If latest accuser is telling the truth, why was she hobnobbing with Cain at Teacon?

I don't know if she's telling the truth or lying.

What is bugging me is, why she didn't speak up/press charges earlier?
Ame®icano;4380167 said:
I don't know if she's telling the truth or lying.

What is bugging me is, why she didn't speak up/press charges earlier?

She's not telling the truth ... there was no money or notoriety involved in saying anything until now. meaning what happened wasn't a big enough deal to really make her feel uncomfortable until she knew money could be made from making up a story.
The man is running for POTUS. I'm SURE that he knew this was coming. When you run for office, whether it's POTUS or Harper Valley PTA, if there are any skeletons in your closet, they're coming out.

Maybe he copped a feel, maybe he didn't. There will be mudslinging. It's American politics. Don't act so shocked.
What makes her recount more falsity than truth is that she had to read Gloria Allred's prepared statement word for word. She never looked up from her statement. It was like reading a story and it was.

I didn't know that, because I didn't watch this thing on TV. Good catch!

Now it REALLY doesn't pass the smell test!


Actually, it's common for someone to read prepared remarks by their attorney in circumstances like this.
Secondly, every time I see Allred I groan, "not another Allerd driven media circus"! But as Karl Rove stated:
“Credibility matters here, and Gloria Allred — while she is a Democrat and a liberal Democrat and openly so — nonetheless, has been involved in a number of high-profile cases like Tiger Woods and others, where the charges have been born out.
So this gives Ms. Bialek’s charges and accusations a little bit of credibility, and that’s what we’re talking about here — credibility.”

Love Allerd or hate her, she usually comes out on top. My guess is that Allerd vetted Bialek pretty thouroughly before associatting with Bialek's charge.

Yes, hitch your star to Buyalick
I didn't know that, because I didn't watch this thing on TV. Good catch!

Now it REALLY doesn't pass the smell test!


Actually, it's common for someone to read prepared remarks by their attorney in circumstances like this.
Secondly, every time I see Allred I groan, "not another Allerd driven media circus"! But as Karl Rove stated:
“Credibility matters here, and Gloria Allred — while she is a Democrat and a liberal Democrat and openly so — nonetheless, has been involved in a number of high-profile cases like Tiger Woods and others, where the charges have been born out.
So this gives Ms. Bialek’s charges and accusations a little bit of credibility, and that’s what we’re talking about here — credibility.”

Love Allerd or hate her, she usually comes out on top. My guess is that Allerd vetted Bialek pretty thouroughly before associatting with Bialek's charge.

Yes, hitch your star to Buyalick

I'm not hitching any star to Bialek, I am 100% sure that she can't right this country's economy.
I was just stating the historical obvious and your problem with that is,,,,,,?
She has credibility issues. Filed BK twice, fired from every job she's ever had, has severe lack of money issues....she's looking for a payday.
She has credibility issues. Filed BK twice, fired from every job she's ever had, has severe lack of money issues....she's looking for a payday.

Donald Trump, former leading presidential candidate has had four bankruptcies, loves the spotlight and is always looking for another big payday.
Maybe Bialek will be filling in the void for the GOP's women left by Palin dropping out and Bachmann's big drop in the polls, after all Bialek is a Republican!
Ladies and gentlemen, the newest candidate for the GOP nomination for the office of the presidency of the US,,,,,Sharon Bialek!!!! :lol:
There's a witness who was at the Tea Party convention that disputes her conversation with Cain.

Also, she lives in the same building as Obama wingman David Axelrod. Very coincidental if you ask me.
She has credibility issues. Filed BK twice, fired from every job she's ever had, has severe lack of money issues....she's looking for a payday.

Donald Trump, former leading presidential candidate has had four bankruptcies, loves the spotlight and is always looking for another big payday.
Maybe Bialek will be filling in the void for the GOP's women left by Palin dropping out and Bachmann's big drop in the polls, after all Bialek is a Republican!
Ladies and gentlemen, the newest candidate for the GOP nomination for the office of the presidency of the US,,,,,Sharon Bialek!!!! :lol:

Ahhh wussamatta are you upset Buyalick is a fraud and you bough so much stock in her?
There's a witness who was at the Tea Party convention that disputes her conversation with Cain.

Also, she lives in the same building as Obama wingman David Axelrod. Very coincidental if you ask me.

Dems & libs are so incestuous its sinful. :evil:
The real thing to investigate is how many degrees of separation between Buyalick and Obama/Soros

Why does Herb's campaign manager :smoke: claim that Perry (R) is behind it? :eusa_eh: :lol:

Its called circumstantial evidence.... there is alot there, but Cain's camp shouldnt have done that IMO.

But jeez..... who can blame him? The vultures are coming from ALL directions.
Yeah, I heard about this, found it very suspicious. I don't know many women who go up and hug men who have sexually harassed them in the past.
LOL why do the wingnuts defend the indefensible? Could it be that they are just ideology robots and consideration for the truth is nowhere to be found in their programmed heads? They whine well but when you get beyond their whining nothing is there. Next they'll be defending playing footsie under the men's lavatory stalls. Oh wait they already did that one. LOL

PS Nothing wrong with footsie so long as others can play too.

Say Bill Clinton shouldn't have been President because of his sexual escapades right now ... say it.

That's an interesting question and I think had Clinton been accused of anything more than womanizing he would have been gone too. As far as all the accusations about Clinton, many were started in the same way as Obama is a Muslim was started, pick your absurd rumor. I make no excuses for Clinton as I find his administration to be a part of the troubles today. If Cain did these things he is un-electable and surely more will come out. His blanket statements yesterday may sink him in the end.

But you bring up an interesting point, sex has many dimensions in life and in politics. For years we'd make all sort of jokes (in corporate life for instance) but that has changed greatly. Today with PC we are almost too far in the direction of humorless holiness. One person's joke is another person's idiocy. But? Consider Anita Hill, does anyone really think she was lying? Why? But many believe him not her? Why? Rape is the only crime in which the victim in many cases get blamed. Why? Many believe Cain with four accusations so far. Why? And when I say believe they assume the other is lying. Why? America could not even pass the equal rights amendment. Why? Interesting topic that is often rationalized away with little thought. Why?
» *UPDATED* Exclusive: Sources Confirm Latest Accuser Is a Republican Who Attended Teacon 2011 Where Herman Cain Was Featured Speaker - Big Government

Can anyone say Anita Hill?

Or is this really a case of dragging a 20 through a trailer park?

(remember that one?)

Personally, I think she is lying unlike Anita Hill.

I thought Anita Hill was lying through her teeth.

But I am coming to the realization that Cain's accusers are probably telling the truth.

Beilak works at WIND, the other Right Wing Talk Radio outlet. While WLS has the more mainstream RW voices, WIND has the whackadoodle crazy right Wing hosts.

So, yeah, she encountered Cain at an event her company sponsored. AWKWARD.

But Cain claims he never heard of this woman. Than he admitted he did.

You know, it would a lot easier to take Cain Seriously if he kept his story straight.
Yeah, I heard about this, found it very suspicious. I don't know many women who go up and hug men who have sexually harassed them in the past.
I find the claim of a hug being given suspicious.

But more to the point, if she did speak to Cain then Cain was lying when he said he had no knowledge of her existence.
She has credibility issues. Filed BK twice, fired from every job she's ever had, has severe lack of money issues....she's looking for a payday.

She filed Burger King Twice?


Who doesn't have money issues in THIS economy, which has been pretty awful for the last decade?

Look, the guy who has the credibility problems right now is Cain.

First he said there was no settlement.

Then he admitted their was a settlement.

Then he called it an agreement.

Then he said he never heard of this woman.

Then he admitted she worked for him.

But the scary thing is, the Republican Party has become so diminished that this guy can get into first place, because so many Republicans don't want to vote for the weird Mormon robot.

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