If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

They do already bonehead

So I ask again, should the employees that are NOT off on leave have a mandated pay raise for picking up the slack for those that are on leave?

Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!

Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service

That is exactly why government should not be in any health care period.

You get what you pay for

Especially with private insurance
Again you are overstating the impact

Women will take, on average, two maternity leaves over a 40 year working period
It will not cause other employees to lose pay, businesses to go under or prices to rise

You own a business? You play by the rules
Those rules include a 40 hour week, overtime, OSHA, building codes, allowable hours of operation, non-discrimination against employees and customers

Your business can't survive by following the rules? Another business will take your place

So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.

Maybe in your world workers turn against pregnant women

Not in mine
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled...

You are absolutely batshit crazy (and I attribute that to your years of loony leftism).

Tax Facts | Tax Facts Listing

In constant (fy 2009) dollars, 50 years ago (1965) fed tax rev was $752 bil. This year it will be nearly $3 tril.

Expenditures in 1965 were $761 bil. This year $3.42 tril.

What our federal gov't has done is grab the lion's share of tax revenues and then "grant" it back to states and locals based on their compliance with an expansive and expensive array of fed gov't mandates, forcing those gov'ts to grow to accommodate the fed's demands. Needless to say, once the fed takes their cut there's not enough left to pay for those mandates, leaving cities and states scrambling to make up the shortfall.

BTW ... before making a total jackass of yourself, look up the meaning of "constant dollars."
Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service

I actually believe there IS enough funding, but with government comes ineptitude, corruption, and greed...and with a lack of accountability it never gets resolved. In the case of the VA, if this had been a major private corporation those responsible would have been fired, policies and procedures would have been reviewed by now, and this would have been well on its way to being fixed.

Trump said it best: "I see a problem. I go out and get the very best people to fix the problem. I tell them to take care of the problem. The problem gets fixed.

The government sees a problem , they go out and hire a buddy or someone who owes them a favor, or someone who wants a favor. The problem gets white washed or ignored because the people the govt hires looks not at the problem but the situation as one in which they can enrich themselves.

If you had a leak in your roof, you would follow the Trump model above. You wouldn't stand for the Obama VA model. You would stay on top of those responsible for fixing it until it was done quickly and right. That is NOT government .
Congress started skimping on the VA after Vietnam.
They cut funding and allowed hospitals to close and doctors to leave. When Afghanistan and Iraq hit, soldiers started flooding the hospitals by the tens of thousands demanding care.

Congress then blamed the VA because waiting times are so long

Want to fix the VA? Give vouchers for private service until you have hired more doctors and built more hospitals

Agreed - the GOVERMENT screwed up the VA and veteran healthcare, caused the quality of care to DECREASE, not INCREASE! I completely agree, and I agree with your plan - allow vets to go get private health care!

Like anything else....You get what you pay for

Inadequate funding brings inadequate service

Like anything else, take away competition, you get complacence and inadequate service.
Paid leave should be common sense and moral for anyone.
And I ask yet again:
Who are you to force your morality on others?
I am nobody, I am a voting citizen who knows countless mothers lack paid leave to spend time with babies.

So who's going to pay for it? Would you pay a painter to not paint your house? Would you pay a lawn care company if your grass doesn't need to be mowed? Would you pay your mechanic for a repair on your car that you don't need?

Then why would you expect employers to forcefully pay employees who are not producing work for their company?
Why expect employers not to hire 8 year olds? Why expect employers to have fire escapes? Why expect employers to make sure workers have access to medical care if they're injured on the job? Why expect employers to provide breaks during 8 hour shifts? Why expect employers to pay a minimum wage? Why expect employers to not work workers in 105 degree temperatures? Why expect employers to hire minorities and not only whites? Why expect employers to let employees not work when they're sick? Why expect employers to give employees overtime pay? Same bullshit, different year.

I'll bet you rely on others to tell you when to pee.

Nah ... he seems to wet himself regularly here.
So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.

Maybe in your world workers turn against pregnant women

Not in mine

Maybe in your world workers don't look for every angle to increase their wage, especially when the boss burdens them with additional work.

Not in mine.

Only the dumbest progressive in the world would advocate employees not get paid for being forced to work harder
So make all others work harder to benefit a few, without just compensation for their additional labor?

See why progressives are considered nutz.

Have a nice day.

Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.

Maybe in your world workers turn against pregnant women

Not in mine

How do you figure that? Who's turning against pregnant women? Do you lie awake at night dreaming up this stupid shit?

Geeze Louise....
Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.

Maybe in your world workers turn against pregnant women

Not in mine

How do you figure that? Who's turning against pregnant women? Do you lie awake at night dreaming up this stupid shit?

Geeze Louise....

Yes, yes he does.

He needs a more productive hobby
Thats about how it works

Everywhere I have ever worked, employees are happy for a woman having a baby and do everything they can to help out. I have never seen a woman resented for taking maternity leave....I guess unless it is by Conservatives

Mandated forced happiness?

Sorry....but I have never seen fellow employees up in arms because a woman employee was on maternity leave

I doubt you get out much, but then again

You probably can't get out you're door without the official governmental issued pamphlet on how to turn a door knob.

Maybe in your world workers turn against pregnant women

Not in mine

Maybe in your world workers don't look for every angle to increase their wage, especially when the boss burdens them with additional work.

Not in mine.

Only the dumbest progressive in the world would advocate employees not get paid for being forced to work harder

Happens all the time in the workplace with temporary leave

Employees have to cover when someone is on vacation or someone is sick

This is no different
Of course, any company in the country is free to implement paid leave for it's employees...what you want is called stealing. The government would steal money from the company and just give it to the employee to pay for the leave. That is immoral and wrong.

Nah, the gov't wouldn't go so low as to steal :)lmao:).
What they would do with this bill is require those businesses that don't now provide paid leave to do so.
'If' being the key word here. They don't care. But on the bright side, greedy white Republican dude's numbers are dwindling. And more & more Americans are turning against them. Winning a Presidential Election will be incredibly difficult for the Republican Party for many years to come.
Let's be real, if angry greedy white Republican guy had his way, Businesses would be allowed to have their slaves. And they'd get their Corporate Welfare Tax Breaks on top of it. Most of our Founding Fathers were greedy old white dudes who owned slaves for God's sake. That's America.

Slavery is where unchecked hate & greed ultimately takes you. All Americans should actually thank God that Unions existed and thrived for a time. They wouldn't enjoy the perks they take for granted today, if Unions didn't fight for them. Unions need to make a comeback in this country. It's the only way to keep greedy white Republican guy somewhat honest.
Let's be real, if angry greedy white Republican guy...

1. Racist

2. Your ignorance is showing, implying that there are no greedy Liberals, when almost EVERY politician, on both sides of the aisle are millionaires who have elevated themselves above the laws they impose upon the rest of us while exempting themselves.

LOL...It would be funny if it wasn't such a stupid comment / belief...
If Dems believed in freedom and America, they'd stop demanding the government use tyranny to get their way.

but they don't, they hate, absolutely hate, freedom and America.
Paid leave is tyranny? I guess every other country is suffering then, OH GOD, THE PAID LEAVE, IT'S LITERALLY KILLING US. LOL.
It's over your head, I know, you're a leftist are are unable to think for yourself.

When the government passes a law, they force people to follow it. So when the government passes a law that forces businesses to pay people to not work, big business loses competition since the small biz is having a harder time competing.

That's as simple an explanation I can give you, I know you didn't understand though.
its always funny seeing rightwnigut sheeple say that liberals don't think for themselves.
hint... I know I think for myself. and the conclusion is that rightwingnuts are just that.... nuts
You only parrot things you overheard while working at your shoe-shine stand.
That is some liberal idiocy right there ^^^

It is the way the civilized world works. Unchecked capitalism is not in the best interests of the public
Unchecked capitalism was the reason government grew in the first place, in Europe, in Latin America, in Canada.. These "free market" worshippers who claim the market will fix itself are stupid.

No….unchecked government growth is why government grew. You keep giving politicians more money and power, and they keep increasing the size of government. Capitalism has nothing to do with that. And yes, the market, left alone by politicians will fix itself. It always has. When the politicians try to "fix" things, that is when we get the great depression that we can't get out of.

The Federal government has spent more money each and ever year since the late 1950's, even as population growth decreased. Its like my local school district, there are 500 fewer students in the district compared with 2 years ago yet they want a huge increase over the previous budget. Something fishy there.
The Federal Government is the same size as it was fifty years ago. Even though the population has doubled
Every American spends more than they did in the 1950s. Can't find ten cent Cokes and 25 cents a gallon gas anymore

We have had 12 new Government Departments added in the last 50 years.
Yes is has grown.
We have had 12 new Government Departments added in the last 50 years.
Yes is has grown.

(Playing devil's advocate:)

Liberal Responses You Should Expect:

1. You're just a Racist

2. It's all Bush's fault

3A. :link:

3B. Your source is NOT acceptable / reliable...because I said so

4. "Ummm, LOOK A SQUIRREL!" :scared1:

5. :ahole-1: (Personal attack)

6. :anj_stfu: (You're confusing them with facts - stop it!)

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