If repubs can never come up with specific policy examples of their party helping the...

this op is like a frikken broken record
it's not up to Government give you something to make your life...THAT IS ALL ON YOUR shoulder . well it used to be... back in the day you would NEVER find a question like this from the people who only wanted "government" to stay the hell out of their lives, get out of their way of their livelihoods and stop STEPPING all over them
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.

As I said Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan. He also pushed to raise the minimum wage.

I personally haven't seen it. Perhaps Billy here can list these tax cuts we "supposedly" received (not taking into account those high gas prices at the pump of course)

It was part of his stimulus package. How do you people not know what was in the stimulus? Obama has absolutely nothing to do with the high gas prices. Domestic drilling is at an all time high.

Oh I know all about the wasteful spending that went on under the Democrats "stimulus" package.

$150 Million - for the Smithsonian Museum. Are additional rooms really necessary at this time?
$75 Million - for "smoking cessation activities"
$25 million - for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
$200 Million - to fund the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for the use on military installations. They are soldiers who march from building to building, and Michelle Obama has also held the need for MORE people to be physically fit.
$88 Million - for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Services. I wouldn't think of renovating my OWN house until I knew I could afford it
$160 Million - for "paid volunteers" ... at the Corporation for National and community Service If they are paid they are not volunteers, they are called employees.
$5.5 Million - for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration. Electric hearses?? .. or are we talking about electric lawn mowers here?

Are you STILL unable to tell me where all these "supposed" tax cuts for the middle class are? Don't make claims if you are unable to back them up.
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Just looking around should show you that the stimulus didn't really work.

How about Reagan and the earned income tax credit. Like it or not it was directly pointed at the working man. On the other hand I can't think of one thing the democrats have done to help the working man.
The economy lost 8 million jobs from a free fall that began months before Obama was sworn in. We have since regained all of them no thanks to republicans. Over 2 million came directly from Obama's stimulus.

If we regained "ALL of them no thanks to Republicans" through the stimulus package and saved SO many jobs, why the push for all these federal unemployment extensions?
If the stimulus helped create so many jobs and "supposedly" included the biggest tax cuts for the muddle class, why did Nancy Pelosi lose her position as Speaker if the American people were happy with the Democrats job of handling the economy?
this op is like a frikken broken record
it's not up to Government give you something to make your life...THAT IS ALL ON YOUR shoulder . well it used to be... back in the day you would NEVER find a question like this from the people who only wanted "government" to stay the hell out of their lives, get out of their way of their livelihoods and stop STEPPING all over them

The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.
Where do you come up with this nonsense ... ?

Federal government jobs:

Jan/2001: 2,753,000
Jan/2009: 2,786,000
Aug/2014: 2,714,000

increased by 33,000 jobs under Bush
decreased by 72,000 jobs under Obama

Federal Government Employment

Federal government jobs (excluding Post Office employees):

Jan/2001: 1,873,600
Jan/2009: 2,059,500
Aug/2014: 2,124,400

increased by 185,900 jobs under Bush
increased by 64,900 jobs under Obama

Federal Government Employment (excluding Postal workers)

Total government jobs:

Jan/2001: 20,835,000
Jan/2009: 22,579,000
Aug/2014: 21,922,000

increased by 1,744,000 jobs under Bush
decreased by 657,000 jobs under Obama

Total Government Employment

Not only do we not have "double" the number of government employees, as you bizarrely claimed ... Obama has either decreased, or increased them less than Bush, depending on which metric you use.
Why are the half a million postal workers never in the government employee numbers? They operate solely with fed funding but are never included in the numbers of federal employee's. I've always wondered why.
because they are considered an independent agency of the federal govt.....and are not paid by the federal govt the way everyone else is,they are paid by the PO.........and they dont operate solely with fed funding...they fund themselves and are the only agency to do so....

The Federal Reserve funds themselves.
are they owned by the US Govt like the PO is?...

this says no one owns it.....:dunno:

FRB Who owns the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government.
but the 3 things i read all said the same.....no one seems owns it....the PO is owned by the federal govt....

It's part of the government, like the FBI.
Is the FBI owned by anyone?
the Dept. of Justice?...who signs their checks?....
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.
Where do you come up with this nonsense ... ?

Federal government jobs:

Jan/2001: 2,753,000
Jan/2009: 2,786,000
Aug/2014: 2,714,000

increased by 33,000 jobs under Bush
decreased by 72,000 jobs under Obama

Federal Government Employment

Federal government jobs (excluding Post Office employees):

Jan/2001: 1,873,600
Jan/2009: 2,059,500
Aug/2014: 2,124,400

increased by 185,900 jobs under Bush
increased by 64,900 jobs under Obama

Federal Government Employment (excluding Postal workers)

Total government jobs:

Jan/2001: 20,835,000
Jan/2009: 22,579,000
Aug/2014: 21,922,000

increased by 1,744,000 jobs under Bush
decreased by 657,000 jobs under Obama

Total Government Employment

Not only do we not have "double" the number of government employees, as you bizarrely claimed ... Obama has either decreased, or increased them less than Bush, depending on which metric you use.
Why are the half a million postal workers never in the government employee numbers? They operate solely with fed funding but are never included in the numbers of federal employee's. I've always wondered why.
because they are considered an independent agency of the federal govt.....and are not paid by the federal govt the way everyone else is,they are paid by the PO.........and they dont operate solely with fed funding...they fund themselves and are the only agency to do so....

The Federal Reserve funds themselves.
are they owned by the US Govt like the PO is?...

this says no one owns it.....:dunno:

FRB Who owns the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve System fulfills its public mission as an independent entity within government.
but the 3 things i read all said the same.....no one seems owns it....the PO is owned by the federal govt....

It's part of the government, like the FBI.
Is the FBI owned by anyone?
the Dept. of Justice?...who signs their checks?....

In this administration, some thug.
Here's a question when did the Democratic mantra change from

"ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country "


"hey bru just axe the government for hepp"
I'm. It
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.

Um no spending is necessary. Over spending is what is not necessary. Revenue pays for our gov's expenses. Less revenue means more borrowing. Look it up. The tax cuts under Bush and Obama have greatly contributed to our debt.

How many times must I explain this?

Wrong. Spending is not necessary. It's almost entirely optional.

You people blow me away. Tell me what do you call it when the government funds public schools? Our military?
I'm. It
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.

Um no spending is necessary. Over spending is what is not necessary. Revenue pays for our gov's expenses. Less revenue means more borrowing. Look it up. The tax cuts under Bush and Obama have greatly contributed to our debt.

How many times must I explain this?

Wrong. Spending is not necessary. It's almost entirely optional.

You people blow me away. Tell me what do you call it when the government funds public schools? Our military?

It's not necessary for government to fund schools, especially the federal government.
I'm. It
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.

Um no spending is necessary. Over spending is what is not necessary. Revenue pays for our gov's expenses. Less revenue means more borrowing. Look it up. The tax cuts under Bush and Obama have greatly contributed to our debt.

How many times must I explain this?

Wrong. Spending is not necessary. It's almost entirely optional.

You people blow me away. Tell me what do you call it when the government funds public schools? Our military?

It's not necessary for government to fund schools, especially the federal government.

Oh really? How do you suggest we keep our public schools open?

Lol you people never cease to amaze me.
I'm. It
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.

Um no spending is necessary. Over spending is what is not necessary. Revenue pays for our gov's expenses. Less revenue means more borrowing. Look it up. The tax cuts under Bush and Obama have greatly contributed to our debt.

How many times must I explain this?

Wrong. Spending is not necessary. It's almost entirely optional.

You people blow me away. Tell me what do you call it when the government funds public schools? Our military?

It's not necessary for government to fund schools, especially the federal government.

Oh really? How do you suggest we keep our public schools open?

Lol you people never cease to amaze me.

I don't propose to keep them open. I propose to abolish them.
Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Considering Bush lost over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs and the UNFUNDED tax cuts cost US about 1/3rd the deficits (according to CBO) 2001-2010, yes, lets get the Gov't less revenues, it worked so well under Dubya/GOP
The only jobs Obama created were government jobs paid for by confiscated taxpayer funds. Now we have double the useless government drones than we had during the Bush administration. The median income for a typical middle class family dropped 7% since Obama took office.

MORE right wing nonsense. Shocking. You'd think after 8 years of Dubya's/GOP 'job creator' policies the US would've boomed under him? What happened? Oh right he left US in a ditch along the road and the GOP has refused to help the Black Prez pull US out!

June marks 52 straight months of private sector job growth, the longest ever on record, beating out Bill Clinton's record of 51 continuous months of private sector job growth from February 1996 to April 2000. The economy has added more than 200,000 jobs for five months in a row now, the longest such streak since 1999. In the first half of this year alone the economy has added 1.4 million jobs, another accomplishment not seen since 1999.

Barack Obama bests Bill Clinton s private sector job creation record The People s View

Trickle Down Economics?


Ya mean how the government confiscates massive amounts of money from the producers and how it trickles down to the the intellectually less fortunate comprising the lowest cultural denomination?

Or the irrational label that Progressive Republicans hung over the natural order of economics, in a deceitful advocacy, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the aforementioned ignorant?

Both are similar to the deceit that the obama cult has cut taxes, anywhere, for anyone. The assertion is absurd on its face.

The 50% and climbing increases in healthcare; the increase in the cost of fuel, are just two examples of INCREASES on the cost of simply BEING HERE, which cost the middle class two TRILLION+ dollars per year.

Get out of the bubble,. remember gas prices hitting record highs July 2008, BEFORE we went into a world wide recession, mainly caused by Dubya/GOP policies?

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The GOP Greed Over People Party could care less about America. They care about one thing: GREED. Did I mention they care about GREED. Such low character liars, manipulators, ideologically right wing and ignorant people
Here's a question when did the Democratic mantra change from

"ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country "


"hey bru just axe the government for hepp"

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Red States Mostly Welfare States Dependent On Blue States But Likely Too Uninformed to Know

Among the 254 counties where food stamp recipients doubled between 2007 and 2011, Republican Mitt Romney won 213 of them in last year’s presidential election, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data compiled by Bloomberg. Kentucky’s Owsley County, which backed Romney with 81 percent of its vote, has the largest proportion of food stamp recipients among those that he carried.

Food Stamp Cut Backed by Republicans With Voters on Rolls - Bloomberg

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic
I'm. It
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.

Um no spending is necessary. Over spending is what is not necessary. Revenue pays for our gov's expenses. Less revenue means more borrowing. Look it up. The tax cuts under Bush and Obama have greatly contributed to our debt.

How many times must I explain this?

Wrong. Spending is not necessary. It's almost entirely optional.

You people blow me away. Tell me what do you call it when the government funds public schools? Our military?
I call the Federal government funding the military complying with the Constitution and Federal funding public schools unconstitutional.
Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Considering Bush lost over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs and the UNFUNDED tax cuts cost US about 1/3rd the deficits (according to CBO) 2001-2010, yes, lets get the Gov't less revenues, it worked so well under Dubya/GOP

Considering Bush lost over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs

We'd get that many back with $217.4 billion in tax cuts, according to Billy's source.

and the UNFUNDED tax cuts cost US

Cost us? Are you the government, or a taxpayer?
Because they saved money for taxpayers.....AND created jobs.
Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut.

Are you saying Americans got to keep millions more of their own earnings AND jobs were created?

That's awesome!!! Let's do that some more!!!

Considering Bush lost over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs and the UNFUNDED tax cuts cost US about 1/3rd the deficits (according to CBO) 2001-2010, yes, lets get the Gov't less revenues, it worked so well under Dubya/GOP

Considering Bush lost over 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs

We'd get that many back with $217.4 billion in tax cuts, according to Billy's source.

and the UNFUNDED tax cuts cost US

Cost us? Are you the government, or a taxpayer?
Because they saved money for taxpayers.....AND created jobs.

LOL How does a POTUS lose (or find for mattter) jobs

and how do you fund tax cuts?


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