If he had had a gun, he would be alive today, hero of mass shooting should have had a gun...

Only a person conditioned into subjugation would think liberty is medieval

IMHO, we've ben conditioned into subjugation by a police state since 9/11

They more we shoot each other up, the more they gain control

ergo, the illusion of liberty

we DO have guns EVERYWHERE--the most
and one of the highest murder rates in comparable countries

gun ownership:


And what do your charts show? Turkey, not even in the top 25 as far as gun ownership is concerned, is number 2 with homicides.

You did nothing more than prove us right, you don't need a gun to kill someone.
most murders are by firearm---
Expanded Homicide Data Table 4
Most firearm crimes are committed with illegally obtained firearms and are committed by people who are supposedly barred from firearm ownership.

So tell me how more gun laws will stop that.

People who legally acquire and own firearms commit very few crimes and people with concealed carry permits commit fewer crimes than the rest of the population
we DO have guns EVERYWHERE--the most
and one of the highest murder rates in comparable countries

gun ownership:


And what do your charts show? Turkey, not even in the top 25 as far as gun ownership is concerned, is number 2 with homicides.

You did nothing more than prove us right, you don't need a gun to kill someone.
....France, Germany, UK, Japan, etc strict gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--this is plain and simple--CANNOT be denied

And those murder rates were lower than the US BEFORE they passed their strictest gun laws.

There are many more variables involved than just guns
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
Its not just "one guy uses one gun" is it. Its many guys using guns every day. In the civilised world the US stands out as the most dangerous society because of your crazy medieval gun laws.
Only a person conditioned into subjugation would think liberty is medieval
You have no liberty. You cant leave the house without your guns. That isnt freedom.
What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?

You can't buy a gun unless you've undergone a thorough background check. You will pay for this background check yourself.

This check will involve talking to your friends, family, school and employer.

You see, funny thing about these mass shooters. Every single time, we find out these guys were seriously mentally disturbed and everyone in their lives knew it.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
Its not just "one guy uses one gun" is it. Its many guys using guns every day. In the civilised world the US stands out as the most dangerous society because of your crazy medieval gun laws.
Only a person conditioned into subjugation would think liberty is medieval
You have no liberty. You cant leave the house without your guns. That isnt freedom.

You are wrong....as are all anti-gun zealots. In the U.S., our violent crime problem is confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities...and by tiny areas we mean tiny, multi block areas in our inner cities where just about all of the violence takes place......the rest of the country is even safer than Europe because our people can actually defend themselves from violent rapists, and robbers, unlike the people of Europe who simply have to endure having boiling water poured over them for their valuables....or have cleaning products poured into their eyes as happened in your country recently....
What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?

You can't buy a gun unless you've undergone a thorough background check. You will pay for this background check yourself.

This check will involve talking to your friends, family, school and employer.

You see, funny thing about these mass shooters. Every single time, we find out these guys were seriously mentally disturbed and everyone in their lives knew it.

Yes....funny thing, almost every single time the police and other authorities actually knew about the shooter.....and did nothing, even with 37 or more visits by police, as in the case of the Parkland shooter.....we had the laws, the laws were broken, and your god...."Government" failed to stop the shooter before they entered the mythical "gun free zone" to kill....meanwhile, your god, "Government" successfully made sure no one in those gun free zones was armed....thereby making sure the shooter would be free to kill.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
Its not just "one guy uses one gun" is it. Its many guys using guns every day. In the civilised world the US stands out as the most dangerous society because of your crazy medieval gun laws.

How is Britain Civilised.....it is more violent than the U.S.......and your murder rate is going up, not down, and your very own police state they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into your country........I'll say it again so that you can take your time and read it so you can understand.....

Your police say they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into your island country.....that means you have more, not less, illegal guns getting into the hands of your criminals.......

That blows our gun control theory out the window...
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.
Come get them, filth.
we DO have guns EVERYWHERE--the most
and one of the highest murder rates in comparable countries

gun ownership:


And what do your charts show? Turkey, not even in the top 25 as far as gun ownership is concerned, is number 2 with homicides.

You did nothing more than prove us right, you don't need a gun to kill someone.
....France, Germany, UK, Japan, etc strict gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--this is plain and simple--CANNOT be denied

And, of course, you know that those countries had low murder rates long before they banned guns...that gun ownership did not increase their gun murder rates because their people, or rather their criminals, did not commit murder easily or often with their already illegal guns....

And Japan has almost no crime of any kind due to their culture and their police state....

You know this, but you pretend that culture isn't the cause of their low murder rate because I have shown that illegal guns are flooding Britain and France, yet their murder rates are not going up...which means it isn't access to guns that drives the murder rate, rather the criminals willingness to end life that drives the murder rate...

And you also know that as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down....by 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, showing that your theory is crap....you can't explain the lack of gun murder in Britain and France as they have massive amounts of illegal guns, or the U.S. where more Americans legally own and carry guns and our gun murder rate went down, not up...

Your theory is crap and you know it.
And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

Are we going to have another spooge here?

He could have gotten to campus just fine without a car, but he couldn't have done a mass shooting without a gun.

If you can't ban the crazies from getting guns without banning all guns, (which seems to be what you are saying), then really, I don't have a problem with banning all guns.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Cars aren't designed to kill people... guns are.

And on that logic, to drive a car, I have to be licensed, insured, registered, have my vehicle safety checked and there are thousands of cops out there keeping an eye on it. If I want a bigger vehicle, I need a higher class of licence.

Let's regulate guns like that.

First cars are brought up as a surrogate argument for how safe guns are by comparison. So when you suggest we treat cars like guns which would be the logical inference...the same douche bag that brought it up in the first place says you can't do it.

No...cars are brought up to show the inconsistency of your argument...... with mass public shootings, we had 12 in 2008 with a total of 93 deaths.....anti-gunners like you then demand all 600 million guns be banned and confiscated because of those 93 deaths. Meanwhile, we point out the 38,000 deaths because of cars, and you pretend that those deaths don't matter......making your anti-gun argument inconsistent with the facts, the truth and reality of various means of death in this country.
What is your plan to GUARANTEE people like him don't have guns?

You can't buy a gun unless you've undergone a thorough background check. You will pay for this background check yourself.

This check will involve talking to your friends, family, school and employer.

You see, funny thing about these mass shooters. Every single time, we find out these guys were seriously mentally disturbed and everyone in their lives knew it.

The right to keep and bear arms is an unalienable right.
It can only be removed through due process.
Except for private sales a background check is done on every gun sale.
That background check, checks to see if a person has had their rights removed by due process.

It seems you want peoples' rights removed by family, friends, employers, schools, etc.

Do you think people should pass that same background check before they buy a newspaper, book, computer?
How about before they can vote? voting is not an unalienable right.
his hero charged a mass public shooter and tried to stop him. If he had had a gun, he would likely be alive today. This is why gun free zones are stupid policy.....they don't stop mass shooters, and they leave good people, like this hero, unarmed in the fight against a criminal with a gun...

Actually, if the nutter who shot all these people didn't have a gun, there wouldn't have been a shooting.

And if he didn't have a car he couldn't have gotten to the campus.......

600 million guns, one guy uses one gun illegally...and you want to ban all guns....

You have 12 mass public shootings in 2018....with 93 killed...and you want to ban all guns for all Americans....even though as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, something you can't explain.

Meanwhile...cars killed over 38,000 people and they kill about that many every single year, so according to your logic they need to be banned for everyone.....

Your theories and arguments are foolish....
Its not just "one guy uses one gun" is it. Its many guys using guns every day. In the civilised world the US stands out as the most dangerous society because of your crazy medieval gun laws.
Only a person conditioned into subjugation would think liberty is medieval
You have no liberty. You cant leave the house without your guns. That isnt freedom.
Of course I can

I just have the choice to be armed where you don't

If you cannot choose you are not free
well, no, it's saying, "Probably not much we can do to stop committed mass murderers, given that the NRA seems hell bent on arming them, but we aren't going going to let average idiots get into shooting matches over who took the last donut."

There are other countries such as France that has much stricter gun laws than we do. (I even provided a link.)
The NRA wants to protect American citizens from these unfortunate events. Arming average citizens is part of the Second Amendment - Right to Bear Arms.
You are wrong....as are all anti-gun zealots. In the U.S., our violent crime problem is confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities...and by tiny areas we mean tiny, multi block areas in our inner cities where just about all of the violence takes place......

Yeah, it's just the Darkies being killed, so that makes it okay in TwoTinyGuy's mind.

How is Britain Civilised.....it is more violent than the U.S

48 Gun homicides in the UK
11,000 gun homicides in the US

Um, yeah, we are the ones who aren't civilized.
You are wrong....as are all anti-gun zealots. In the U.S., our violent crime problem is confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities...and by tiny areas we mean tiny, multi block areas in our inner cities where just about all of the violence takes place......

Yeah, it's just the Darkies being killed, so that makes it okay in TwoTinyGuy's mind.

How is Britain Civilised.....it is more violent than the U.S

48 Gun homicides in the UK
11,000 gun homicides in the US

Um, yeah, we are the ones who aren't civilized.
Irrelevant, there is no right to own firearms in the UK. So your point is pointless
There are other countries such as France that has much stricter gun laws than we do. (I even provided a link.)
The NRA wants to protect American citizens from these unfortunate events. Arming average citizens is part of the Second Amendment - Right to Bear Arms.

Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership.

These guys are NOT a well-regulated militia.

There are other countries such as France that has much stricter gun laws than we do. (I even provided a link.)
The NRA wants to protect American citizens from these unfortunate events. Arming average citizens is part of the Second Amendment - Right to Bear Arms.

Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership.

These guys are NOT a well-regulated militia.

View attachment 259485
No, they are progressives
And Japan has almost no crime of any kind due to their culture and their police state....

So let's look at that. Japan is a "police state" according to you, but funny thing, they only lock up 67,000 people out of a population of 110 Million.

We lock up 2 million people out of 300 million.

WHich one is a police state again?

It seems you want peoples' rights removed by family, friends, employers, schools, etc.

Do you think people should pass that same background check before they buy a newspaper, book, computer?
How about before they can vote? voting is not an unalienable right.

When you can KILL someone with a book or a vote, THEN yeah, probably that would a pretty good idea.

If your family or friends or neighbors or school have a reasonable expectation that, "Hey, that guy's nuts, who knows what he'd do with a gun!" then maybe we don't let that guy have a gun.

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