If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.

OSHA was there when they tried to sell you asbestos to insulate your home
They were there when you were told you didn't need fire alarms

Its the nanny state that makes sure you have safe food and water to make your dinner

Asbestos is another health scare scam. There is still asbestos guess where? In nature. We breath it everyday just from the earth.

Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists.

Aren't you the one who believed Sarah plain really said the Alaska thing?

Or was rdean? I get you two mixed up. Lol
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?
Oh Jesus Murphy. You are lost. I can't help you. Sorry. :(
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.

OSHA was there when they tried to sell you asbestos to insulate your home
They were there when you were told you didn't need fire alarms

Its the nanny state that makes sure you have safe food and water to make your dinner

Asbestos is another health scare scam. There is still asbestos guess where? In nature. We breath it everyday just from the earth.

Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists.

Aren't you the one who believed Sarah plain really said the Alaska thing?

Or was rdean? I get you two mixed up. Lol
"Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists. "
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

You're the one who brought up the federal government spending more and more money.
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.

OSHA was there when they tried to sell you asbestos to insulate your home
They were there when you were told you didn't need fire alarms

Its the nanny state that makes sure you have safe food and water to make your dinner

Asbestos is another health scare scam. There is still asbestos guess where? In nature. We breath it everyday just from the earth.

Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists.

Aren't you the one who believed Sarah plain really said the Alaska thing?

Or was rdean? I get you two mixed up. Lol
"Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists. "
Yes. Laugh if you will but it's true.

Here you have to put in fire sprinklers too so if they go off accidentally your whole house is fucked.

You are laughing at the ridiculous rules created by too much government.
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

You're the one who brought up the federal government spending more and more money.

You are junior varsity at best debating politics, maybe a bench warmer on the JV team so I understand you are naturally handicapped at this so I hate to obliterate your post but you asked for it. What did the lying lowlife scum Democrats do to Reagan hmmm? Yes they lied and did not cut spending as they had promised Reagan, just one of many times the Democrats negotiated a deal with Reagan then failed to hold up their end of the bargain. I submit to you they never intended to honor those agreements in the first place.
No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

You're the one who brought up the federal government spending more and more money.

You are junior varsity at best debating politics, maybe a bench warmer on the JV team so I understand you are naturally handicapped at this so I hate to obliterate your post but you asked for it. What did the lying lowlife scum Democrats do to Reagan hmmm? Yes they lied and did not cut spending as they had promised Reagan, just one of many times the Democrats negotiated a deal with Reagan then failed to hold up their end of the bargain. I submit to you they never intended to honor those agreements in the first place.
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.
It's over your head, I know, you're a leftist are are unable to think for yourself.

When the government passes a law, they force people to follow it. So when the government passes a law that forces businesses to pay people to not work, big business loses competition since the small biz is having a harder time competing.

That's as simple an explanation I can give you, I know you didn't understand though.

its always funny seeing rightwnigut sheeple say that liberals don't think for themselves.

hint... I know I think for myself. and the conclusion is that rightwingnuts are just that.... nuts
You haven't had an original thought in years.
You hold no opinion not given to you by the media.
Not since I've been here have you gone off script, not once, you have not thoughts of your own.

don't feel bad, neither has the rest of the herd
The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

You're the one who brought up the federal government spending more and more money.

You are junior varsity at best debating politics, maybe a bench warmer on the JV team so I understand you are naturally handicapped at this so I hate to obliterate your post but you asked for it. What did the lying lowlife scum Democrats do to Reagan hmmm? Yes they lied and did not cut spending as they had promised Reagan, just one of many times the Democrats negotiated a deal with Reagan then failed to hold up their end of the bargain. I submit to you they never intended to honor those agreements in the first place.
Hey Kenyan Muslim Marxist liberal, you are sometimes funny.
That is exactly what the republican tea party wants...These bastards want to destroy all the protections and regulations that have built this nation over the last 150 years.

Evil is what they're. As simply they wouldn't care if this country looks like central America as long as the rich got theirs.

Where is there time for maternity leave????

There are 365 days this year.

There are 52 weeks per year in which you already have 2 days off per week, leaving 261 days available for work.

Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available.

You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break. That accounts for 23 days each year, leaving only 68 days available.

With a one hour lunch period each day, you have used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work.

You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days available for work.

We are off for 5 holidays per year, so your available working time is down to 15 days.

We generously give you 14 days vacation per year which leaves only one day available for work and I'll be damned if you're going to take that day off!

Yeah, fuck those bitches! Gettin pregnant an shit. That shit's their problem.

How the hell did this country thrive for over 200 years without this?

Good god

I know, we don't need no stinking progress.


I could say the same about slavery, child labor and clean air standards. But we're all better for it.

Maybe...maybe not......
Why do you require even more govern"mental" :cuckoo: intervention.
Private industry is free to offer paid maternity leave anytime they feel like it. Some companies have already started the ball rolling.

Four words constantly need repeating for you thick-skulled dembulbs:


Why not let children work in factories, underpaid and over worked? Let the market decide, works for the third world.
Why do you think both parties want illegals?

Because this country has become so spoiled and entitled they won't even work anymore.

That's why companies are leaving America.

Rosa parks on a bill for sitting on a bus is lame. It's akin to giving Obama the peace prize.

What Rosa Parks has to do with anything previously said here is a mystery.

if you have problems with big business wanting immigrants, why do I care? You're the one screaming to let the markets decide, but you appear to not like the outcome.
I believe rosa parks is mentioned by the op.

I don't want the market to decide I want the business owner to decide. That's the point of owning a business.

So if the business says...We don't serve negroes here...you are OK with it

You bet.

One thing that you left wing nazi's don't get is that if a business behaves poorly, the market tends to weed them out.

I would not patronize a business that chose to deny service to a particular race.

I'd much prefer we self police.

When you dinks get involved, nobody is working on changing attitudes....just complying.
Do people realize that this kind of forced leave is simply going to result in wage reduction ?

And women not being hired in the first place.
Want to show me examples of that happening in EVERY OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY OFFERING PAID LEAVE? NO? Of course. Fuck off.

Did you read the article.....?

Why don't you take your own advise you sniveling piece of dog crap.
Such a highly educated population and all I ever see is hands held out like panhandlers.

Good god, what a waiste of educational resources.

Are you including all the companies that ask for and receive corporate welfare/tax breaks? How about the wealthy who ask for and receive tax breaks that 90 % of Americans don't get.
Why do you folks not care that you are getting ignored and are taken for a ride while those with $$$ are appeased?
Man, they sure have you folks trained.
Sit. Roll over. But don't speak if you want to be treated equally.

I friggin hate pregnant corporations.

Can't they control thier deviant compulsions!

have you always been this stupid? or did your cognitive difficulties occur later in life?

You're kinda dense, ain'tcha?
Many marginal companies do go bust
Not a reason to sacrifice worker protections. Should we waive the 40 hour week and overtime for companies that are struggling?

That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
That's obviously wrong.
Lyndon Johnson had to wrangle to get the budget under $100B
Reagans total budget was $1T
Obama's deficits have run over $1T in some years.
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.

OSHA was there when they tried to sell you asbestos to insulate your home
They were there when you were told you didn't need fire alarms

Its the nanny state that makes sure you have safe food and water to make your dinner

Asbestos is another health scare scam. There is still asbestos guess where? In nature. We breath it everyday just from the earth.

Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists.

Aren't you the one who believed Sarah plain really said the Alaska thing?

Or was rdean? I get you two mixed up. Lol
All the Palin children love asbestos
Where was OSHA when I cut my finger making dinner the other night lol

I better be careful or next they'll be in my home making me wear a helmet and knife proof gloves.

OSHA was there when they tried to sell you asbestos to insulate your home
They were there when you were told you didn't need fire alarms

Its the nanny state that makes sure you have safe food and water to make your dinner

Asbestos is another health scare scam. There is still asbestos guess where? In nature. We breath it everyday just from the earth.

Fire alarms are a nightmare. They go off for no reason when there is no fire. Another scam by guess what? Fire alarm lobbyists.

Aren't you the one who believed Sarah plain really said the Alaska thing?

Or was rdean? I get you two mixed up. Lol
All the Palin children love asbestos
DIdnt you eat that stuff until someone told you it was bad for you?
It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
That's obviously wrong.
Lyndon Johnson had to wrangle to get the budget under $100B
Reagans total budget was $1T
Obama's deficits have run over $1T in some years.
I'm talking personnel and you are babbling about inflation
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
That's obviously wrong.
Lyndon Johnson had to wrangle to get the budget under $100B
Reagans total budget was $1T
Obama's deficits have run over $1T in some years.
I'm talking personnel and you are babbling about inflation
50 years ago there wasnt an EPA, OSHA, Dept of Education, etc etc. Yeah, tell me how we have the same number of personnel.
And the budget has exceeded the rate of inflation every year.

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