If Hobby Lobby wins...

Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? ?

With that one you're forgetting who you're talking to. Most conservatives around here believe an employer should have that right.

Remember, conservatives WANT to bring back discrimination. They were in fact mostly for it when it existed in the past.

Only nowadays they've tried to put it in a costume of 'freedom' or 'liberty'.

We want to bring back discrimination because we oppose you discriminating against religious people?

Oh, please climb down from your cross. Blacks were not forced to eat at lunchcounters.
How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.

They are not party to it.

That's the point.

Are they party to the sins adulterers if they allow adulterers to work for them?

Are they party to homosexual sins if a gay couple comes in to buy stuff for their home?

What if a gay adulterer comes in to buy a gift for his or her bisexual lover who is also cheating on his or her spouse?

That must be especially sinful
They are paying for it ya idiot.
No one can force beliefs on employees because no one is obligated to become the employee of someone else.

Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

You are stupid, you realize the constitution applies to government and not private life, right? Which is why a business can ban a gun while the government cant.

Well see it works the other way as well, the govt cant impose religion while a private company can.

For example why would a christain bookstore hire an atheist?
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No one can force beliefs on employees because no one is obligated to become the employee of someone else.

Heres the rub tho. What if more employers start imposing more "beliefs"? And a few turn to hundreds? The rule still applies that no one HAS to work there but many will have to work somewhere which means some will be exposed to it.

Does the worker lose their right to the CEO's belief?

Who said they can't purchase whatever form of medicine/medical care they can get a doc to prescribe?

Or work for a group that will provide it to them?

That's right. Nobody. They're perfectly welcome to buy their own...or work for some dope who will buy it for them.

+1 for originality :doubt:
Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.

They are not party to it.

That's the point.

Are they party to the sins adulterers if they allow adulterers to work for them?

Are they party to homosexual sins if a gay couple comes in to buy stuff for their home?

What if a gay adulterer comes in to buy a gift for his or her bisexual lover who is also cheating on his or her spouse?

That must be especially sinful
They are paying for it ya idiot.

I'm sure the employees pay for part of their own insurance.

The way those religious folks can rationalize they surely can believe that the employee insurance contribution is paying for the "sinful " parts of the policy
on a side note: smokers where I work get to enjoy the freedom to pay $100 more per month out of pocket than I have to pay for the same coverage.

Has it always been that way in your State or is it because of obamacare?

In my State, they never underwrote smoking/non-smoking on GROUP Plans.

I think they will under obamacare. Pretty sure
It's true. My ex was told if she was discovered to be smoking or smell like smoke her job would be at risk.
I see no problem with it personally. If the employer doesn't want stinky people that should be their choice.

Would you extend that to them prohibiting employees from reading Ann Coulter books?

Does an employer have the right to prohibit a legal activity off of their premises?

Not in a free country, they don't.

The employer isn't prohibiting anything. Just don't tell them they have to pay for your Ann Coulter book.
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.

NO one at Hobby Lobby wants to ban all BC from being covered by their insurance. Their only issue is that they do not want to pay for abortion causing drugs.

you should not discuss something you know nothing about.
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? ?

With that one you're forgetting who you're talking to. Most conservatives around here believe an employer should have that right.

Remember, conservatives WANT to bring back discrimination. They were in fact mostly for it when it existed in the past.

Only nowadays they've tried to put it in a costume of 'freedom' or 'liberty'.

We want to bring back discrimination because we oppose you discriminating against religious people?

Carbineer is making that lie again. If republicans were liberals and democrats conservative before the 60s, i bet he cant name a democrat more conservative than the republican ina presidential race, so race issues werent with conservatives. Hell in lincoln they talked about conservative republicans
How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.
So what if no one does? No harm in not paying for it.

But it doesn't cost any more. The minimum new coverages include it.

So they aren't paying more for it.

The whole excuse that it would be a sin for them to provide insurance because of this one pill is ridiculous.

If that's a sin then isn't it a sin to hire adulterers?

Yeah, I stand corrected on my phrasing. They don't want to be a party to it was better.
Hobby Lobby will win this one.

Unfortunately, it's Hobby Lobby should win this one.

This court has made bad decisions in the past. For example, if it had found Obamacare unconstitutional, like it is, we wouldn't even have to worry about this case.

There was no reason to find it constitutional, and they did, despite that their rationalization should have destroyed any jurisdiction to hear the case. It's difficult to argue that the statute is not a tax so they have jurisdiction to hear the dispute and that it is a tax to preserve it's constitutionality.

No HL should win their case. But with the corruption in the court, who knows.
Correction, the court did not rule on the constitutionality of ACA. It ruled that the taxes levied for it are constitutional under the taxing clause. The so called Mandate was nothing more than tax if you don't show particular behavior, no different than any other tax the feds levy on our income if we don't show particular behavior, such as by being married, having kids, having a house note, etc.

Not a subtle difference. There are dozens of cases coming forward regarding the constitutionality of various aspects of the law.
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.

NO one at Hobby Lobby wants to ban all BC from being covered by their insurance. Their only issue is that they do not want to pay for abortion causing drugs.

you should not discuss something you know nothing about.

Abortion can be covered under insurance as well. so it can't be just the morning after pill now can it?
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.

NO one at Hobby Lobby wants to ban all BC from being covered by their insurance. Their only issue is that they do not want to pay for abortion causing drugs.

you should not discuss something you know nothing about.

Do we have a 'Gay' Board for him?
How does the employer know anyone will use an abortion pill?

Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

And if they do the employer still is not committing a sin.

I don't know where it is written that one must prevent others from sinning.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.

They are not party to it.

That's the point.

Are they party to the sins adulterers if they allow adulterers to work for them?

Are they party to homosexual sins if a gay couple comes in to buy stuff for their home?

What if a gay adulterer comes in to buy a gift for his or her bisexual lover who is also cheating on his or her spouse who happens to be an employee?

That must be especially sinful

They would be party to the sins if they bought the hotel room for the affair.
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.

NO one at Hobby Lobby wants to ban all BC from being covered by their insurance. Their only issue is that they do not want to pay for abortion causing drugs.

you should not discuss something you know nothing about.

Abortion can be covered under insurance as well. so it can't be just the morning after pill now can it?

They do not want to buy insurance for their employees that covers abortions of any kind---physical or chemical.

The are willing to have the insurance cover all kinds or birth control, but not baby killing. why is that so hard for you libs to comprehend?
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

How dare you belittle THE WORD OF GOD ??????

You are going to go straight to hell...you will not pass go or get 200 bucks...

It is the higher laws of god's commandment to spread THE WORD. you idjit !!!

Nevermind you that there has been no PROOF that the madness of the myth of heaven and judgement day by anyone coming back with first person account.

People who run a business should have the right to run it as crazy as they will without any respect for reason.
I'm not in favor of obama care i just think citing religious reasons is stupid.

I would want proof that the business owners never ever serve anyone who sins, or never ever sin themselves before i would give their excuse any credence at all.

Well in that case since I think gay marriage is stupid it should not be allowed. Right?

Maybe you can explain to me how someone uses the excuse that the actions of another person makes it a sin on your part.

If you bake a cake for 2 gay people how are you committing a sin?

If you provide insurance and someone uses that insurance to buy birth control how are you committing a sin?

And if serving people who sin or employing people who sin is a sin in itself then prove to me that you never sin and you live your life 100% in accordance with whatever religious text you claim to be the word of god then maybe I'll believe your religious excuse to be valid.

I am not for anyone being forced to buy insurance but I still do not see how the actions third party constitute a personal sin

No one has refused to bake a cake for gay people. They have refused to bake a wedding cake that would carry the message that the baker approves of gay marriage.

No one has refused to provide insurance that covers birth control. Birth control is covered. Abortion is not.

No one cares who is committing a sin, as long as they aren't forced into committing that sin personally.
Ame®icano;8834607 said:
Then whats stopping them from requiring everyone to say the lords prayer before work? Or have a certain diet?

Could any other owner force his beliefs on his employees in other ways? Could the owner who doesnt believe in prescription meds opt out of it all together and argue for "natural healing" methods? Could a vegan make their stores meat free? Even their employees lunches?

Where does it stop? Or a better question, WHAT makes it stop?

Slavery has been outlawed. Business do not own employees and can't force them to do anything.


What about requirement to stop smoking or risk losing job? Most of hospitals did just that, shifted from smoking ban to smoker ban.

This is what I was talking about in another post: the inability to distinguish between economic influence and state power. An employer can "require" whatever they like as a condition of employment, but they can't force anyone to comply. I wish I knew of a way to make this more clear, but it seems a distinction some of you can't recognize.
Who gives a fuck?

They have EVERY right not to provide it, and you have NO RIGHT to force them to.

They're not trying to prevent anything, they simply will not be party to it.

They are not party to it.

That's the point.

Are they party to the sins adulterers if they allow adulterers to work for them?

Are they party to homosexual sins if a gay couple comes in to buy stuff for their home?

What if a gay adulterer comes in to buy a gift for his or her bisexual lover who is also cheating on his or her spouse who happens to be an employee?

That must be especially sinful

They would be party to the sins if they bought the hotel room for the affair.

But they are not. Nor are they buying anything the insurance policy covers.

Employees also pay for part of their insurance so it can be argues that the employees are paying for the "sinful" coverage.
I think Obamacare is absurd, and the absurdity is only outweighed the intolerant "Christian" RW, but consider for a moment that the Dems are getting killed. But, contraceptive coverage is an issue for a large % of female voters. I swear on the body of the Christos, these folks are conservatism's worst enemy.

NO one at Hobby Lobby wants to ban all BC from being covered by their insurance. Their only issue is that they do not want to pay for abortion causing drugs.

you should not discuss something you know nothing about.

Do we have a 'Gay' Board for him?

a "dumb ass" board might be more appropriate

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