If no Wall...what are the Democratic Party plans for immigration reform?

Send everyone home. Then build the wall. Then set up your stupid little court if there is any money left!
The first one isn't going to happen. Looks like the second one probably won't either.

We'll have to start thinking, communicating and collaborating with each other to fix this problem.
That’s the fucking problem. You keep saying that then do all in your power to obstruct fixing the problem!
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.


Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.
Do you realize that you just replied with meaningless drivel? Specifically, what actions will the Democrats take to prevent illegal immigration?

Prevent it? Hell, they want to encourage it!
The "wall" is nothing but NaziCon bullshit.


Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

Pass a responsible bi-partisan immigration bill - and enforce it humanely.

Okay...so again, what actions do Democrat’s approve of to prevent illegal immigration?
More immigration courts to speed up process.
Go after employers who hire illegals. You know, people like you.
Protection for "Dreamers".
Expand agricultural guest worker visa programs.

Increased border security.

Your first four are great! The last one is a bald-faced lie!
Okay, noted...so what actions do Democrats approve of to prevent illegal immigration?

why is that the goal?

The best way to prevent illegal immigration is to allow legal immigration to fill the jobs Americans don't want to do. Then there's no incentive to hire "Illegals".

The mistake of the 1980's immigration reform was that we left verification in the hands of employers, which was like letting the foxes watch the hen house.
Send everyone home. Then build the wall. Then set up your stupid little court if there is any money left!
The first one isn't going to happen. Looks like the second one probably won't either.

We'll have to start thinking, communicating and collaborating with each other to fix this problem.

The communicating and collaborating is what is needed to get the first two done.
Interesting, what did republicans do for the last two years about immigration when they had full control on the federal government? Start going after the folks that have expired visas for starts.
What did the democrats dew when they had full power? Nothing. Build that damn wall now!
Send everyone home. Then build the wall. Then set up your stupid little court if there is any money left!
The first one isn't going to happen. Looks like the second one probably won't either.

We'll have to start thinking, communicating and collaborating with each other to fix this problem.

The communicating and collaborating is what is needed to get the first two done.
As history shows us, that’s never going to happen. Liberals have zero interest in what is good for Americans. They want what’s good for illegals. Period.
We’ve all heard them use the phrase...”comprehensive immigration reform”. So what does that entail, what is it they want for their constituents?
When Obama hand of the country over to Trump, Obama was known as the DePorter in chief. Immigration was the lowest it has been in decades. Something was working.

The illegal alien population grew by 2.5 million under the Kenyan. You’ve mislead yourself.
It dropped by two million under the Great Obama
We don’t need a wall

We need more prisons to lock up employers exploiting low cost illegal immigrant labor

Lock him up, lock him up
What are the Dim plans ?

LOL !!!

Dims love illegals, they want them here and will help them stay.
Well you have all seen Pelosi's plan.

Let them all in and the dreamers can stay. These fucks cost us tax payers billions every year.

Most tax payers want them all out. Every one. The wall will make sure none get in. Once the wall is up we can boot those that are here right the hell out and they won't be able to get back in.

Works for me and most Americans.
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Well you have all seen Pelosi's plan.

Let them all in and the dreamers can stay. These fucks cost us tax payers billions every year.

Most tax payers want them all out. Every one. The wall will make sure none get in. Once the wall is up we can boot those that are hear right the hell out and they won't be able to get back in.

Works for me and most Americans.

Hear what? :D
Interesting, what did republicans do for the last two years about immigration when they had full control on the federal government? Start going after the folks that have expired visas for starts.

What a disingenuous question! How did the Dems help?
None. They were a minority party. To act like republicans are the protectors of the homeland from immigrants is disingenuous.
Well then explain why every time immigration comes up the Dems have better things to do.

They want nothing to do with immigration.

You sure are stupid.
Interesting, what did republicans do for the last two years about immigration when they had full control on the federal government? Start going after the folks that have expired visas for starts.

What a disingenuous question! How did the Dems help?
None. They were a minority party. To act like republicans are the protectors of the homeland from immigrants is disingenuous.

So that minority party could not find one single thing they supported in the Republican attempts at immigration reform?

Why don't you admit they were obstructing at every opportunity. It is actually OK to tell the truth once in while. Before you know it, you will be a conservative.

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