If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

My way of thinking is personal responsibility. Of course, a liberal like yourself will never believe that that way of thinking is accurate.

:stupid: ....actually I'm NOT! SE, stick to speaking for yourself because you $U@K at trying to speak for ME - I'm not a liberal. If I were there is no way I would be able to point out FACTS! :lmao:
Actually, it's cheaper to not let employees go into overtime and find someone else to cover what they would be doing.
Expansion of payroll to cover temporary increases in labor demand is usuualy far more expensive than OT pay.
If/when you have a meaningful job, you'll understand.
Part time employees fill the gap, employers of millions go by this.
Part time employees are used because insurance a is expensive and getting more so because of progressive intervention

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They've been being used for awhile, are you dumb? Well, a way to alleviate the problem entirely related to insurance is a universal healthcare single payer system..
Or you could outlaw part time work, which is effectively what Obama has done.
More and more companies are using part time workers to get around the Obamacare disaster.

And yet employment statistics don't support that conservative myth
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?
Liberals are living, breathing, walking, talking contradictions:

1. They want gun control, to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, to 'save lives'....meanwhile 8 people were killed & 45 injured in Chicago by gang violence yet they won't send in cops, and the ANG if needed, to take back their city / streets to end the record-setting violence.

2. They want to END the death penalty, the appropriate punishment for some of the worst people in our society, who prey on people, destroy lives, and have no socially redeeming value....but fight like people possessed to ensure they keep their right to be able to deliver a baby from a mother - EXCEPT the head, which remains inside the mother, to stick a pair of scissors into the 'fetus' head - thereby killing it, then take it out, cut it up, and sell the parts for profit...at tax payer expense. 1 criminal life taken through executions is 1 too many, but 5 MILLION children killed per year through abortion - especially those slaughtered in 'late term' abortions - is ok.

3. They OUTLAW homeless Americans so they can get them off the street so they don't have to look at them and deny Veterans of adequate medical care; yet, they provide criminal illegals - many who rape/rob/kidnap/murder Americans - with 'free' housing, 'free' education', 'free' food, 'free'' medical care, 'free' Sanctuary', and 'free' legal services.

4. They claim they will provide the 'greatest transparency' ever known, that they will allow the American people to see 'everything', then hold 1 ACA meeting on CSPAN before locking themselves behind closed doors to create 'Obamacare', promise 45 days to read all legislation then ram opposed legislation into law over-night, tell the American people they have no RIGHT to know what is in legislation until their edicts pass, classify documents so politicians and Americans can't find out what they're doing, use multiple personal e-mail devices, violate Court Orders to release documents, delete e-mails, destroy hard drives, destroy servers...

5. They claim ALL Lives matter, going as far as (lying about) releasing the Taliban 5 to get back 1 US deserter yet is too afraid to even ASK Iran for our 4 Americans back that they are holding hostage, too afraid to pressure the leader of China to return an American they are holding, and would not send military personnel into Benghazi to at least get there to recover the bodies of our American dead.
Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

Yes, some businesses are helped by government but just as many are hurt by it. Many businesses are CRIPPLED by the monumental record-setting amount of government regulations and mandates...as are American families.

The biggest example of this would have to be the ACA:
Many families who had insurance and full-time jobs before the ACA 'edict' was imposed LOST their health care coverage provided by the businesses they worked for, and if they were lucky they only had their hours reduced from Full-Time to Part-Time because businesses were either laying off or reducing the hours (thus PAY) of their workers to avoid the Obamacare mandates.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place
Again you are overstating the impact

NO, I am NOT!

Obama promised, swore, vowed....LIED....that Americans WOULD NOT lose their health care, WOULD NOT lose their jobs, as a result of the ACA being rammed into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

The ink wasn't even dry on his signature yet when he began furiously scrambling to sign exemptions to companies so this would not happen...yet it did.

Companies began laying off people, reducing full-time hours to part-time hours, and flat-out dropped insurance coverage - all to avoid the ACA mandates! Not only did Obama LIE to the American people, but he also thoroughly F@CKED millions!

The media reported that this was one of the largest losses of full-time employment in this nation's history, that the number of full-time jobs as a result were at come of the lowest levels EVER. Instead of addressing the legislation that CAUSED so much unemployment and reduction of hours for people who depended on those hours for them and their families survive - instead of trying to figure out a way for Americans to get those and more full-time jobs BACK they began demanding the answer was to raise the minimum wage salary because so many people had their hours cut to part-time status and so many were now working minimum wage jobs.

The ANSWER is not to accept the increase of minimum wage jobs as a viable income source for FAMILIES but to fight to get the full time jobs back and to bring even MORE full time jobs back to the US.

But the ACA di...flat out DID...directly cause millions of Americans to lose their health care coverage, full-time jobs, and JOBS they had! That's REAL! You may have YOUR job right now, but there are many who DON'T because of the IMPOSED minority-supported 'EDICT' that is the ACA that was FORCED down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it. Don't try to defend the PROVEN LIES.... Hail Obama even 'won an AWARD' for lie of the year, so don't try to say that people did NOT lose insurance, lose full-time jobs, lose JOBS, and were NOT able to keep the plans and doctors they liked.

Government is FAR from the 'extremely fair, friendly, business beneficial Utopic savior' Liberals and the government paints it out to be, and it has and will continue to hurt businesses and people just as it will help others.
Again you are overstating the impact

NO, I am NOT!

Obama promised, swore, vowed....LIED....that Americans WOULD NOT lose their health care, WOULD NOT lose their jobs, as a result of the ACA being rammed into law against the majority opposition of the American people.

The ink wasn't even dry on his signature yet when he began furiously scrambling to sign exemptions to companies so this would not happen...yet it did.

Companies began laying off people, reducing full-time hours to part-time hours, and flat-out dropped insurance coverage - all to avoid the ACA mandates! Not only did Obama LIE to the American people, but he also thoroughly F@CKED millions!

The media reported that this was one of the largest losses of full-time employment in this nation's history, that the number of full-time jobs as a result were at come of the lowest levels EVER. Instead of addressing the legislation that CAUSED so much unemployment and reduction of hours for people who depended on those hours for them and their families survive - instead of trying to figure out a way for Americans to get those and more full-time jobs BACK they began demanding the answer was to raise the minimum wage salary because so many people had their hours cut to part-time status and so many were now working minimum wage jobs.

The ANSWER is not to accept the increase of minimum wage jobs as a viable income source for FAMILIES but to fight to get the full time jobs back and to bring even MORE full time jobs back to the US.

But the ACA di...flat out DID...directly cause millions of Americans to lose their health care coverage, full-time jobs, and JOBS they had! That's REAL! You may have YOUR job right now, but there are many who DON'T because of the IMPOSED minority-supported 'EDICT' that is the ACA that was FORCED down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it. Don't try to defend the PROVEN LIES.... Hail Obama even 'won an AWARD' for lie of the year, so don't try to say that people did NOT lose insurance, lose full-time jobs, lose JOBS, and were NOT able to keep the plans and doctors they liked.

Government is FAR from the 'extremely fair, friendly, business beneficial Utopic savior' Liberals and the government paints it out to be, and it has and will continue to hurt businesses and people just as it will help others.

Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place
Conservative psychopaths hate all of the above.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model

What happens to most businesses in the summer when the whole workforce is rotating taking vacations?
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Nothing like having our Health Care run inefficiently like the VA huh?
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So what happens if the majority of your employees are women and half take maternity leave around the same time?
Should the other employees should get a raise for picking up the slack of those on leave or do you hire new employees on a temp bases?

If thats the case, it needs to become part of your business model
Funny this is, ITS NEVER HAPPENED in any country with paid maternity leave guaranteed, or in places here. This is all the rw has.
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

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