If repubs can never come up with specific policy examples of their party helping the...

You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more.

Or we could....wait for it....spend less!
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.
So why can't government just cut back spending to the levels they have the money to pay for? It's what families have to do. It's what countries have to eventually do. The point is government expenses are too high and can't be paid for by revenue. The solution is never to keep borrowing, that's just stupid.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.
So why can't government just cut back spending to the levels they have the money to pay for? It's what families have to do. It's what countries have to eventually do. The point is government expenses are too high and can't be paid for by revenue. The solution is never to keep borrowing, that's just stupid.

Um yeah that is my point. I don't understand why we are talking about this. I never said Obama wasn't over spending.
Obama is considered black by the GOP. A party that's 90% white. Worse, he's smart and a college graduate. Worst of all, he was a college professor. Three reasons Republicans hate his guts.
Dweeb doesn't realize that the Democratic party is 85% white.

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Ya dumbass stupid shit. Go peddle your ignorance elsewhere.
Ernie must have hit a nerve....

Hit a nerve? Or a "funny bone"? I feel two things when confronted by ignorance. First, there's the pity factor. After all, how many times has that moron told people the Democratic Party is 85% white? How many believed it? Probably 90% of them. See? Pity.
Then the other is laughter that someone sitting at the computer could be so stupid, they don't know how to use Google. How long does it take to look up "Democratic Party Demographics"? And then he called me a name because I'm not stupid. Hilarious!
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.

I of course never said the government was entitled to revenue.

What I did say was that the way some are trying to call tax cuts lost revenue is ridiculous. It is not LOST revenue. It's revenue that the government never had. You can't lose something you never had in the first place.

Again, I say to you go to your banker and tell him that you had a job that paid 5% more last year, but now you don't and you need to borrow money because of the lost revenue and watch how hard he laughs.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.

I of course never said the government was entitled to revenue.

What I did say was that the way some are trying to call tax cuts lost revenue is ridiculous. It is not LOST revenue. It's revenue that the government never had. You can't lose something you never had in the first place.

Again, I say to you go to your banker and tell him that you had a job that paid 5% more last year, but now you don't and you need to borrow money because of the lost revenue and watch how hard he laughs.

It's lost in the sense that revenue that was meant to pay for government expenses was never collected. Therefore the gov must borrow more.
So gov't jobs haven't grown under Obama- PROVEN. Don't the hater dupes EVER get tired of mouthing total BS? Obviously not.

Of course the stimulus worked, and of course a jobs act and training for tech jobs financed by a tax hike on the bloated rich in 2010 would have worked wonders- not to mention no phony crises. Only brainwashed functional morons doubt it....Ugly American hater dupes...a disgrace.

If it REALLY worked, Franco...then why did the Obama Administration have to come up with the "Jobs Created or Saved" statistic? If the Obama stimulus actually created jobs...then why didn't they simply state how many jobs WERE created?

The answer to that is painfully for you Obamabots...that stimulus created so few jobs that they would have been laughingstocks to report the real number. I don't recall the exact math but I think it cost something like $87,000 to create every new job under that stimulus and then the majority of those jobs were temporary and went away as soon as the Federal monies ran out.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.

I of course never said the government was entitled to revenue.

What I did say was that the way some are trying to call tax cuts lost revenue is ridiculous. It is not LOST revenue. It's revenue that the government never had. You can't lose something you never had in the first place.

Again, I say to you go to your banker and tell him that you had a job that paid 5% more last year, but now you don't and you need to borrow money because of the lost revenue and watch how hard he laughs.

It's lost in the sense that revenue that was meant to pay for government expenses was never collected. Therefore the gov must borrow more.

Good God you are slow.

It's lost in the sense that the government wishes they had it, but they never did, so it isn't lost.

I guess I could claim I have lost lottery winnings to, but seeings as how they weren't ever mine to begin with, I didn't lose them.

You're playing semantics to win a point. Here's a hint, if you have to play semantics to make your point stick, your point sucks.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.

I of course never said the government was entitled to revenue.

What I did say was that the way some are trying to call tax cuts lost revenue is ridiculous. It is not LOST revenue. It's revenue that the government never had. You can't lose something you never had in the first place.

Again, I say to you go to your banker and tell him that you had a job that paid 5% more last year, but now you don't and you need to borrow money because of the lost revenue and watch how hard he laughs.

It's lost in the sense that revenue that was meant to pay for government expenses was never collected. Therefore the gov must borrow more.

Good God you are slow.

It's lost in the sense that the government wishes they had it, but they never did, so it isn't lost.

I guess I could claim I have lost lottery winnings to, but seeings as how they weren't ever mine to begin with, I didn't lose them.

You're playing semantics to win a point. Here's a hint, if you have to play semantics to make your point stick, your point sucks.

How are you this retarded? I'll admit my semantics arent accurate. I did word this awkwardly, but for you to be so dumb that you don't understand my point just makes you look like an idiot. Yes retard. Nothing was lost. You are arguing about stupid shit that does not matter.

Revenue means on going expense. Important shit like infrastructure and public education are on going expenses. That shit MUST come from taxes. Grow up and get over it. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.

I of course never said the government was entitled to revenue.

What I did say was that the way some are trying to call tax cuts lost revenue is ridiculous. It is not LOST revenue. It's revenue that the government never had. You can't lose something you never had in the first place.

Again, I say to you go to your banker and tell him that you had a job that paid 5% more last year, but now you don't and you need to borrow money because of the lost revenue and watch how hard he laughs.

It's lost in the sense that revenue that was meant to pay for government expenses was never collected. Therefore the gov must borrow more.

Good God you are slow.

It's lost in the sense that the government wishes they had it, but they never did, so it isn't lost.

I guess I could claim I have lost lottery winnings to, but seeings as how they weren't ever mine to begin with, I didn't lose them.

You're playing semantics to win a point. Here's a hint, if you have to play semantics to make your point stick, your point sucks.

How are you this retarded? I'll admit my semantics arent accurate. I did word this awkwardly, but for you to be so dumb that you don't understand my point just makes you look like an idiot. Yes retard. Nothing was lost. You are arguing about stupid shit that does not matter.

Revenue means on going expense. Important shit like infrastructure and public education are on going expenses. That shit MUST come from taxes. Grow up and get over it. Paying taxes is part of being a citizen.

"Revenue means on going expense"? What are you babbling about, Billy? Revenue is income...nothing more...nothing less.

"Grow up and get over it"? Get over what...having my hard earned money wasted by a bloated and inefficient Federal Government? Is that what you demand I "get over"? From where I sit, Billy...part of being a "citizen" is having the right to demand that the money I worked so hard to make be spent in an intelligent fashion. Peons and serfs paid taxes without a say in how they were spent. Citizens don't!
You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?
That is NOT how it works. The debt already exists. What causes more debt is an increase in spending which precipitates more borrowing.

The spending is not necessary.
I'm n
You re
...middle class and poor, why do they continue to support them? I just don't understand it. Why do republicans continue to be elected?

Trickle down economics has proven to be smoke screen. Bush's tax cuts pitifully created 4.6 jobs per million dollar cut. That's it. In Obama's first 4 years, twice as many jobs were created than in all of Bush's 8. According to the CBO, Obama's stimulus alone created over 2 million jobs that still exist to this day.

CBO: Stimulus Supports 2.9 Million Jobs Today | FDL News Desk

Obama’s Numbers, October Update

Here is a non partisan thorough look at what the stimulus accomplished which is staggering. It literally saved the country from another depression.

Was the Obama Stimulus a Success or a Failure? - NPQ - Nonprofit Quarterly

Here is WHY Obama's stimulus worked:

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

I just don't understand what republicans have to show for. Obama's tax cut for the middle class was the biggest since Reagan. Seriously what has any republican president since Reagan done that has benefitted the country as a whole?

It seems as though all the average joe republicans want to hear are flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie. They don't want to hear the truth which is that republicans have nothing to offer.

Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits and the Economy

Thanks for the hilarious link. She cracks me up!
And yet you can't explain why she is wrong.

Sure I can, if I can stop laughing long enough.
How many errors should I point out?

As many as you can handle. Quit stalling.

Here's the best one:

Reductions in the tax rate actually hurts the economy. That's because every dollar in lost tax revenue only creates 59 cents in economic growth.

Creating growth of 59 cents while saving taxpayers $1 hurts the economy? ROFLMAO!!!
Of course for a socialist, more freedom, less money in the hands of the government and more money in the hands of the people is a bad think. So I can understand why she is against it.

You realize of course that every dollar lost in revenue is one more dollar we are in debt right?

Really? who the hell runs their budget that way? If I have a job, and my wife has a job, and one of us loses our job, we don't just keep spending money like we were before and claim "well if so and so hadn't stopped paying us we would have been fine, it's THEIR fault we're in debt" Do you? Of course not, you'd be in jail if you did.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Revenue is what pays our government's expenses. If we have less revenue, the government has to borrow more. Thus more debt. If your point is that Obama has over spent, I agree. I never disputed that.

My point is ONLY the government can get away with claiming that not having revenue it was never entitled to begin with is lost revenue.

If you feel your boss should give you a raise and he doesn't do you call that "lost revenue" and just go out and spend as if he had given you the raise? Of course not, that would be ridiculous.

The government is entitled to revenue. Revenue is what pays the bills. It's relative as to what the gov deserves but to suggest the government isn't entitled to any revenue is ridiculous. Less revenue=more debt. Revenue pays for our military, public education, and infrastructure. Wouldn't you agree those are important?

The problem with Bush and Obama is that they cut taxes and increased spending. That was bad. That is why our national debt is so high. Not just spending but also Bush's tax cuts.
How about less spending=less debt? The problem is not that the government doesn't take in enough revenue, but that it doesn't take in enough revenue to buy more Democrat votes with free shit.

Lower tax rates always means more private sector spending and depending on the health of the economy, frequently more tax revenue. The trick is knowing when and where to reduce rates. obama hasn't a clue.
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.

As I said Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan. He also pushed to raise the minimum wage.

I personally haven't seen it. Perhaps Billy here can list these tax cuts we "supposedly" received (not taking into account those high gas prices at the pump of course)
"Hope and Change" is in it's 6th year and the radical left calls for Obama to state specific examples of how his party is supporting the middle class and the poor......Just kidding. You gotta laugh that the low information left wing jerks are doing what they always do ....acting like losers.

As I said Obama is responsible for the biggest tax cut for the middle class since Reagan. He also pushed to raise the minimum wage.

I personally haven't seen it. Perhaps Billy here can list these tax cuts we "supposedly" received (not taking into account those high gas prices at the pump of course)

Whenever all of ObamaCare is implemented, Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will be responsible for the biggest tax increase on the Middle Class in the nations history. At the moment they are illegally holding back the bad parts of ObamaCare and touting how wonderful the good parts are. The game they are playing is to get as many people as possible hooked on yet another entitlement before the people that have to pay for that entitlement figure out the true costs.
Obama is considered black by the GOP. A party that's 90% white. Worse, he's smart and a college graduate. Worst of all, he was a college professor. Three reasons Republicans hate his guts.
Dweeb doesn't realize that the Democratic party is 85% white.

Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Ya dumbass stupid shit. Go peddle your ignorance elsewhere.
Ernie must have hit a nerve....

Hit a nerve? Or a "funny bone"? I feel two things when confronted by ignorance. First, there's the pity factor. After all, how many times has that moron told people the Democratic Party is 85% white? How many believed it? Probably 90% of them. See? Pity.
Then the other is laughter that someone sitting at the computer could be so stupid, they don't know how to use Google. How long does it take to look up "Democratic Party Demographics"? And then he called me a name because I'm not stupid. Hilarious!
calm down Dean....smoke a joint and relax....

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