If Rightwingers are so convinced that Democratic policies are harmful to America...

We won, the left lost and lost huge. Win an election libwits then you can talk shit.
All you can say is that you won. It's not like you can justify winning it without deflecting to bitching about Hillary. You can't defend the GOP on its own merit. You know Trump is sack of garbage but you lack the emotional maturity to admit it. You won because Americans are incredibly stupid. That's nothing to feel proud of.

Well duh :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Trump will NEVER do or say what Obama which has caused a massive financial disruption.

So what Obama did that you defend is:
Trump will never say:
as obama did..he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system... so what happens to the above?)
Or bankrupt utilities.." if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
Or want higher gas prices.."I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
Encourage rate hikes..."Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like they can point to any economic solution by Repubs in office that benefit the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. It's not like Repubs in office have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Billy SEZ?????? "We need MORE gubermint!!!!!!..MORE Taxes!!! MORE Fees!!! MORE entitlements and subsidies!!!!! Because the peoples can never get enough gubermint!!!!!"View attachment 107419
That shit gets so tiring. Like okay dude, we get it: you love guns and you delude yourself into thinking they are what the American Rev was all about. Some stupid, emotional meme about the "tyranny of government" just doesn't cut it anymore. Think critically. Stop with this emotional founding fathers crap of yesteryear. No one cares about your gun collection.
Well, I don't give a shit about your nanny state...
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.
Assuming this is all true, if the left would stop demanding that inferior products/candidates are rejected because of some ridiculous "ism" or phobia and instead put up real candidates who have real and honest credentials for the office they seek you wouldn't be in this mess and all that stuff you cited above would do the GOP in all on its own...assuming of course it is all true and without embellishment.
The 2nd Amendment, low taxes, fewer government regulations, jobs and a strong foreign policy. The problem with lefties is that they haven't been listening. That's why Bill's wife is sitting in the audience instead of the podium and democrats lost over a thousand seats in state, local and federal government since Hussein was elected eight (long long ) years ago. .
He did it to save himself

Michigan Republican trashes Trump to calm town hall crowd angered by Obamacare repeal
A Michigan Republican calmed an impassioned crowd protesting the repeal of Obamacare by reminding them he’d opposed Donald Trump.
Millions have been destroyed by Obamacare…
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 49 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 47% oppose President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
He did it to save himself

Michigan Republican trashes Trump to calm town hall crowd angered by Obamacare repeal
A Michigan Republican calmed an impassioned crowd protesting the repeal of Obamacare by reminding them he’d opposed Donald Trump.
Millions have been destroyed by Obamacare…
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 49 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 47% oppose President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
Your poll is wrong, millions of people and hundreds of small businesses have been harmed irreversibly...
We won, the left lost and lost huge. Win an election libwits then you can talk shit.
All you can say is that you won. It's not like you can justify winning it without deflecting to bitching about Hillary. You can't defend the GOP on its own merit. You know Trump is sack of garbage but you lack the emotional maturity to admit it. You won because Americans are incredibly stupid. That's nothing to feel proud of.

Well duh :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
It's a shame you never matured past junior high.
What is the point of posting this again? Billy has started dozens of threads with this same question. Republicans detail specific policies. He ignores them and eventually disappears only to show up a few days later posting the same exact question acting as though it hasn't already been answered. What is the point? Repeating it doesn't make it true. And it sure doesn't persuade anyone. So why keep doing it?

Or can Billy simply truly not understand?
He did it to save himself

Michigan Republican trashes Trump to calm town hall crowd angered by Obamacare repeal
A Michigan Republican calmed an impassioned crowd protesting the repeal of Obamacare by reminding them he’d opposed Donald Trump.
Millions have been destroyed by Obamacare…
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 49 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 47% oppose President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.

Can anyone trust any poll that doesn't involve actual voting?
We won, the left lost and lost huge. Win an election libwits then you can talk shit.
All you can say is that you won. It's not like you can justify winning it without deflecting to bitching about Hillary. You can't defend the GOP on its own merit. You know Trump is sack of garbage but you lack the emotional maturity to admit it. You won because Americans are incredibly stupid. That's nothing to feel proud of.

Well duh :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
It's a shame you never matured past junior high.

Translation...:crybaby:Hillary lost :crybaby:
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

It is all about relativism Mr. Moon Bat.

Both the Republican and the Democrat parties embrace big government. They both preside over big out of control oppressive government.

The Republicans are always better than the Democrats. That is a given. We all know that. However, just being better is not good enough.

The Democrats promise bad government and always delivers bad government.

The Republicans promise good government but usually delivers about the same bad government as the Democrats.

Hopefully Trump will change that.
He did it to save himself

Michigan Republican trashes Trump to calm town hall crowd angered by Obamacare repeal
A Michigan Republican calmed an impassioned crowd protesting the repeal of Obamacare by reminding them he’d opposed Donald Trump.
Millions have been destroyed by Obamacare…
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 49 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 47% oppose President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
Your poll is wrong, millions of people and hundreds of small businesses have been harmed irreversibly...

There has been a surge in support for Obamacare as soon as GOP said it was getting rid of it.

No one on the Dem side said Obamacare was perfect, it just better than what was previously...

The GOP have blocked any amendments to make it better, tweaking it to make it better...

This article might explain it better:
Why Obamacare enrollees voted for Trump

This is what a Trump supporter said about Obamacare:
“We all need it,” Oller told me when I asked about the fact that Trump and congressional Republicans had promised Obamacare repeal. “You can’t get rid of it.”
He did it to save himself

Michigan Republican trashes Trump to calm town hall crowd angered by Obamacare repeal
A Michigan Republican calmed an impassioned crowd protesting the repeal of Obamacare by reminding them he’d opposed Donald Trump.
Millions have been destroyed by Obamacare…
A new CNN/ORC poll finds that 49 percent of Americans favor Obamacare, while 47% oppose President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation.
Your poll is wrong, millions of people and hundreds of small businesses have been harmed irreversibly...

There has been a surge in support for Obamacare as soon as GOP said it was getting rid of it.

No one on the Dem side said Obamacare was perfect, it just better than what was previously...

The GOP have blocked any amendments to make it better, tweaking it to make it better...

This article might explain it better:
Why Obamacare enrollees voted for Trump

This is what a Trump supporter said about Obamacare:
“We all need it,” Oller told me when I asked about the fact that Trump and congressional Republicans had promised Obamacare repeal. “You can’t get rid of it.”
If it was such a great thing it should be a choice, it being forced on millions of people makes it an evil act…

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