If Hobby Lobby wins...

Maybe you can explain to me how someone uses the excuse that the actions of another person makes it a sin on your part.

If you bake a cake for 2 gay people how are you committing a sin?

If you provide insurance and someone uses that insurance to buy birth control how are you committing a sin?

And if serving people who sin or employing people who sin is a sin in itself then prove to me that you never sin and you live your life 100% in accordance with whatever religious text you claim to be the word of god then maybe I'll believe your religious excuse to be valid.

I am not for anyone being forced to buy insurance but I still do not see how the actions third party constitute a personal sin

Because they would be an actice part of the action through the FORCE of the government.

It's like saying I gave a gun to a known murderer but I'm not responsible for what he does.

Only if you know he is going to use the gun to kill someone.

The employer is not privy to anything in the medical records of their employees.

This lawsuit is about an abortion pill. Doesn't matter what's in a patient's records.
Do you see what happened there? There is no facts that its an abortion or an abortificant its simply a belief that it is and if they believe something is (no matter what facts say) they have a religious right to oppose it even if its not true.

The statement tries to mention "millions" and "traditional" instead of Factual. Thats how you know they are pulling a fast one. Either it is or it isnt. Are we going to listen to what the facts are or what they believe the facts are?

OMG, you have been shown to be absolutely wrong and yet you double down. Why must winning be such a criteria to the liberal left?

YOU were saying they were denying birth control, you have been shown that is incorrect.

Now you change your story, not surprising.

Where am I wrong? They are denying birth control if we are believing scientist. Whos word are you going on? Maybe we should start there.

Maybe I was wrong about you being a lying scumbag troll.

It is possible that you really ARE that stupid.
And PS.....nobody has the *right* to *not be exposed* to beliefs they don't agree with.

Tough titty.
The only people trying to force their religion on others, are govt officials trying to force others to conform to the religion of liberalism.

It's a belief system that has frequently been disproven but still has fanatical acolytes devoted to spreading it far and wide, with no tolerance for any dissent or competition.

Religion of liberalism? Why not to call it what it is... communism.
Because they would be an actice part of the action through the FORCE of the government.

It's like saying I gave a gun to a known murderer but I'm not responsible for what he does.

Only if you know he is going to use the gun to kill someone.

The employer is not privy to anything in the medical records of their employees.

This lawsuit is about an abortion pill. Doesn't matter what's in a patient's records.

How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.
It's true. My ex was told if she was discovered to be smoking or smell like smoke her job would be at risk.
I see no problem with it personally. If the employer doesn't want stinky people that should be their choice.

Would you extend that to them prohibiting employees from reading Ann Coulter books?

Does an employer have the right to prohibit a legal activity off of their premises?

Not in a free country, they don't.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

It should stop now!! what next a Jehovah witness who owns a business refusing to provide medical insurance for their employees that contains blood transfusions .

its time that we stop catering to these magical thinking lunatics who want to force their delusions on their employees

Why should we be forcing anyone to provide medical insurance to begin with?

Why should we be empowering tyrants like yourself who just want to get their own way?
I'm not convinced that their insurance bill will actually go down even if they win.

Do you have any proof that it would?

What the fuck are you yapping about?

HL will not spend funds to provide abortion - end of story.

Whether this lowers their costs is UTTERLY IRRELEVANT.

Logical fallacy doesn't help you.

"Being Dolphin free doesn't save Starkist money!" Who gives a fuck? That isn't the reason that they took the position.

Perhaps you don't understand how health insurance works.

Insurance premiums are paid and healthcare coverage is provided. Hobby Lobby's desire to pick and choose what the insurance company will cover in this manner is not typical.

Spoken like a true leech who has never been in a position of choosing his own insurance plan.

Different companies provide different services. Or at least..they used to. And the consumers USED to have the option of choosing that coverage that best suited their needs.

And then paid for it themselves.

A few were lucky enough to work for companies that paid for their insurance in part or in whole, and that is considered a part of the employee's salary/income....in which case the EMPLOYER got to choose what plan and what coverage they chose to provide....and if the employee didn't like it, they could either purchase their own separate insurance, pay for their uncovered costs out of pocket, or GET A DIFFERENT JOB with different insurance.
So tell me, mani...have you ever purchased/provided your own insurance? Because you certainly sound as if you never have.

If Hobby Lobby wins... 03-26-2014 09:54 AMmanifold go fuck yourself XXX :thup:

Haha guess I got my answer, lol.
In spades, so to speak.
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It's true. My ex was told if she was discovered to be smoking or smell like smoke her job would be at risk.
I see no problem with it personally. If the employer doesn't want stinky people that should be their choice.

Would you extend that to them prohibiting employees from reading Ann Coulter books?

Does an employer have the right to prohibit a legal activity off of their premises?

Not in a free country, they don't.

I am fine with an employer prohibiting smoking during work hours. I've had jobs where people were not allowed to wear perfume or cologne while on shift.

But what anyone does outside of work is no one's business.
Only if you know he is going to use the gun to kill someone.

The employer is not privy to anything in the medical records of their employees.

This lawsuit is about an abortion pill. Doesn't matter what's in a patient's records.

How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.
So what if no one does? No harm in not paying for it.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

It's only a matter of time before the government mandates dietary requirements.

The whole argument is stupid since most so called religious people use birth control, have sex outside of marriage and in general piss all over the ten commandments on a daily basis.

So you should be able to force people to act against their religious beliefs because most don't believe that? Then what's the point of the First amendment?
on a side note: smokers where I work get to enjoy the freedom to pay $100 more per month out of pocket than I have to pay for the same coverage.
How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.
This lawsuit is about an abortion pill. Doesn't matter what's in a patient's records.

How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.
So what if no one does? No harm in not paying for it.

But it doesn't cost any more. The minimum new coverages include it.

So they aren't paying more for it.

The whole excuse that it would be a sin for them to provide insurance because of this one pill is ridiculous.

If that's a sin then isn't it a sin to hire adulterers?
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? ?

With that one you're forgetting who you're talking to. Most conservatives around here believe an employer should have that right.

Remember, conservatives WANT to bring back discrimination. They were in fact mostly for it when it existed in the past.

Only nowadays they've tried to put it in a costume of 'freedom' or 'liberty'.

We want to bring back discrimination because we oppose you discriminating against religious people?
How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.

They are not party to it.

That's the point.

Are they party to the sins adulterers if they allow adulterers to work for them?

Are they party to homosexual sins if a gay couple comes in to buy stuff for their home?

What if a gay adulterer comes in to buy a gift for his or her bisexual lover who is also cheating on his or her spouse who happens to be an employee?

That must be especially sinful
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It's true. My ex was told if she was discovered to be smoking or smell like smoke her job would be at risk.
I see no problem with it personally. If the employer doesn't want stinky people that should be their choice.

Would you extend that to them prohibiting employees from reading Ann Coulter books?

Does an employer have the right to prohibit a legal activity off of their premises?

Not in a free country, they don't.

They do it all the time. People get fired for exercising free speech off the clock. So yeah, it happens and I have no problem with it. I have let people go for coming to work smelling like a bar and I will have issue with anyone that says I can't.

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