Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington

if any patriot is not a member ya should fix that

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”
― Adolf Hitler

“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
― Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle
I see you cut the Documentary I posted. Why?

Because I don't waste my time on NRA propaganda...

Gun control works just fine if you commit to it. Other countries have proven that.

So National Geographic is NRA propaganda? Are they also doing NRA Propaganda when they do specials on Global Climate Change, and why is the NRA doing Climate Change propaganda through National Geographic? I just don’t get it. It makes about as much sense as putting a screen door on a submarine.
It was one of the worst scams courtesy of the left and Democrats. It was really a subliminial message saying: "Welcome to our place...feel free to walk and and shoot as many people as you can possibly can...and you may win a prize!"

well, no, it's saying, "Probably not much we can do to stop committed mass murderers, given that the NRA seems hell bent on arming them, but we aren't going going to let average idiots get into shooting matches over who took the last donut."

It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

One more time, guy. We are already there. We have metal detectors, security guards, key cards, surveillance cameras, all because you guys have a gun fetish. the rest of us never agreed to this. this is certainly not what the Founding fathers envisioned. (They were talking about well-regulated militias, not this craziness).

Yet the premise of this thread is "Wouldn't it be cool if all the kids had guns and started shooting back!"

What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?
What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?

Repealing gun-free zones and lifting the restrictions that keep good people from carrying guns for self-defense — that will make a huge difference. I believe that France has far more gun control than the U.S. They (France) also have
greater restrictions on semiautomatic “assault weapons,” which are falsely labeled as such by newspapers like USA Today.
if hitler hadn't of attacked Russia
if there had not been an attack on Pearl Harbor
if I had won the lottery
if humans were not human then maybe they wouldn't murder
if if if if if
What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?

Repealing gun-free zones and lifting the restrictions that keep good people from carrying guns for self-defense — that will make a huge difference. I believe that France has far more gun control than the U.S. They (France) also have
greater restrictions on semiautomatic “assault weapons,” which are falsely labeled as such by newspapers like USA Today.

I'm with you.

I just like asking the question to the snowflake liberals.
They never answer.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

OK. How do you stop criminals from getting guns?

This is a National Geographic Documentary on Ghost Guns.

Manufacturing the guns in the jungles, transported to the US, and sold by illegal arms dealers in California, to known criminals, who intend on using the guns for crimes.

.......you won't be able to stop all criminals from getting ''all'' the guns ''all'' the time/etc--but you can cut it down
very pro-gun St Louis population -- 320,000-- murders about-- 200- higher rate than Chicago
gun controlled NYCity population- 8,000,000 ----murders --292
gun controlled California LOWER murder rate than very pro-gun Missouri
St. Louis Murder Count Stands At 203 After Four Fatal Shootings - KTRS | St Louis News and Talk Radio | The Big 550 AM
Despite recent violence, Chicago is far from the U.S. ‘murder capital’


And you lie....you know the truth about St. Louis, yet you still post the lie.....

St. Louis has a high gun murder problem because of decades of democrat party control, where they have, as the reporter below states, a revolving door policy toward violent, repeat gun offenders...

It has nothing to do with normal, law abiding gun owners.........and you also now know that the murder rate is going up in New York now that democrat Mayor Deblasio has gotten rid of the policies lowered the murder rate implemented by Rudy Guiliani......

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

And New York.......returning to the old New York....the hell hole...

Murder rate rises 55 percent in New York City, NYPD statistics say

Murder rates in New York City are up 55 percent in 2019 compared to the same time frame in 2018, according to NYPD statistics.

The surge takes place as overall crime in New York City is down eight percent. The increase in murders is largely credited to a jump in violent crime in Northern Brooklyn. The ten precincts that comprise North Brooklyn have recorded 15 murders in the time frame this year, compared to just three last year -- a 400 percent increase.

The number of shootings that have not resulted in death are on the rise as well, with 22 people shot compared to 13 last year, a 69 percent jump.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.

Wrong......killers in gun free zones can kill until someone with a gun shows up.....that is the problem.
And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
The most radical ideas I have heard are banning assault rifles. You know exactly what they mean, so don't start playing games over it either.
Banning assault rifles is not banning all guns.
And banning one type of semiautomatic rifle will do absolutely nothing to lower the murder rate
It may lower the kill rate during mass shootings. Risk reduction. It's all it is.
It's not even that and your risk of being killed in a mass shooting are so low as to eb insignificant

The best way to stop a mass shooting is to not let people with guns into a building.

Banning one weapon when there are countless others that won't be banned and are identical in operation will do absolutely nothing to lower murder rates or the number of mass shootings
Other guns are not "identical in operation." I have been through this argument multiple times. I have read article after article by gun lovers that say AR-type guns are best for rapid fire and ease of use.

And yet the most popular gun for crime and mass public shootings are pistols.....you don't know what you are talking about.

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