If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Nothing like having our Health Care run inefficiently like the VA huh?

Nothing wrong with the VA that more hospitals and more doctors can't fix
Ignoring it and slashing funding for decades will lead to that
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Nothing like having our Health Care run inefficiently like the VA huh?

Nothing wrong with the VA that more hospitals and more doctors can't fix
Ignoring it and slashing funding for decades will lead to that
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Governent take over healthcare would be a benefit

Business has to deal with excalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better healthcare elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Governent take over healthcare would be a benefit

Business has to deal with excalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better healthcare elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need
Universal healthcare benefits everyone.
Nothing wrong with the VA that more hospitals and more doctors can't fix Ignoring it and slashing funding for decades will lead to that
Nice DODGE! The VA is ANOTHER example of how the federal government can't run things more efficiently, effectively, and without scandal - like it does with everything else. And with government, after the scandal broke, people got upset, vows to make things better were made, and people went back to sleep - trusting the government to fix its mess, the government has STILL not fully resolved / corrected the problems THEY made with the VA.
Universal healthcare benefits everyone.

Yeah, Obama's pathway to universal healthcare has sure helped the builder of the nearly $1 trillion failed ACA web site, the scammers and criminals the media is reporting that are plaguing the site, etc....
Your Obamacare drunken screed has nothing to do with women taking maternity leave
It has everything to do with your comment about how businesses and Americans so greatly benefit from the government and its intervention....

The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Nothing like having our Health Care run inefficiently like the VA huh?

Nothing wrong with the VA that more hospitals and more doctors can't fix
Ignoring it and slashing funding for decades will lead to that

There is plenty wrong with the VA
It has had problems ever since it was started and nothing has ever been fixed with it no matter how much money you throw at it.
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Government take over health care would be a benefit

Business has to deal with escalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better health care elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need
Universal health care benefits everyone.

No it doesn't.
Ask any of the people who's loved ones were on universal health care and they died because the disease was rare and or very costly.
Nothing wrong with the VA that more hospitals and more doctors can't fix Ignoring it and slashing funding for decades will lead to that
Nice DODGE! The VA is ANOTHER example of how the federal government can't run things more efficiently, effectively, and without scandal - like it does with everything else. And with government, after the scandal broke, people got upset, vows to make things better were made, and people went back to sleep - trusting the government to fix its mess, the government has STILL not fully resolved / corrected the problems THEY made with the VA.

Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Government take over health care would be a benefit

Business has to deal with escalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better health care elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need
Universal health care benefits everyone.

No it doesn't.
Ask any of the people who's loved ones were on universal health care and they died because the disease was rare and or very costly.

Ask anyone who avoided treatment because they couldn't face the out of pocket expenses.
Ask anyone with crappy private insurance with a yearly or lifetime cap how it covered that rare disease
The BEST thing for American business would be for Government to take over healthcare entirely.

They want no part of having to provide insurance for their employees

Winner, winner 'FREE' chicken dinner! There it is, we have ourselves a Liberal Winner!

Yes, the answer is government take over, not only of health care...but of EVERYTHING...because they have done such a bang up job of improving EVERYTHING they touch. (WARNING: EXTREME SARCASM!)

1. Just because they want no part of doing it does NOT mean that the government can do it better or that it will/would turn out better by allowing the government to do it all. The task wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the government would stop butting in and imposing its over-reaching edicts / regulations such as those imposed on them by Obamacare!

2. Liberals always think they are the smartest people in the room, know how to spend your money better than YOU do, can run your business better than YOU can, can reduce the cost of this or that, can create programs that cost nothing or pays for themselves....and time and time again that MASSIVE MYTH is proved to be absolute PROVEN BULL$I'ITE!

From a business standpoint, having the Government take over health care would be a benefit

Business has to deal with escalating costs for insurance, employees who are irate because their benefits are cut, unions, people quitting to get better health care elsewhere

It is a HUGE headache that business does not need
Universal health care benefits everyone.

No it doesn't.
Ask any of the people who's loved ones were on universal health care and they died because the disease was rare and or very costly.
Still pushing that bullshit? Private healthcare still exists under UHC.
...nothing has ever been fixed with it no matter how much money you throw at it.

B$! They found administrative personnel giving themselves huge bonuses and pay raises while falsifying documents, delaying treatments, etc....

You FIRE their a$$e$, hire competent people, and make it a point to ensure they know that this sort of thing WILL not happen again or next time people will go to jail. Take some of that extra 'bonus' and 'increased salary' money these losers were giving themselves and hire some new people. Here's an idea, HIRE VETS to manage the VA 'cause NO ONE will take care of vets like vets!
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!
...nothing has ever been fixed with it no matter how much money you throw at it.

B$! They found administrative personnel giving themselves huge bonuses and pay raises while falsifying documents, delaying treatments, etc....

You FIRE their a$$e$, hire competent people, and make it a point to ensure they know that this sort of thing WILL not happen again or next time people will go to jail. Take some of that extra 'bonus' and 'increased salary' money these losers were giving themselves and hire some new people. Here's an idea, HIRE VETS to manage the VA 'cause NO ONE will take care of vets like vets!

Can't fire them because of the unions. That is a whole bunch of the problems of government workers.
If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Are the liberal fanatics still trying to pretend it's government's job to take care of families?

Is there any lie they won't try, in their quest to whine and bash Republicans?

Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?
...Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.

Gov't doesn't not shrink without persistent force.

Too many pols have too many cousins, nephews and friends who want gov't jobs and pensions.

The gov'ts of many large eastern and rust belt cities whose populations have declined precipitously not only haven't contracted but have and continue to grow in order to enact and accommodate their ever increasing functions ... functions that once were performed by those who are now served.

Technology, for most of us, has made life more efficient but gov't - for political reasons - is impervious to that dynamic.
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That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
Care to mention that reagan tripled the national debt and that bush invaded the wrong country?

Leave it to a loony leftist to blame Reagan for the growth of gov't since the late 1950s!
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!

Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service
Business benefits from government help....why shouldn't families?

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!

Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service

That is exactly why government should not be in any health care period.

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