If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Since Cruz's eligibility is based on his *mother*, wouldn't it be her documents you'd be trying to check?

Now you know according to the 14th Amendment this issue isn't limited to an American mother. It can be an American father siring a child in Iran, N. Korea, Russia or China too... Little Ming Chou might want to be President of the US one day too. Don't deny him his "birthright" just because his daddy knocked up his mommy while he was on shore leave..
Since Cruz's eligibility is based on his *mother*, wouldn't it be her documents you'd be trying to check?

Now you know according to the 14th Amendment this issue isn't limited to an American mother. It can be an American father siring a child in Iran, N. Korea, Russia or China too... Little Ming Chou might want to be President of the US one day too. Don't deny him his "birthright" just because his daddy knocked up his mommy while he was on shore leave..

Strawman. No one has said that the 14th amendment is limited to mothers only. Meaning you're refuting an argument that no one is making.
You would be wrong but it I am sure you are used to that. Being the child of a usa citizen makes him a us citizen. That is the law

And being born in Canada made him a citizen of Canada too.

Good point. I will remind folks once again, if a man sires a child while on shore leave, to a woman in Iran, North Korea or Russia and that child is raised there by the mother, then by the same logic some are legitimizing Cruz as a candidate, little "Omar Abdullah" or "Sun Ji Kang" or "Leonid Visnev" can become President also. "Country of origin" cannot be used to pick and choose one's "not natural born" favorites, like "only Canada". Nor can we use gender discrimination to say it's only the mother who this rule applies to. An American siring counts too.

You seem to have a real hang-up about names.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS.

Because as you know, you cannot violate the 14th Amendment. If that same child was FATHERED by a US serviceman to an Iranian woman, or a Russian woman, or a North Korean woman, and the child's formative years spent in any of those countries, country of origin can't make that situation any more or less special. They too must be eligible to hold the Oval Office. Canada is benign. But once the precedent is set, you can't pick and choose your favorites.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of for foreign influence to invade and topple our nation. I wish he had been born here. I really do.

Jus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents who are citizens of the state.
Since Cruz's eligibility is based on his *mother*, wouldn't it be her documents you'd be trying to check?

Now you know according to the 14th Amendment this issue isn't limited to an American mother. It can be an American father siring a child in Iran, N. Korea, Russia or China too... Little Ming Chou might want to be President of the US one day too. Don't deny him his "birthright" just because his daddy knocked up his mommy while he was on shore leave..

Where does "mother" even occur in the 14th Amendment?
Since Cruz's eligibility is based on his *mother*, wouldn't it be her documents you'd be trying to check?

Now you know according to the 14th Amendment this issue isn't limited to an American mother. It can be an American father siring a child in Iran, N. Korea, Russia or China too... Little Ming Chou might want to be President of the US one day too. Don't deny him his "birthright" just because his daddy knocked up his mommy while he was on shore leave..

Where does "mother" even occur in the 14th Amendment?

It appears in Silhouette's super sekrit Constitution......
Naturalized. And, therefore, he cannot be President. And like I said, it makes me sick because I wanted to vote for him.

It's going to be Rubio vs. Clinton. Clinton will win.
Nope. Rubio is too short. Americans won't vote for a short man, especially a boy-faced man. Rubio is too beta male. Americans elect alpha males. Hillary is an alpha female married to an ex-prez alpha male.
No, his mother could be a US citizen, have a baby in Iran and raise him there in his formative years, then that baby would be eligible for US Presidency. This isn't more "Trump Stupid". I hate Donald Trump. This is US Law. We want the next conservative leadership to not be impeachable by the left. A president must be born on US soil or outposts. Ted Cruz was not. He could have been born in Iran with an American mom. Or in Russia. Or Red China. You do not want to allow such a precedent to be set to destroy the Constitution.

A president must be born on US soil or outposts.

Can you prove it?
I used to believe that too. Everyone did. When ignorance becomes the axiom, it becomes "fact". As a Catholic I get frustrated that EVERYONE thinks the Immaculate Conception was the Virgin Birth and makes it synonymous with a pregnancy caused by no human father. But I'm spitting in a hurricane trying to educate people.

The danger isn't that Cruz is ineligible. The danger is that enough people are like the OP, claiming she CAN'T vote for Cruz because her ignorance is so compelling.
We can't as a nation keep violating the US Constitution, pretending that our founding fathers were "old fashioned kooks" and therefore all their ideas about preserving our Union were too. They fought between themselves and deliberated over and over how this country should be set up to last: not to relax the bedrock of its own laws time and again until everyone was laughing at the Constitution.

We have Obergefell. We have Citizen's United. We have the Judicial now writing special classes for their favorite deviant sex behaviors without permission from the Legislature. We have Justices creating a back door for non-citizens to most keenly affect our elections...citizens who haven't sworn the Oath of allegiance to our country and many of whom own controlling stock in US Corporations...who are our sworn enemies!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I like Ted Cruz. The fact that he was born in Canada makes me sick. I was planning on voting for him but I can't now. Nobody can. He isn't eligible to run for president. We MUST resist the urge to think of the wisdom of our founding fathers as "outdated". They KNEW what they were talking about in setting up the Constitution the way they did. They'd seen it all. Each new generation thinks they're the wisest and that age keeps getting lowered. Now we take orders from our 20 year olds on how marriage will be set up. We take orders from corporations on whether or not our country can be run by foreigners.

This has to stop. Sorry Ted Cruz. I really was looking forward to your candidacy.

big ears in DC is an illegal alien. end a story

Lay off the homemade hooch, and don't pretend for a minute you are a Republican, conservative or anything of the like. You're just another emo drama queen.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS.

Because as you know, you cannot violate the 14th Amendment. If that same child was FATHERED by a US serviceman to an Iranian woman, or a Russian woman, or a North Korean woman, and the child's formative years spent in any of those countries, country of origin can't make that situation any more or less special. They too must be eligible to hold the Oval Office. Canada is benign. But once the precedent is set, you can't pick and choose your favorites.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of for foreign influence to invade and topple our nation. I wish he had been born here. I really do.

You continue to be a complete moron. Pulling nonsense out of your ass does not equate to law.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS.

Because as you know, you cannot violate the 14th Amendment. If that same child was FATHERED by a US serviceman to an Iranian woman, or a Russian woman, or a North Korean woman, and the child's formative years spent in any of those countries, country of origin can't make that situation any more or less special. They too must be eligible to hold the Oval Office. Canada is benign. But once the precedent is set, you can't pick and choose your favorites.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of for foreign influence to invade and topple our nation. I wish he had been born here. I really do.

You continue to be a complete moron. Pulling nonsense out of your ass does not equate to law.

Do you think democrats wouldn't challenge his eligibility and that "natural born" will be parsed out exactly in argument as I just put forward, using the 14th which can't say "it's ok for moms to do this but not dads" or..."It's OK when it's Canada but not Iran or Russia"..?

Think again. Those exact points will be used for a democratic win on this challenge. Best to do it before they destroy the election for the GOP..
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Rafael Cruz, the potential American President, naturally born, in Canada...
See, even Paint agrees with me. And we never agree on ANYTHING. Right paint?
Not true. We both oppose Fracking. Fucking stupid to poison the well.

Right..OK...so mainly just the butt-sex as a brand new concept replacing mother and father to the marriage contract. That's our main point of disagreement. Apparently Paint you are logical unless it comes to that one subject. Then logic leaves the building. (I have to rib you here, don't want to ruin the fun we have disagreeing.. :lmao: )
Rafael Cruz, the potential American President, naturally born, in Canada...
See, even Paint agrees with me. And we never agree on ANYTHING. Right paint?
Not true. We both oppose Fracking. Fucking stupid to poison the well.

Right..OK...so mainly just the butt-sex as a brand new concept replacing mother and father to the marriage contract. That's our main point of disagreement. Apparently Paint you are logical unless it comes to that one subject. Then logic leaves the building. (I have to rib you here, don't want to ruin the fun we have disagreeing.. :lmao: )
I am logical about both gays and fracking. Your problem is, you fear homosexuals, and your fear is irrational.
the question has been filed in Texas court. A case has been brought and it will be dealt with. It is now an official legal distraction for Cruz
What if: Cruz's mom was an American citizen living in Russia...married a Cuban...had a child. Would that child be considered a natural born U.S. Citizen by the Right? Living in Iran? Living in Mexico?

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