If Progressives win the Culture War, would we still be living in a Free Society?

Thank you for sharing. In reality, self-defense by guns is rare.

I personally don’t consider this rare. Even in the lowest of the low, faulty estimates, there are 63k.

The best estimates are that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, but the more likely answer is probably somewhere in the middle. A 2021 survey2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States.

How Often Are Guns Used in Self Defense? | Stats
The laptop story was not “fake”. It was not Russian disinformation. It as if you don’t know what is going on. It is strange.
Gimmee a break, he's just lying.
To answer the op, I'd say a resounding "no" to the thought of myself having to buy into any "culture". Why do people worry so much about culture anyway? Do you actually lay awake at night worrying about such trivial little unimportant things?
The only way it becomes fake is if Biden gets his way in making it a fake, but we are way on down the road from that happening. Hopefully that won't be the case concerning our ideals on Justice, and justice being blind, and no one person's finger is somehow being placed upon the scale ⚖️...
I suspect the FBI will say they lost the laptop for a period of time so they lost the chain of custody and they can’t say for sure the contents of the laptop haven’t been altered.

I personally don’t consider this rare. Even in the lowest of the low, faulty estimates, there are 63k.

The best estimates are that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, but the more likely answer is probably somewhere in the middle. A 2021 survey2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States.

How Often Are Guns Used in Self Defense? | Stats
I am sure such studies exist and have been published, but the numbers do not look believable. Only 2% -- 3% of all homicide is classified as justifiable.
The laptop story was not “fake”. It was not Russian disinformation. It as if you don’t know what is going on. It is strange.

Twitter worked directly with the FBI, who was/is obviously anti-Trump, to censor. That is abundantly clear from the Twitter dumps. You and others like you choose to ignore it and the MSM doesn’t even cover it because they like to keep their sheep ignorant. For those of you that do actually know about the dumps, your defend at all costs indoctrination kicks in. It is sad and scary to see just how ignorant, indoctrinated and corrupt the average Democrat really is.
Nothing strange about Joe's actions, because he is a leftist big time.
In their wee little brains, it will be “fake” and all will be well no matter what the House turns up as long as the corrupt Biden DOJ refuses to investigate or prosecute.
There should be stop measures in place, and I garantee you that there is, so is it the rhino's who have caused justice to end up in the way that it has ended up in this COUNTRY now, otherwise by enabling the left to put us into the dire situations that we've since been put into ?? All who were involved should be looked at.
The only way it becomes fake is if Biden gets his way in making it a fake, but we are way on down the road from that happening. Hopefully that won't be the case concerning our ideals on Justice, and justice being blind, and no one person's finger is somehow being placed upon the scale

Yawn. Let me clue you in. No court would consider that fake laptop to be legitimate evidence. Simply put, it's been through too many hands.

More to the point, people take kind of a dim view of attacking family members of politicians who aren't politicians themselves.

The laptop story was not “fake”. It was not Russian disinformation. It as if you don’t know what is going on. It is strange.
Still fake. Fake all day. Just because they threw a few innocuous real emails in doesn't make it real.

Twitter worked directly with the FBI, who was/is obviously anti-Trump, to censor. That is abundantly clear from the Twitter dumps. You and others like you choose to ignore it and the MSM doesn’t even cover it because they like to keep their sheep ignorant. For those of you that do actually know about the dumps, your defend at all costs indoctrination kicks in. It is sad and scary to see just how ignorant, indoctrinated and corrupt the average Democrat really is.

Really, what I read from those dumps is that Twitter had LEGITIMATE concerns if they republished slanderous revenge porn, they could be held liable civilly.
The best estimates are that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, but the more likely answer is probably somewhere in the middle. A 2021 survey2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States.

Actually, the FBI says the number is about 49,000. But even that number is bullshit.

Here's the thing, according to the FBI, only 200 homicides are civilians using firearms in legitimate acts of self-defense.

So you would have to believe that as much as you Ammosexuals wank off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, that happy day comes where you can pull a Zimmerman or a Rittenhouse, and you only bag 200 bad guys out of 2.8 million times this happens? It doesn't pass the laugh test.
Yawn. Let me clue you in. No court would consider that fake laptop to be legitimate evidence. Simply put, it's been through too many hands.

More to the point, people take kind of a dim view of attacking family members of politicians who aren't politicians themselves.

Still fake. Fake all day. Just because they threw a few innocuous real emails in doesn't make it real.

Really, what I read from those dumps is that Twitter had LEGITIMATE concerns if they republished slanderous revenge porn, they could be held liable civilly.
Bull shite.... Try harder ..
Actually, the FBI says the number is about 49,000. But even that number is bullshit.

Here's the thing, according to the FBI, only 200 homicides are civilians using firearms in legitimate acts of self-defense.

So you would have to believe that as much as you Ammosexuals wank off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, that happy day comes where you can pull a Zimmerman or a Rittenhouse, and you only bag 200 bad guys out of 2.8 million times this happens? It doesn't pass the laugh test.
Gotta use those black folks to make your points eh, but do you know what liberal ? They might not appreciate your white ace keeping their groups name in your mouth so much. Ever thought about that you liberal/leftist pandering Joe Biden brainwashed non-functional knucklehead ??
Gotta use those black folks to make your points eh, but do you know what liberal ? They might not appreciate your white ace keeping their groups name in your mouth so much. Ever thought about that you liberal/leftist pandering Joe Biden brainwashed non-functional knucklehead ??

90% of blacks voted for Biden. Every election cycle, you guys claim you are going to get a mass defection of minorities to your side, and every election cycle they don't.

The best performance by a Republican with African Americans was George W. Stupid, and it's because he avoided the crap you guys normally do of demonizing minorities. And he got a whopping 11% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote. And then you nitwits turned right around and went back to demonizing minorities, and those numbers shrank to 4% and 27%, respectively.
Actually, the FBI says the number is about 49,000. But even that number is bullshit.

Here's the thing, according to the FBI, only 200 homicides are civilians using firearms in legitimate acts of self-defense.

So you would have to believe that as much as you Ammosexuals wank off at the thought of shooting you a darkie, that happy day comes where you can pull a Zimmerman or a Rittenhouse, and you only bag 200 bad guys out of 2.8 million times this happens? It doesn't pass the laugh test.

You are a typical ignorant, race baiting, guilt-ridden, indoctrinated, neutered liberal.
Still fake. Fake all day. Just because they threw a few innocuous real emails in doesn't make it real.

Wrong, forensics can determine if the hard drive was duplicated or files were altered. Do you really think the photos were photoshopped and they can't tell? Emails aren't just stored locally. There is a "paper" trail. Try as you may to diminish the scum that is the Biden family, you can't.

Really, what I read from those dumps is that Twitter had LEGITIMATE concerns if they republished slanderous revenge porn, they could be held liable civilly.

What legitimate reasons were those? The FBI contacting them stating that Russian disinformation was getting ready to be dropped? LOL!
90% of blacks voted for Biden. Every election cycle, you guys claim you are going to get a mass defection of minorities to your side, and every election cycle they don't.

The best performance by a Republican with African Americans was George W. Stupid, and it's because he avoided the crap you guys normally do of demonizing minorities. And he got a whopping 11% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote. And then you nitwits turned right around and went back to demonizing minorities, and those numbers shrank to 4% and 27%, respectively.
What percentage did Trump get in 2016 ? He was turning it around like it should be, but of course the leftist lies and coup finally brainwashed the weak into falling back into line, and into their leftist liberal white former slave owner's racist back pockets again.
Wrong, forensics can determine if the hard drive was duplicated or files were altered. Do you really think the photos were photoshopped and they can't tell? Emails aren't just stored locally. There is a "paper" trail. Try as you may to diminish the scum that is the Biden family, you can't.

What legitimate reasons were those? The FBI contacting them stating that Russian disinformation was getting ready to be dropped? LOL!
So the cover up is now big time in play according to this Joe character eh ? Well they better hurry and do what the authoritarian communist like the Russian president has done when he was KGB, otherwise to cover their tracks quickly.
You are a typical ignorant, race baiting, guilt-ridden, indoctrinated, neutered liberal.

Duly noted that you couldn't refute my point. If we really have 2.8 MM defensive gun uses, why do we only have 200 justified homicides by civilians with guns?

Because it doesn't happen anywhere near 2.8MM times.

Wrong, forensics can determine if the hard drive was duplicated or files were altered. Do you really think the photos were photoshopped and they can't tell? Emails aren't just stored locally. There is a "paper" trail. Try as you may to diminish the scum that is the Biden family, you can't.

Actually, the only record you have of when a file was altered is the time stamp record, which can be changed if you really know what you are doing.

Sorry, man, unflattering selfies isn't proof of a crime.

No court would accept those hard drives without more evidence, like a bill of sale showing that particular laptop was purchased by Hunter or his company, or his fingerprints or DNA on the laptop. No one has offered such evidence.

What legitimate reasons were those? The FBI contacting them stating that Russian disinformation was getting ready to be dropped? LOL!

Or that if the unverified laptop did turn out to be fake, (which it is), Hunter could sue Twitter for defamation. Not to mention all the purported material that never came from the laptop and found its way on the internet, like purported videos of Hunter snorting cocaine off a Chinese hooker's ass.

You see, as much as you whine about Rule 230, it's not an ironclad defense against civil or criminal action.
Ah, a good old "them v. us" argument that's so wrong it's ridiculous.

The thing that harms the freedoms of Americans the most is the petty, disgusting, ridiculous fight between Republicans and Democrats. And you're a part of that.

Well done.
They censor us, make up lies, have the DOJ and FBI helping them fuck us over and when a concerned person makes a thread about it, you chastise HIM? Youre a fucking scumbag.

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