If obama tried to unite the country

Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

He did a lot , not that you would give him any credit for. I have wrote a lot on what Biden done, you can check my posts out, or not. I don't care. What has tramp done??
obama did what specifically?

The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.
Why is it when a black person leaves the democrat plantation he is ridiculed?

You know I get so sick of you right wingers that don't want to read anything, now go back and read my posts.
And saying Republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house made sense to you why is that? How does create a discussion?
What we couldn't stand was his lack of leadership bringing America together.
Prove me wrong
Obama's greatest Speech and yes I listen to what he said. He spoke of America's greatness and hope it was a uniting speech.I even said on another discussion board way back then that he would be the next democrat president hell he had me for 6 weeks until I did a heck on him and his political history. He talked a good talk that night but never could carry through on that talk as a State Senator
Obama's 2004 DNC Keynote Address
The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.

There you have it, from whatever sphincter functions as a bed wetting liberal lunatic's "mind", Queen Antifa's "accomplishments" are entirely based on being half black.

The correct answer of course is that her beloved meat puppet faggot messiah not only did NOTHING to "unite" anyone but some globalist sociopaths, he endeavored to divide and he made it clear he had no intention to "unite" with people who cling to guns and religion.

Except for ISIS.

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Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

Specifically what did he say that was false or untrue? Just because YOU refuse to acknowledge the systemic racism which Republicans have been stoking and using to divide the nation since 1968, doesn't mean that everything Obama said wasn't 100% correct.

Republicans get all butthurt and defensive when talking about racism, but denial of the problem isn't solving it, as we've seen over the past couple of weeks. Trump has been emboldening racism and openly encouraging police brutality. Now you act all shocked and suprised that Americans are fed up with the result.
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

He did a lot , not that you would give him any credit for. I have wrote a lot on what Biden done, you can check my posts out, or not. I don't care. What has tramp done??
obama did what specifically?

The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.
Another left wing liar among us. LOL
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

You do know that you can be Muslim and an American at the same time, right Mr. Blart
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

Specifically what did he say that was false or untrue? Just because YOU refuse to acknowledge the systemic racism which Republicans have been stoking and using to divide the nation since 1968, doesn't mean that everything Obama said wasn't 100% correct.

Republicans get all butthurt and defensive when talking about racism, but denial of the problem isn't solving it, as we've seen over the past couple of weeks. Trump has been emboldening racism and openly encouraging police brutality. Now you act all shocked and suprised that Americans are fed up with the result.
Specifically, what did obama say or do to unite the country?
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

You do know that you can be Muslim and an American at the same time, right Mr. Blart
Again what did obama do and say to try to unite the country?
The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.

There you have it, from whatever sphincter functions as a bed wetting liberal lunatic's "mind", Queen Antifa's "accomplishments" are entirely based on being half black.

The correct answer of course is that her beloved meat puppet faggot messiah not only did NOTHING to "unite" anyone but some globalist sociopaths, he endeavored to divide and he made it clear he had no intention to "unite" with people who cling to guns and religion.

Except for ISIS.


I recall obama telling Republicans to shut up since we drove the economy into the ditch
I also recall it was he and a democrat controlled congress in the driver's seat at the time of the crash
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

You do know that you can be Muslim and an American at the same time, right Mr. Blart
Again what did obama do and say to try to unite the country?
He said there is one America.
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

He did a lot , not that you would give him any credit for. I have wrote a lot on what Biden done, you can check my posts out, or not. I don't care. What has tramp done??
obama did what specifically?

The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.
Another left wing liar among us. LOL

New Rule Permits Early Release for Thousands of Drug Offenders

July 18, 2014

WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of prisoners serving time for federal drug offenses will be eligible to seek early release beginning next year.
In testimony before Congress and the Sentencing Commission, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has pushed for reductions in drug sentences. Highlighting racial disparities, he has cast prison policy as a civil rights issue. He has separately begun a Justice Department review to help nonviolent prisoners apply for presidential clemency.

  • “This is a milestone in the effort to make more efficient use of our law enforcement resources and to ease the burden on our overcrowded prison system,” Mr. Holder said.

WASHINGTON — President Obama is on pace to be the first president in decades to leave office with a federal prison population that is smaller than when he was sworn in, a reflection of eight years of liberal criminal justice policies, historically low crime rates and an aggressive use of presidential commutations.

Mr. Obama granted clemency to 79 federal prisoners on Tuesday, bringing his total to more than 1,000 inmates, most of whom were serving lengthy prison terms under strict sentences imposed at the height of the war on drugs. An additional 13,000 people have been released early by the courts, the Justice Department said.

But looming over the announcement was the fact that President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, strongly opposed Mr. Obama’s liberal approach to criminal justice. Mr. Sessions favors vigorous enforcement of drug laws and the use of mandatory minimum sentences.

After Obama Push for Clemency, Hints of Reversal Likely to Come
Mr. Obama is on pace to be the first president since Lyndon B. Johnson to leave office with a federal prison population smaller than the one he inherited.

Plus he started the ACA and expanded Medicaid, he gave a lot of poor people healthcare,

but the republican states , mostly those in the south, didn't expand Medicaid, something tramp wants to take away.
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

You do know that you can be Muslim and an American at the same time, right Mr. Blart
Again what did obama do and say to try to unite the country?
He said there is one America.
Yes his fictitious version of America
Plus he started the ACA and expanded Medicaid, he gave a lot of poor people healthcare,

but the republican states , mostly those in the south, didn't expand Medicaid, something tramp wants to take away.
That did not unite America, forcing Americans to pay for something that they may not have wanted doesn't unite anyone
I read somewhere that President Obama (let's be respectful. Let's not be rude as are President Trump's critics) once said that he wanted to spend his retirement trying to help young African American men succeed in life. That is a worthy goal for those young men and -- above all -- for this tortured nation.
ok but how does that unite the country?
If you wanted to unite the country wouldn't you want to help anyone who was in need regardless of race?

Maybe if President Obama can persuade more young gentlemen of a certain ethnicity to straighten up and fly right, that would be a plus for everyone in this nation.

Have a nice day!
Specifically what did to say and do to achieve that goal?
Was it when he said they cling to their bible and guns?
Was it the part in his book from his own words "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction"
Was it when he attacked cops and called them stupid?
Or maybe it was if I had a son he would be like Trayvon?
or was it when he tried to paint half of America has racist?

He did a lot , not that you would give him any credit for. I have wrote a lot on what Biden done, you can check my posts out, or not. I don't care. What has tramp done??
obama did what specifically?

The republicans couldn't stand a black man in the white house, now you have your answer.
Another left wing liar among us. LOL

New Rule Permits Early Release for Thousands of Drug Offenders

July 18, 2014

WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of prisoners serving time for federal drug offenses will be eligible to seek early release beginning next year.
In testimony before Congress and the Sentencing Commission, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has pushed for reductions in drug sentences. Highlighting racial disparities, he has cast prison policy as a civil rights issue. He has separately begun a Justice Department review to help nonviolent prisoners apply for presidential clemency.

  • “This is a milestone in the effort to make more efficient use of our law enforcement resources and to ease the burden on our overcrowded prison system,” Mr. Holder said.

WASHINGTON — President Obama is on pace to be the first president in decades to leave office with a federal prison population that is smaller than when he was sworn in, a reflection of eight years of liberal criminal justice policies, historically low crime rates and an aggressive use of presidential commutations.

Mr. Obama granted clemency to 79 federal prisoners on Tuesday, bringing his total to more than 1,000 inmates, most of whom were serving lengthy prison terms under strict sentences imposed at the height of the war on drugs. An additional 13,000 people have been released early by the courts, the Justice Department said.

But looming over the announcement was the fact that President-elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, strongly opposed Mr. Obama’s liberal approach to criminal justice. Mr. Sessions favors vigorous enforcement of drug laws and the use of mandatory minimum sentences.

After Obama Push for Clemency, Hints of Reversal Likely to Come
Mr. Obama is on pace to be the first president since Lyndon B. Johnson to leave office with a federal prison population smaller than the one he inherited.

Neither did that unite America
Plus he started the ACA and expanded Medicaid, he gave a lot of poor people healthcare,

but the republican states , mostly those in the south, didn't expand Medicaid, something tramp wants to take away.
That did not unite America, forcing Americans to pay for something that they may not have wanted doesn't unite anyone
So you didn't read post 31: Also the ACA allowed many people to get healthcare, and PEC exclusion
Mr. Obama granted clemency to 79 federal prisoners on Tuesday, bringing his total to more than 1,000 inmates, most of whom were serving lengthy prison terms under strict sentences imposed at the height of the war on drugs. An additional 13,000 people have been released early by the courts, the Justice Department said.
I read somewhere that President Obama (let's be respectful. Let's not be rude as are President Trump's critics) once said that he wanted to spend his retirement trying to help young African American men succeed in life. That is a worthy goal for those young men and -- above all -- for this tortured nation.
ok but how does that unite the country?
If you wanted to unite the country wouldn't you want to help anyone who was in need regardless of race?

Maybe if President Obama can persuade more young gentlemen of a certain ethnicity to straighten up and fly right, that would be a plus for everyone in this nation.

Have a nice day!
You had earlier said he wanted to help blacks now you are suggesting that they are unruly.
Plus he started the ACA and expanded Medicaid, he gave a lot of poor people healthcare,

but the republican states , mostly those in the south, didn't expand Medicaid, something tramp wants to take away.
That did not unite America, forcing Americans to pay for something that they may not have wanted doesn't unite anyone
So you didn't read post 31: Also the ACA allowed many people to get healthcare, and PEC exclusion
Mr. Obama granted clemency to 79 federal prisoners on Tuesday, bringing his total to more than 1,000 inmates, most of whom were serving lengthy prison terms under strict sentences imposed at the height of the war on drugs. An additional 13,000 people have been released early by the courts, the Justice Department said.
Dumbass Forcing Americans to pay for something is not uniting them

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