If Hillary wins say GOOD-BYE to your firearms

Oh no.

I can assure you I won't vote for

We do know you will vote

You are to predictable.

Me. You know nothing of me.
Of course I will vote for Hillary

And be very happy over it for the next eight years
Makes no difference to me.

At least you will be happy for once

Gullible fascists love "free" lunches

Are we talking PBJ or Mac n Cheese?

look to what your idol Nicolas Maduro is doing to Venezuelans

Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens
Note to Conservatives..

The U.S. Is NOT Venezuela....never has been, never will be
Every election the NRA directs the chorus of ammosexuals in the same old song. Every four years the fear among the gun lovers is ginned up.

And every election comes and goes and nary a gun is lost.

Be afraid, ammosexuals, be very afraid. For fear is your 'happy place'.

What iceberg?

Captain Edward Smith
HMS Titanic

The day after SCOTUS rules that Heller was wrongly decided the BATF will be out harassing our people and confiscating their firearms.

Yep; and sacrificing get the lives of many law enforcement officers to do it. Moreover they will sacrifice the mental health of a great many officers on the pyre of having to shoot down their neighbors who prefer to die on their feet rather than living on their knees.
Considering the overall failure of the gun-control side these last twenty years or so, and the current political tension, no one outside the Democrats would comply with even the most marginal of widespread restriction, and compliance would be thin even among them.

Well, the fascists are determined to enact their misgided attempt to disarm Americans.

The blackmarket will continue to provide firearms.

But Americans may have to to pay 10 times more for a firearm.

If government mandated, it would constitute infringement, and is unconstitutional.

Ditto ammunition.

The new standard is "unreasonable" - unconstitutional no longer applies.

She desperately wants to take my guns. But it ain't happening. Not in this lifetime and not in the next either.

No matter what she does if she's elected (including the Supreme Court) my guns will remain safely in my hands and fully loaded. And there isn't a damn thing she (or any other libtard) can do about it.

I have a Constitutional right. That's trump's anything she or the Supreme Court can do.
If Hillary wins and she ends up nominating and seating four Supremes,our gun rights will be in jeopardy.
You can bet the liberals will be lining up various challenges to current laws in hopes they eventually lead to the SCOTUS.

Clarify Heller, reverse Citizens United, end the Death Penalty, codify gay rights, protect voter rights

You sure you wanted to nominate Trump?
We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...


She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
Let me remind you folks, the right to bear arms to defend our lives is the MOST Basic of all rights

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

BULLSHIT-:bsflag:-she is talking about keeping weapons out of the WRONG hands. Like how was someone on a terrorist watch or no fly list able to walk into a gun store and load up? Why is it that straw buyers, (those purchasing guns for others who could not pass a background check) are not prosecuted for the crime committed.

She is talking about common sense gun regulations that do not exist because of the NRA lobby. The only ones that don't want background checks are those that can't pass them.

9 out of 10 gun owners want background checks.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

Weapons in the hands of "WE THE PEOPLE" are the wrong hands - ask those who survived the Jewish Holocaust

Hence the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the right.

If states have the ‘authority’ – which they do not – to compel a woman to give birth against her will or violate the equal protection and due process rights of gay Americans by denying them access to state marriage law, then states should likewise have the ‘right’ to ‘ban’ certain types of firearms. Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
There is no constitutional right to murder or to gay marriage cupcake. Of course, having never actually read the U.S. Constitution, you wouldn't know that. But thanks for playing. You continue to illustrate your extraordinary ignorance to the world (no idea why you insist on doing that).
The day after SCOTUS rules that Heller was wrongly decided the BATF will be out harassing our people and confiscating their firearms.

Yep; and sacrificing get the lives of many law enforcement officers to do it. Moreover they will sacrifice the mental health of a great many officers on the pyre of having to shoot down their neighbors who prefer to die on their feet rather than living on their knees.

They don't give a shit. Hitler had no problem incinerating / gassing 6,000,000 human beings

The SCOTUS is already lost.

Might as well get used to it.

When Trump hijacked the GOP this was the unintended consequence.

With Scalia's early death (for a morbidly obese fat man) and Ginsberg looking like death warmed over, 2017 is a critical time for nominating 2 more justices.

If ever we needed a GOP POTUS now is the time.

But it won't be Trump.

Never Trump.
Every election the NRA directs the chorus of ammosexuals in the same old song. Every four years the fear among the gun lovers is ginned up.

And every election comes and goes and nary a gun is lost.

Be afraid, ammosexuals, be very afraid. For fear is your 'happy place'.

Even if it can't be pushed at the federal level, it's doing well at the state level. NY's SAFE Act, Mass Atty Gen all but declaring "assault weapons" illegal two weeks ago, May Issue permits not being issued except to the rich and powerful, Cali's ever expanding list of gun laws, all of which are designed to disarm the law abiding citizen.
I'll betthatyou are a believer in state's rights. I'll bet that you think a strong federal government is a threat to freedoms.

And yet, here you are arguing that the individual states should not legislate gun laws those states find appropriate.

Having cake and eating it comes to mind.

States cannot legislate in opposition to constitutional rights anymore than can the federal government.
The fascists/socialists do not give a shit abourt the Constitution.

They make the rules as they go,

If Hillary wins and she ends up nominating and seating four Supremes,our gun rights will be in jeopardy.
You can bet the liberals will be lining up various challenges to current laws in hopes they eventually lead to the SCOTUS.

Clarify Heller, reverse Citizens United, end the Death Penalty, codify gay rights, protect voter rights

You sure you wanted to nominate Trump?

I didn't.
We've known for many decades that Hitlery Clinton is mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. We can add physically unfit as well...

View attachment 84940

She's been late returning to the debate stage (Secret Service agents have indicated it is due to dizzy spells), she's prone to coughing fits during debates and press conferences, has sores on her tongue (probably thanks to Bill's serial philandering), and needs help just climbing stairs.
Last act of desperation from Republicans
Let me remind you folks, the right to bear arms to defend our lives is the MOST Basic of all rights

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

Idiot. They're not repealing the 2nd. Quiet

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