If Hillary were to be convicted, would you still prefer her over Trump?

If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!

so much for a strong moral compass ... thats exactly how a low life son of a bitch got elected potus -- by low life son of a bitches.

Would you eat Hillary The Hag out?

grow up bitch, and take jon with you.

Make me.

Jon who?
The FBI declared Hillary innocent

No, that is not true.

The head of the FBI declared he would not recommend Hillary for indictment based on a defense that is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law. The Head of the FBI refused to allow Hillary to be indicted for the crimes he himself claimed she committed.
Yadda yadda yadda

Comey's gone. Where are the indictments?

I do appreciate your claim trump is a massive failure on justice.
If Trump killed 100 babies and kicked 10 puppies, I would still prefer him over Hillary. If Kim Jong Un ran, I would vote for him over Hillary. If HITLER and his running mate STALIN ran, I would still not vote for fucking HILLARY!!!
That's a bit extreme but I get your point.
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool
Comey's gone.
Yes, he was FIRED for being incompetent and unable / UN-WILLING to do his job.

As I corrected you, FBI Director Comey did not declare Hillary to be innocent - he refused to recommend her for Indictment AS HE SHOULD HAVE for the crimes he pointed out she committed based on the false claim that ignorance is a legally accepted defense for breaking the law, which it is not.
Comey's gone.
Yes, he was FIRED for being incompetent and unable / UN-WILLING to do his job.

As I corrected you, FBI Director Comey did not declare Hillary to be innocent - he refused to recommend her for Indictment AS HE SHOULD HAVE for the crimes he pointed out she committed based on the false claim that ignorance is a legally accepted defense for breaking the law, which it is not.
Hint ~ Repeating nonsense a second time does not help your failed case, counselor

Try real hard to get a refund on your law degree
Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

Thank you for proving you a LIAR:

President Bush, unlike Obama, did not take us Un-Constitutionally to war without Congressional approval. Congress gave the President the authorization to take the country to war, after prominent Democrats like Hillary, Kerry and others made the loud, vocal public declarations that Hussein was a threat to our national security and that regime change HAD to be executed. (Funny how liberals always leave that part out.)

Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for adultery or a blow job in the WH, as snowflakes have repeatedly claimed in an attempt to make the sexually deviant sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, and rapist look like a 'political victim'. Bill Clinton was Impeached for violating his oath of office - an oath to defend and protect the US Constitution. He was found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for providing intentionally misleading testimony under oath, thereby attempting to deny a US citizen of their Constitutionally-protected Right to a fair trial. For his crime he was stripped of his license to practice law in his home state, after which he paid his victim a large sum of money so she would just go away rather than have to face a re-trial.

Barak Obama should have been Impeached many times over:
- He dragged the US into TWO Un-Constitutional Wars without Congressional approval, both times to aid terrorists, to include the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...who he and Hillary also allowed to needlessly murder the 1st US Ambassador to be killed in over 30 years and 3 other Americans.

- He illegally spied on US citizens, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC.

- He illegally used the IRS as his personal political weapon against Americans who opposed his re-election.

- He was found in Contempt of Court for his disobeying a Judge regarding his Un-Constitutional Deep Water drilling ban

- He was found guilty of illegally making non-recess appointments

- He murdered Americans abroad, denying their Constitutional Right of Due Process through the use of his own personal Drone assassination program....

...and these are only a few,
Hint ~ Repeating nonsense a second time does not help your failed case, counselor
FACT, pointing out that you were in unintentional ERROR or that you intentionally LIED when you claimed the FBI declared Hillary to be 'innocent' never gets old.

The FBI does not have the authority to declare anyone 'innocent', especially after declaring the person being investigated DID commit crimes. Again, Comey was appropriately FIRED for REFUSING to do his job.

And you continuing to bring up your false claim over and over instead of just letting it die is only helping to remind people how either ignorant of intellectually dishonest you are. Thank you for that. :p
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?
I see no difference between Clinton and Trump. Unlike most of the tards on this forum, the letter after someone's name does not magically blind me.

I voted for Dole as a result of Clinton's immorality; Trump's bothers me also. I voted for McCain because I believed Obama too inexperienced, I do look beyond party affiliation.
Of course I would still prefer her. Innocent people are sometimes convicted.

Snowflakes continue to prove Jonathon Gruber spoke the truth.

The FBI has released over 15,000 official documents and e-mails Hillary never turned in IAW the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.
- There is no question Hillary broke the Law.

The FBI ordered Hillary to turn over EVERYTHING - her server, EVERY E-Mail, EVERY document, EVERY file, EVERY computer, EVERY device, EVERY SIM Card. Hillary refused to comply with that order. She deleted thousands of e-mails, deleted documents, used Bleachbit to erase information from her server, destroyed devices rather than turn them in, and removed the sim cards from the devices she did turn in.
- Undeniably this is 'Obstruction'. Hillary broke the law.

It is illegal to give anyone who has no security clearance access to classified information. Hillary allowed her MAID print off classified for her, she allowed her lawyers to carry around classified documents on a USB, her server holding TS/SCI material was stored in the bathroom of a company who did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession.
- Again, there is no denying Hillary broke the law.

Comey himself stated Hillary broke the law but falsely stated she had no idea that she was breaking the law.
1. Comey should be intelligent enough to know that according to the LAW ignorance is not a legally acceptable defense for violating the law.

2. The government has several documents signed by Hillary Clinton acknowledging the security training and re-fresher training she received, also acknowledging and affirming she fully understood the law.

3. Hillary sent an e-mail to her State Department employees warning them not to do what she did because of the possibility of violating the laws as she did.

Every time some USMB board member writes how Hillary was / is innocent they expose themselves as completely uneducated in the laws, regulations, and rules involving classified, obstruction, etc...

Hillary broke the law. She broke numerous laws. Anyone who claims otherwise is simply being partisanly intellectual dishonest.

The FBI can't order Hillary to turn over her personal emails that had nothing to do with their Benghazi spinoff witchunt .

She turned over like 30,000 emails . And deleting sec of state emails off her server doesn't "destroy " them because they still existed over on the states server .

If they tried to hold her criminally responsible it would be laughed out of court .
The FBI can't order Hillary to turn over her personal emails that had nothing to do with their Benghazi spinoff witchunt .
Are ALL snowflakes as stupid as you, or is it that you are just intellectually dishonest?

When the FBI executes a subpoena / warrant to collect evidence of a potential crime it does not give a written request 90 day out and wait for the person being investigated to destroy as much evidence as possible....unless the person being investigated is Hillary Clinton.

You don't see the FBI asking drug dealers, for example, to turn over all their records and drugs in the next 48hrs. They go in and seize the evidence.

When the FBI exercised a subpoena / warrant to collect all of Manafort's servers, computers, devices, files, and documents they did not ASK him for them, allowing him to decide for himself what was 'personal' (and thus off-limits to the FBI), allow him to Bleachbit his computer, allow him to destroy devices, and remove sim cards. NO - they entered his house and SEIZED all of his $hit.

Hillary, again - as evident by the completely different preferential treatment she was afforded - was PROTECTED and ALLOWED to engage in Obstruction of Justice.

Persons under multiple FBI investigations for crimes to include ESPIONAGE are not normally warned that the FBI is going to take their computers, allowing the person being investigated to delete anything they want, leaving the FBI with having to 'trust them' not to have deleted evidence.

Hillary attempted to delete evidence, and the FBI STILL found over 15,000 pieces of criminal evidence. I am glad Hillary was as stupid as you try to make yourself appear to be.
When is Trump going to convict Obama for tapping his wires and faking his birth certificate?
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?
If......we're still waiting...we're still waiting.
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool

You make shit up then compare it to something Bill actually did, are you a liberal?
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?

I would have to say it depends on what she was convicted of

If she were convicted of colluding with the Russians in order to get elected, she belongs in prison not the White House
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool

You make shit up then compare it to something Bill actually did, are you a liberal?
It was Monica's idea, completely irrelevant, you brainwashed people are crazy... All you have is character assassination and b******* propaganda.
This is a basic question for Hillary supporters: After all of the denials and obscufations are disproven, would you still prefer to have a convicted criminal in the White House as long as she was on your team?

I would have to say it depends on what she was convicted of

If she were convicted of colluding with the Russians in order to get elected, she belongs in prison not the White House

Holy shit, (clutches chest) this is the big one Elisabeth
Bill abused his position of authority preying upon a young intern in the workplace, cheated on his wife repeatedly, lied about it, and Democrat women still voted for the guy.
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool

You make shit up then compare it to something Bill actually did, are you a liberal?
It was Monica's idea, completely irrelevant, you brainwashed people are crazy...

Hillary is that you? :eusa_eh:
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool

You make shit up then compare it to something Bill actually did, are you a liberal?
It was Monica's idea, completely irrelevant, you brainwashed people are crazy...

Hillary is that you? :eusa_eh:[/QUOT
Bill spent his entire political career sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, and raping women and engaging in pedophilia while Hillary enable his sexual deviancy and vilified / silenced his victims ... and women still voted for them both.

Democrats are hypocrites. They squeal like a stuck pig if anyone on the right pulls this shit but when its a Democrat wow total crickets from them.
Let's see

Reagan Iran contra treason ~ No Impeachment

GeeW lying us into war in Iraq treason ~ No Impeachment

Bill Clinton ~ Impeached for a blow job

You have no standing, fool

You make shit up then compare it to something Bill actually did, are you a liberal?
It was Monica's idea, completely irrelevant, you brainwashed people are crazy...

Hillary is that you? :eusa_eh:
Reality is tough for you brainwashed hater dupes...
Reality is tough for you brainwashed hater dupes...

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