If Rightwingers are so convinced that Democratic policies are harmful to America...

...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Name me good democrat legislation, there is none.

Pubs lower taxes
Reduce regulation
Reduce welfare
Increase military

With Trump you can add
Building a border wall
Kicking out criminals
Waterboarding terrorists
Replacing Obamacare with real insurance
Stopping top

This is.just in the first 3 days.
Pubs ONLY lower taxes on top earners. They do nothing for the middle class.
You're dumb if you think we need a bigger military than what we already have.

Trump won't accomplish jack shit.
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Name me good democrat legislation, there is none.

Pubs lower taxes
Reduce regulation
Reduce welfare
Increase military

With Trump you can add
Building a border wall
Kicking out criminals
Waterboarding terrorists
Replacing Obamacare with real insurance
Stopping top

This is.just in the first 3 days.
Pubs ONLY lower taxes on top earners. They do nothing for the middle class.
You're dumb if you think we need a bigger military than what we already have.

Trump won't accomplish jack shit.

When were you in the military kid?
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
We won, the left lost and lost huge. Win an election libwits then you can talk shit.
All you can say is that you won. It's not like you can justify winning it without deflecting to bitching about Hillary. You can't defend the GOP on its own merit. You know Trump is sack of garbage but you lack the emotional maturity to admit it. You won because Americans are incredibly stupid. That's nothing to feel proud of.

I will be more than willing to defend GOP policies and positions, based on their own merit.

Are you done with your childish little rant?

If so ----- bring it on.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

Ah, its their money not yours first of all. Second, you are wrong. Third I'd rather have the money in the hands of the people smart enough to earn it vs these idiots in government to waste.

Who blows $45 million building a natural gas filling station for vehicles...in a country which has no natural gas vehicles? Yes the federal government, the thing sitsl there unused. For that matter since when does it cost $45 million to build a gas station? :bang3:

Less you think that was a one off, they spent $95 million to build an embassy...after it was built then they noticed it was surrounded by tall buildings that could shoot down on embassy staff and so was completely useless as an embassy :bang3:

Then these government geniuses spent $750,000 on a study to figure out if Neil Armstrong said "one small step for man" or "one small step for 'a' man". True story. The result of the study...they are not sure :bang3:
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
Don't you realize how pathetic you sound harping on this "we won, you lost" bullshit? You sound like you're in junior high. Its so irrelevant to the point.
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
Don't you realize how pathetic you sound harping on this "we won, you lost" bullshit? You sound like you're in junior high. Its so irrelevant to the point.

That's what your "mediocre negro" harped on when he was elected kid.
When were you in the Military?
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
Don't you realize how pathetic you sound harping on this "we won, you lost" bullshit? You sound like you're in junior high. Its so irrelevant to the point.

Don't you realize what a butt hurt little pussy you sound like begging people to stop rubbing reality in your face? Deal with it, bitch.
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
Don't you realize how pathetic you sound harping on this "we won, you lost" bullshit? You sound like you're in junior high. Its so irrelevant to the point.

Don't you realize what a butt hurt little pussy you sound like begging people to stop rubbing reality in your face? Deal with it, bitch.

He takes it in the ass regularly.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. You can't defend his lying, flip flopping, and blatant hypocrisy and you know it. You can't even make the case he has the emotional maturity of a grown man. He's pathetic and deep down you know it.

LMAO... I don't have to defend him... he's the man! You didn't defeat him. He mopped the floor with you. He gets to do what the hell he wants to do now, and there's not a whole lot you can do about that because you've lost all your power. That's what I mean... you sound like you think he's still "candidate Trump" and that's not the case anymore... He's President of the United States.

I don't agree with Trump on everything, read my threads. I get blasted by his lap dogs all the time for speaking my opinion. But he's going to do things I don't agree with and I'm going to have to live with that.
Don't you realize how pathetic you sound harping on this "we won, you lost" bullshit? You sound like you're in junior high. Its so irrelevant to the point.

That's what your "mediocre negro" harped on when he was elected kid.
When were you in the Military?
Why would it matter if I was in the military?
...why don't they ever defend specific republican policies?

Why can't they just admit how useless Trump and the GOP really are?

I mean sure RWs hate ObamaCare and are glad Repubs are repealing it, but it's not like they can actually point to any specific republican-owned, proactive solutions that they like. For example, Repubs in office only ease the tax burden on the wealthy class so it's not like RWs can point to any specific economic solution by the GOP that benefits the nation as a whole.

The GOP is the party of "no" and that's all it is. Repubs in office do not have their own solutions to any issues this country faces.

Name me good democrat legislation, there is none.

Pubs lower taxes
Reduce regulation
Reduce welfare
Increase military

With Trump you can add
Building a border wall
Kicking out criminals
Waterboarding terrorists
Replacing Obamacare with real insurance
Stopping top

This is.just in the first 3 days.
Pubs ONLY lower taxes on top earners. They do nothing for the middle class.
You're dumb if you think we need a bigger military than what we already have.

Trump won't accomplish jack shit.

Trump will put a stop to Obama's stupidity. Example: Under Obama the enemy could run up and point a rocket launcher at our troops...but our troops were not allowed to fire. They had to wait until the rocket launcher was fired at them, THEN whoever wasn't dead or half blown up could fire back.

As for your hatred of the 'rich' we heard you the first 100 times.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

The President doesn't raise or lower taxes.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

No, Reagan didn't raise taxes. That's a myth constructed by liberals after the fact. What Reagan actually did was to broaden the tax base. That meant more people would pay tax who previously didn't pay tax. That's not a tax increase... that's, "you're going to pay taxes now." Another thing they like to call a "tax increase" is when Reagan eliminated certain deductions. The result was some people paid more taxes but that's not a tax increase.

Obama's "job growth" was a joke. People had to get a second job because their employers cut their hours from full time. Bush's tax cuts didn't work as well as Reagan's because Bush was an idiot who didn't understand supply side economics. He tried to give everyone a tax cut across the board and didn't expand the base.

But all of this stuff is water under the bridge, the election is over and Trump won. Your side lost. Your time to make these arguments is over.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

When were you in the military pussy boy?
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

No, Reagan didn't raise taxes. That's a myth constructed by liberals after the fact. What Reagan actually did was to broaden the tax base. That meant more people would pay tax who previously didn't pay tax. That's not a tax increase... that's, "you're going to pay taxes now." Another thing they like to call a "tax increase" is when Reagan eliminated certain deductions. The result was some people paid more taxes but that's not a tax increase.

Obama's "job growth" was a joke. People had to get a second job because their employers cut their hours from full time. Bush's tax cuts didn't work as well as Reagan's because Bush was an idiot who didn't understand supply side economics. He tried to give everyone a tax cut across the board and didn't expand the base.

But all of this stuff is water under the bridge, the election is over and Trump won. Your side lost. Your time to make these arguments is over.
lol nothing you are saying is based on actual statistics. You're just parroting the usual republican bullshit. Just answer me this: if cutting taxes on top earners is such a great idea, why was Bush's era such an economic failure? Job growth was pathetic and there two recessions. All of this happened despite his enormous tax cuts on the wealthy.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

When were you in the military pussy boy?
Lol why do you people ask such irrelevant bullshit? I never was and I don't care if you think that makes me a pussy
lol nothing you are saying is based on actual statistics. You're just parroting the usual republican bullshit. Just answer me this: if cutting taxes on top earners is such a great idea, why was Bush's era such an economic failure? Job growth was pathetic and there two recessions. All of this happened despite his enormous tax cuts on the wealthy.
Bush was not a conservative, that is why.
Ok how about you explain how cutting taxes for top earners stimulates the overall economy when historically we know it has never worked.

It always works.

When Reagan cut top marginal tax rates it generated 75% more tax revenue and sparked a 97-month economic growth period. This was on the heels of the Carter Malaise where we had double-digit inflation and 21% prime interest rates.
Lol you are so dense. Reagan raised taxes 11 times as president. Sure there was job growth, but it wasn't related to tax cuts certainly. Hell poverty went through the roof under Reagan. Oh and Obama had a longer stretch of job growth. Oops!

Oh and we know cutting top earner taxes are useless because of Bush's. His were larger and the Great Recession happened anyway. That Recession ended 6 months into Obama's presidency. We've had job growth ever since.

When were you in the military pussy boy?
Lol why do you people ask such irrelevant bullshit? I never was and I don't care if you think that makes me a pussy

Then you have no fucking idea how big it needs to be kid.

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