If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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You are exactly right.

As long as one parent is an American citizen and an adult as defined by the law of that time, then the child is an American citizen.

The only question about Obama was due to his mom being underage at the time of his birth, 19 when the law required 21 years of age if I recall correctly, but there is plenty of evidence he was born in Hawaii.

With all due respect, you are incorrect.

If Obama was born in Hawaii, there would be no question regarding his citizenship. However, if Obama was in fact born in Kenya, he would not be a U.S. Citizen even though his mother was. When only one of a child's parents is a U.S. Citizen, a foreign born child is not a U.S. Citizen unless the parent meets very specific legal requirements. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, Section 301 (a)(7) shows the relevant citizenship laws in effect at the time of Barack Obama's birth:

“A person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and is outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such persons was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided that any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing the physical presence requirements of this paragraph” (Emphasis my own).

According to the cited law, if Barack was born in Kenya he would not be a U.S. citizen unless prior to his birth his mother lived in the United states for at least five years following her fourteenth birthday. This means his mother had to be at least nineteen years old prior to his birth.

However, The record shows that Ann Dunham was born on November 29, 1942 and Barack was born on August 4, 1961, several months prior to his mother's nineteenth birthday. Therefore, if Obama was born in Kenya, he is not a U.S. citizen and is ineligible to be president.

You can Google this information or you can buy a book that I believe everyone should read. The above information can be found in the book Wheres' the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not eligible to be President, by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., p. 55. Corsi's book is well researched and contains almost 80 exhibits.
However, Obama was, indeed, born in Hawaii.

Not like we can turn back time, but his grandmother in Kenya insists he was born there.

Provide a valid source You can't because there is no valid information the was not born in the US. After all the investigations and scrutiny that has gone on for 8 years, you people still think you've been bamboozled. How sad.

There is a taped phone conversation with Baptist Priest, I think his name was McRoy (?), where she tell him she was present at BO's birth.

You can claim the translator lied or that she was mentally delusional, but she believed Barack was born in Kenya. The rest of the family tried to change the story after she spoke.

Sarah Obama said "I was present and saw him born in Mombasa, Kenya."
:lame2: I said to provide a VALID source. This has already been proven to be an invalid source.
Cruz was born a U.S. Citizen.

Was he born a naturalized citizen- or a natural born citizen?

Naturalized. And, therefore, he cannot be President. And like I said, it makes me sick because I wanted to vote for him.

How was he naturalized at birth?

There is a process to become a naturalized citizen- starting with an application- who applied for him to be a citizen when he was born?
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS.

Because as you know, you cannot violate the 14th Amendment. If that same child was FATHERED by a US serviceman to an Iranian woman, or a Russian woman, or a North Korean woman, and the child's formative years spent in any of those countries, country of origin can't make that situation any more or less special. They too must be eligible to hold the Oval Office. Canada is benign. But once the precedent is set, you can't pick and choose your favorites.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of for foreign influence to invade and topple our nation. I wish he had been born here. I really do.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS.

Because as you know, you cannot violate the 14th Amendment. If that same child was FATHERED by a US serviceman to an Iranian woman, or a Russian woman, or a North Korean woman, and the child's formative years spent in any of those countries, country of origin can't make that situation any more or less special. They too must be eligible to hold the Oval Office. Canada is benign. But once the precedent is set, you can't pick and choose your favorites.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of for foreign influence to invade and topple our nation. I wish he had been born here. I really do.

The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent

Blah, blah, blah.

Ted Cruz holding Office would be one of the most dangerous precedents to set outside Citizens United that I can think of

You're funny. And wrong.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. .

Not surprising because that is what you do.

You want to make a claim about who or who is not a natural born citizen- then cite the law, or precedent- don't just pull claims out of your ass.

Cruz is eligible- I say this as someone who will never vote for him.
The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent for why the founding fathers enacted that statute: the requirement for being born on our soil. The intent, as the FF knew, was that a child's formative years cannot be spent being groomed and imprinted to loyalties to another nation. Especially not in the most powerful seat in our nation: POTUS..

I keep asking this- and you keep running away from it.

What President spent much of his formative years living outside the United States?
Ted Cruz is eligible to be President. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.
The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent

Blah, blah, blah.

What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."

Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming.. Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz. The lax attitudes about the foundation of American law are killing this country. The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged; particularly because they made such a fuss over Obama who could produce a Hawaiian birth certificate. Why couldn't they have found a Ted Cruz equivalent born on American soil? Why? All Cruz can produce, upon certain challenge, is a CANADIAN birth certificate...

Of course the RNC could recover credibility, and so could Cruz if they were all openly honest and expressed reverence for due process even when it was something they desperately wanted the opposite of (Cruz to be President). They would gain the respect of middle voters with their honesty and still find an acceptable man in the race to do the #1 spot
The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent

Blah, blah, blah.

What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."

Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming.. Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz. The lax attitudes about the foundation of American law are killing this country. The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged; particularly because they made such a fuss over Obama who could produce a Hawaiian birth certificate. Why couldn't they have found a Ted Cruz equivalent born on American soil? Why? All Cruz can produce, upon certain challenge, is a CANADIAN birth certificate...

Of course the RNC could recover credibility, and so could Cruz if they were all openly honest and expressed reverence for due process even when it was something they desperately wanted the opposite of (Cruz to be President). They would gain the respect of middle voters with their honesty and still find an acceptable man in the race to do the #1 spot

What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."

Yes, your much repeated idiocy is babble.
He is a natural born citizen.

Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming..

Your intelligence is underwhelming..

Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz.

Sure you did.

The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged;

You think the RNC wants Cruz? LOL!
"What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."..Yes, your much repeated idiocy is babble. He is a natural born citizen. "Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming.."...Your intelligence is underwhelming.. "Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz."...Sure you did..."The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged;"....You think the RNC wants Cruz? LOL!
Who do you suppose the RNC wants for their POTUS candidate then? Smarty pants..
"What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."..Yes, your much repeated idiocy is babble. He is a natural born citizen. "Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming.."...Your intelligence is underwhelming.. "Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz."...Sure you did..."The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged;"....You think the RNC wants Cruz? LOL!
Who do you suppose the RNC wants for their POTUS candidate then? Smarty pants..

Bush, Rubio, some other squish.

You never told me, when was Cruz naturalized?
The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent

Blah, blah, blah.

What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."ot

Silhouette- the voices in your head are not the voices of the 'founding fathers'.

You citing yourself means nothing.

I am opposed to Ted Cruz but I recognize he is a natural born citizen of the United States.
There seems to be a willful obfuscation here. Not surprising. If a person is not born on American soil or outposts; they are not born on American soil or outposts. Ergo, they are not born on American soil or outposts. If a person is born to an American citizen on foreign soil, REGARDLESS of whether that citizen is the mother or father, you folks are arguing that that child, born in another country; ostensibly also raised in another country (being imprinted with patriotism to that culture and not American culture and loyalty), that child is somehow "still eligible" to become president.

Says you. See, this is the problem with your reasoning: its only source is you. And you have no idea what you're talking about.

You might as well be telling us Herbert Hoover's favorite flavor of ice cream for as much as relevance as your babble has to constitutional eligibility to be president.
Cruz easy born of a American citizen. .. that means he was American. This is why the Obama birther crap was so stupid. Being born on foreign soil does not abdicate your citizenship. People who think so do not know the law and must want children born in different country by soldiers to not have rights as the citizens they are . All this entire exercise means is that trump just realized that Cruz is dangerous because he is the only consistent conservative

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My nephew was born in Canada by his American mother and father who were in Canada at the time visiting relatives. He is considered a Canadian and has had quite a few problems with getting passports and tax filings
My nephew was born in Canada by his American mother and father who were in Canada at the time visiting relatives. He is considered a Canadian and has had quite a few problems with getting passports and tax filings

There's really no legal debate that Cruz wasn't a natural born citizens of Canada. Pretty much everyone recognizes this. But does being a natural born citizen of Canada mean you can't also be a natural born citizen of the US?

I would argue no.

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