If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Right wingers seem to lack common sense.

Only a liberal is dumb enough to think personal accountability is the result of a lack of common sense.

Only a liberal focuses on teaching 4th and 5th graders on how to masturbate, how to put on condoms, how to engage in oral sex, and hands out 'Chiclets' yet wonders why the un-married pregnancy rate and abortion rate is off the chart in this country while lil' Johnny can' tread when he gets out of school.

Only a Liberal forces just about everyone to hand out contraceptives / condoms, single-parent birth rates and abortion rates soar yet they think if we just made MORE 'free' contraceptives available the problem would be solved.

What liberal focuses on teaching the above? Except for free birth control, which empirically reduces pregnancy in all cases.
Then why are there some many babies killed each year?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You mean the majority of fetuses that are under 13 weeks?
as I said:
When you have a meaningful job, you'll be exposed to this
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Part time employees are used because insurance a is expensive and getting more so because of progressive intervention

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Another useless deflection with no context since you know you're wrong.
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Part time employees are used because insurance a is expensive and getting more so because of progressive intervention

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They've been being used for awhile, are you dumb? Well, a way to alleviate the problem entirely related to insurance is a universal healthcare single payer system..
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Part time employees are used because insurance a is expensive and getting more so because of progressive intervention

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They've been being used for awhile, are you dumb? Well, a way to alleviate the problem entirely related to insurance is a universal healthcare single payer system..
Or you could outlaw part time work, which is effectively what Obama has done.
More and more companies are using part time workers to get around the Obamacare disaster.
Right wingers seem to lack common sense.

Only a liberal is dumb enough to think personal accountability is the result of a lack of common sense.

Only a liberal focuses on teaching 4th and 5th graders on how to masturbate, how to put on condoms, how to engage in oral sex, and hands out 'Chiclets' yet wonders why the un-married pregnancy rate and abortion rate is off the chart in this country while lil' Johnny can' tread when he gets out of school.

Only a Liberal forces just about everyone to hand out contraceptives / condoms, single-parent birth rates and abortion rates soar yet they think if we just made MORE 'free' contraceptives available the problem would be solved.

What liberal focuses on teaching the above? Except for free birth control, which empirically reduces pregnancy in all cases.
Then why are there some many babies killed each year?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You mean the majority of fetuses that are under 13 weeks?
Babies. ... Killing the baby doesn't mean the woman was never pregnant it just means the woman is a monster

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
OT means more effort for less money, in that is cheaper to pay 1.5x than hire additional employees.
This is who employers concerned about such things offer or require overtime for employees.
You do not understand this because you have yet to find meaningful employment, where such thing occur.
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Part time employees are used because insurance a is expensive and getting more so because of progressive intervention

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They've been being used for awhile, are you dumb? Well, a way to alleviate the problem entirely related to insurance is a universal healthcare single payer system..
You just proved you don't know shit about business.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Of course, any company in the country is free to implement paid leave for it's employees...what you want is called stealing. The government would steal money from the company and just give it to the employee to pay for the leave. That is immoral and wrong.
Most times birth control is effective

That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free

SEE, THIS is the B$ I have a problem with....just like with the headlines today about how OBAMA is going to pay for a new program to give free housing, food, education, and legal services to illegals, NOTHING is 'free', and OBAMA ain't paying for 'Shi'ite! NOTHING! It's all MY money and YOUR money, right out of OUR pockets.

- If ya want to have sex, get a job and PAY for a pack of condoms!

- If ya choose to have sex and get pregnant, YOU pay for the abortion if you choose to have one.

- Single mothers, the govt should step in and help pay for your 1st illegitimate child...and give you an education on how not to have another and a warning NOT to have another because tax payers aren't going to be paying for any more of your kids....

- If you have any more you can't afford the govt should step in and take the kids for their own sake

- If you have any more out of wedlock that you can't afford the govt should take them too and then sterilize you.

The govt should stop teaching 4th graders how to perform oral sex, how to masturbate, and how having 2 daddies is ok, especially since our education system blows...Johnny can't READ when he gets out of school, but he knows how to masturbate, how to orally please someone, and has a pocket full of 'free' condoms'! Good grief!

STOP teaching sex in schools - they've got that down pat now. How about teaching them some restraint and personal accountability?!

Its OUR money and We the People, as a society, pay the price for a lack of birth control

More unwanted children, more abortions, more burdens on families, more burden on the school system, more welfare

Open access to low cost birth control benefits society....pay me now or pay me more later

Yes…you are right…..we should adopt China's one child policy…….good for you…let your inner fascist out….
I prefer open access to cheap birth control, sex education, mothers right to choose abortion and assistance for those who would struggle to raise a child

And we have all of that today......birth control is free at the county health department and not having sex is free.....and you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a program for poor people.......

The right to choose to kill your baby is wrong......and should be stopped.
Condoms break

Not when used correctly. Use a quality brand, do not "double bag," and use "fresh" condoms (i.e. ones that have been bought recently). You're not hung like a stallion, no matter how much you want people to think you are. Condoms don't break unless you're doing something wrong.

BC pills mess up

The pill is 99.9% effective when used correctly. Use it the right way and there won't be a problem.

people can't prevent these things.

Bullshit. Use a double barrier approach, and stick to oral/anal sex for "unleashing." The sharks can't take the bait when you put them in a different tank.

Most times birth control is effective

That is why we should make it readily available and cheap/free

Swallowing is already free.
Condoms break

Not when used correctly.

When manufactured some are created with flaws...some are and have been recalled, not all before use I am sure. I just stopped with that one to advise you that your way of thinking is not 100% accurate. As they say, the only things in life that are certain are death and taxes.

My way of thinking is personal responsibility. Of course, a liberal like yourself will never believe that that way of thinking is accurate.
My sister is a doctor and she once had a patient who had her tubes tied. Her husband had a vasectomy. She ended up pregnant.

Your sister should be the first one to tell you that tubals and vasectomies are horribly unreliable forms of contraception. They always grow back. Not sure what your point is here. Two people used unreliable forms of birth control and it didn't work. By George!
Employers should support pregnant women not fire them when they become pregnant.

Cool story. Seeing as it's already illegal to fire someone who gets pregnant, I still don't know what your point is supposed to be.
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore

No its not good grief do you make up the most ridiculous nonsense?
No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
That's obviously wrong.
Lyndon Johnson had to wrangle to get the budget under $100B
Reagans total budget was $1T
Obama's deficits have run over $1T in some years.
I'm talking personnel and you are babbling about inflation
50 years ago there wasnt an EPA, OSHA, Dept of Education, etc etc. Yeah, tell me how we have the same number of personnel.
And the budget has exceeded the rate of inflation every year.

The fool has lost it, I mean what do you even say to that level of crazy.
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore
Now that you understand you are arguing a moral position....
Who are you to force your morality on others?
Still waiting
Paid leave should be common sense and moral for anyone.
And I ask yet again:
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I am nobody, I am a voting citizen who knows countless mothers lack paid leave to spend time with babies.

So who's going to pay for it? Would you pay a painter to not paint your house? Would you pay a lawn care company if your grass doesn't need to be mowed? Would you pay your mechanic for a repair on your car that you don't need?

Then why would you expect employers to forcefully pay employees who are not producing work for their company?
Why expect employers not to hire 8 year olds? Why expect employers to have fire escapes? Why expect employers to make sure workers have access to medical care if they're injured on the job? Why expect employers to provide breaks during 8 hour shifts? Why expect employers to pay a minimum wage? Why expect employers to not work workers in 105 degree temperatures? Why expect employers to hire minorities and not only whites? Why expect employers to let employees not work when they're sick? Why expect employers to give employees overtime pay? Same bullshit, different year.
Why not explain how a small business with only a 5-10% profit margin can afford to pay someone to be off work for six weeks AND pay someone else to cover that workload during that time, basically paying double for one job??
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

These Cradle-To-Gravers will be the end of this country yet.
Paid leave should be common sense and moral for anyone.
And I ask yet again:
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I am nobody, I am a voting citizen who knows countless mothers lack paid leave to spend time with babies.

So who's going to pay for it? Would you pay a painter to not paint your house? Would you pay a lawn care company if your grass doesn't need to be mowed? Would you pay your mechanic for a repair on your car that you don't need?

Then why would you expect employers to forcefully pay employees who are not producing work for their company?
Why expect employers not to hire 8 year olds? Why expect employers to have fire escapes? Why expect employers to make sure workers have access to medical care if they're injured on the job? Why expect employers to provide breaks during 8 hour shifts? Why expect employers to pay a minimum wage? Why expect employers to not work workers in 105 degree temperatures? Why expect employers to hire minorities and not only whites? Why expect employers to let employees not work when they're sick? Why expect employers to give employees overtime pay? Same bullshit, different year.
Why not explain how a small business with only a 5-10% profit margin can afford to pay someone to be off work for six weeks AND pay someone else to cover that workload during that time, basically paying double for one job??

That's easy. Decrease pay rate for all the other employees, don't give out any more raises, and make employees pay a higher out-of-pocket fee for their healthcare. If that doesn't offset the loss, you can also increase the price of your product.

Then blame evil rich people for being so heartless.

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