If Hobby Lobby wins...


That would be meaningful, IF that were what is happening; but Hobby Lobby isn't demanding, nor even asking employees to conform to their beliefs. They are simply saying they will not PAY for those beliefs to be violated.

Hobby Lobby pays for almost al ofl the birth control their employees buy now.
They're not abortion pills and thats the point

You are mistaken: Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund, who is defending Hobby Lobby in the HHS lawsuit, [said] that although he does not know exactly what transpired at the company's headquarters, he has read the petition.

"The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.

"What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.

The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."

"For many people, [the pills] are not even considered birth control because the way they operate is to prevent the implantation of an egg in the womb. For millions of Americans that take the traditional Christian view that life begins at conception, that amounts to an early abortion," Duncan said.

From WebMD.com:
Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:
It may prevent or delay ovulation.
It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.
It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Sorry, leftist fanatics. This pill is, in fact, an abortifacient.

And as such, paying for providing it does violate the HL family's religion.

And the leftists' trying to force HL to pay for it anyway, is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.

The leftists are, in fact, trying to force HL to conform to the leftists' own religion, which is liberalism.
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Ok, if you want to split hairs then technically they're merely asking them to go work for someone else if they want insurance that covers contraception.

Utterly false.

Hobby Lobby insurance covers contraception, including the pill and Norplant.

They simply have declined to pay for abortions and the use of abortificants.

Again that is not true. Anyone who reads anything about it can tell you its not about Abortificants its about what they BELIEVE abortificants to be DISPITE scientific evidence that they are wrong.

Therefore with Hobby Lobby they can simply label something anything they want no matter if its true or not then oppose that thing on religious grounds even if its NOT TRUE
Ok, if you want to split hairs then technically they're merely asking them to go work for someone else if they want insurance that covers contraception.

Utterly false.

Hobby Lobby insurance covers contraception, including the pill and Norplant.

They simply have declined to pay for abortions and the use of abortificants.

Again that is not true. Anyone who reads anything about it can tell you its not about Abortificants its about what they BELIEVE abortificants to be DISPITE scientific evidence that they are wrong.

Therefore with Hobby Lobby they can simply label something anything they want no matter if its true or not then oppose that thing on religious grounds even if its NOT TRUE
YOUR OPINION may be flawed, cc :eusa_whistle:
All of that is true too but more to the point of the religious leanings; what if you get divorced and the owner decides that it is anti-Christian to get

Will you Obamunists still demand that the employer be forced to directly pay for the divorce?

If you exercise your right to terminate a pregnancy...is that grounds for dismissal?

If you ride a unicorn naked through Valhalla, will you get fleas in your crotch?

If you have side-effects from the procedure, can they argue they shouldn't have to pay your medical bills through insurance or sick time?

It's why they'll lose. No way the three female justices opens this door in my view.

They won't lose, and your assault on civil rights will suffer yet another blow.

Despite your best efforts, the Constitution and liberty keep kicking your ass.
No. A vegan grocery store IS meat free. Veganism isn't a religion, although it may act like one. A vegan store would NOT be required to buy ham sandwiches for their employees, not even if the store normally pays for employee lunches. There are 16 methods of birth control that HL agrees to cover. It will not cover medications that induce abortion, nor will it cover medications used to end life for euthanasia. Liberals want to refashion this controversy into one in which HL fires women who use birth control and prohibits the use of birth control by their employees. That's not it. If you want further explanation of why you are full of crap. Should an employer cover natural healing methods to the exclusion of prescription medications? Should an atheist employer be required to pay for "faith" healing and pay the healer of a Jehovah's Witness?

Heres the rub and correct me if I'm wrong (because I'm a nice guy like that). Hobby Lobby BELIEVES that some cause abortion but technically it doesnt. But because they believe it does they dont want to offer it even if they're belief is not factual. They incorrectly label some as being abortive when they are not.

So, if true. Facts dont matter really, you can just label something whatever you want and if that label oversteps your belief you dont have to offer it.

Its slippery as shit.

You are wrong, the drugs they object to DO cause abortions. Its not a belief, its a fact.

It's also just four medications they won't cover that do induce abortion. There are 16 medications that they will pay for.
It is more then that, in my opinion. It has to do with the liberals insatiable need to win at all costs.

Do they really care about if HL pays for abortion pills, I seriously doubt it they are readily available. But the liberal left can't stand someone not doing as they are told. They hold to their religion just a tightly as any religious person I have ever seen. They MUST make HL bow down to their demands, the liberal MUST win.

They're not abortion pills and thats the point

You are mistaken: Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund, who is defending Hobby Lobby in the HHS lawsuit, [said] that although he does not know exactly what transpired at the company's headquarters, he has read the petition.

"The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.

"What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.

The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."

"For many people, [the pills] are not even considered birth control because the way they operate is to prevent the implantation of an egg in the womb. For millions of Americans that take the traditional Christian view that life begins at conception, that amounts to an early abortion," Duncan said. "The petition totally misses that and instead says that 'Hobby Lobby is denying women birth control and therefore denying health care.' So, the premise of the petition is wrong."
Read more at snopes.com: Hobby Lobby Lawsuit Against Emergency Contraceptives Mandate

Do you see what happened there? There is no facts that its an abortion or an abortificant its simply a belief that it is and if they believe something is (no matter what facts say) they have a religious right to oppose it even if its not true.

The statement tries to mention "millions" and "traditional" instead of Factual. Thats how you know they are pulling a fast one. Either it is or it isnt. Are we going to listen to what the facts are or what they believe the facts are?
They're not abortion pills and thats the point

You are mistaken: Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund, who is defending Hobby Lobby in the HHS lawsuit, [said] that although he does not know exactly what transpired at the company's headquarters, he has read the petition.

"The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.

"What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.

The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."

"For many people, [the pills] are not even considered birth control because the way they operate is to prevent the implantation of an egg in the womb. For millions of Americans that take the traditional Christian view that life begins at conception, that amounts to an early abortion," Duncan said.

From WebMD.com:
Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:
It may prevent or delay ovulation.
It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.
It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Sorry, leftist fanatics. This pill is, in fact, an abortifacient.

And as such, paying for providing it does violate the HL family's religion.

And the leftists' trying to force HL to pay for it anyway, is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.

The leftists are, in fact, trying to force HL to conform to the leftists' own religion, which is liberalism.

Because you say so or because science agrees with you? Because science doesnt
Again that is not true. Anyone who reads anything about it can tell you its not about Abortificants[sic] its[sic] about what they BELIEVE abortificants[sic] to be DISPITE[sic] scientific evidence that they are wrong.
The usual hysterical, misspelled claims... and the usual complete lack of any evidence or backup.

The leftist fanatics are trying, as usual, to change the definition of "abortion", just as they have tried and failed to change the definition of "marriage", and even tried and failed to change the definition of "is".

But the Plan B pill can, in fact, produce abortions by the widely-accepted definition. And all the leftsts' screaming "BUT THAT'S NOT REALLY AN ABORTION!!!" won't change that fact.

These leftist fanatics are SO futile in their nutty viewpoints..... :cuckoo:
You keep saying "no one religion requires that" and the point is that religion changes all the time and people can say certain things violate their religion and dont have to have a reason why or how.

You seek to force others to pay for things they object to.

You lack the power to crush civil rights and pull this off. For the moment, we are not a dictatorship and your little tin god cannot force his will onto Hobby Lobby.

Have a good cry, then get over it.
They're not abortion pills and thats the point

You are mistaken: Kyle Duncan, general counsel for the Becket Fund, who is defending Hobby Lobby in the HHS lawsuit, [said] that although he does not know exactly what transpired at the company's headquarters, he has read the petition.

"The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.

"What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.

The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."

"For many people, [the pills] are not even considered birth control because the way they operate is to prevent the implantation of an egg in the womb. For millions of Americans that take the traditional Christian view that life begins at conception, that amounts to an early abortion," Duncan said.

From WebMD.com:
Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:
It may prevent or delay ovulation.
It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.
It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Sorry, leftist fanatics. This pill is, in fact, an abortifacient.

And as such, paying for providing it does violate the HL family's religion.

And the leftists' trying to force HL to pay for it anyway, is a clear violation of the 1st amendment.

The leftists are, in fact, trying to force HL to conform to the leftists' own religion, which is liberalism.
Utterly false.

Hobby Lobby insurance covers contraception, including the pill and Norplant.

They simply have declined to pay for abortions and the use of abortificants.

Again that is not true. Anyone who reads anything about it can tell you its not about Abortificants its about what they BELIEVE abortificants to be DISPITE scientific evidence that they are wrong.

Therefore with Hobby Lobby they can simply label something anything they want no matter if its true or not then oppose that thing on religious grounds even if its NOT TRUE
YOUR OPINION may be flawed, cc :eusa_whistle:

It may be...but science agrees with me and Hobby Lobby is ignoring science. If facts dont matter then anyone can call anything ANYTHING they want. :mad: So they can say its abortion, guy riding a horse can call it his car, child molester can call the victim his fiance (crude I know but its to highlight the point)
Again that is not true. Anyone who reads anything about it can tell you its not about Abortificants its about what they BELIEVE abortificants to be DISPITE scientific evidence that they are wrong.

Therefore with Hobby Lobby they can simply label something anything they want no matter if its true or not then oppose that thing on religious grounds even if its NOT TRUE

No one cares what your definition of Plan B is - the FACT remains that Hobby Lobby pays for contraception, they simply will not pay for Plan B, because they view it as an abortificant.

You lack to the power to crush their civil rights and force them to knuckle under to your beliefs.

Better luck next time.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

What's stopping the employee from getting another job?

Obama's economy
Heres the rub and correct me if I'm wrong (because I'm a nice guy like that). Hobby Lobby BELIEVES that some cause abortion but technically it doesnt. But because they believe it does they dont want to offer it even if they're belief is not factual. They incorrectly label some as being abortive when they are not.

So, if true. Facts dont matter really, you can just label something whatever you want and if that label oversteps your belief you dont have to offer it.

Its slippery as shit.

You are wrong, the drugs they object to DO cause abortions. Its not a belief, its a fact.

It's also just four medications they won't cover that do induce abortion. There are 16 medications that they will pay for.

NO dissent is allowed.

Obama is god, Hobby Lobby WILL obey, or suffer the consequence.

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