If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen. Now just because you hate non white people doesn't mean you get to obscure law

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So why do you think Trump and Ann Coulter hate non-white people?
it is well established law that kids born outside of the USA

of American citizens they in fact are American citizens as well

That's exactly right. Its been established by law. Not by the Constitution. As the State department itself notes when discussing citizenship by blood:

Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline) - a concept of Roman or civil law under which a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This rule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in the U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As U.S. laws have changed, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also changed.


So the question is.....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'? As by definition, such citizenship was NOT part of the original constitution. And thus couldn't be part of the originally recognized definition of 'natural born citizen' written in the constitution.

Well, without a delorean or a blue police box.

If you're using an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, then you have to use the terms of the Constitution as they were understood by the founders.

IF you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution, then you can use ideas that came after. Which includes citizenship for those born outside the US.

Cruz is an originalist.
You dont even know what the constitution is and you try to preach it to us?

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Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship. The law says Cruz is a citizen. you following Gomer?

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LOL- Cruz is certainly a citizen- but not because the Constitution says that he is.

Skylar's analysis is spot on- neither he or I are arguing that Cruz is not a citizen, neither do either of us claim he is not a natural born citizen.

But based upon Cruz's interpretation of the Constitution- he would not be one.
Then you like her are idiots because the law is clear that he is a natural born citizen.

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You dont even know what the constitution is and you try to preach it to us?

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Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.

You agree that Ted Cruz is a United States citizen, correct?

When and where was Ted Cruz naturalized?

There are only two types of citizenship: natural born and naturalized.

If he was never naturalized, he must be natural born citizen.

See how easy that was?
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!
And his Canadian birth certificate? Someone found THAT. Game changer. Big time.

his place of birth is less concern than the length of time growing up and how long it took to give up his canadian citizenship, for the sake of politics.

Being born on a military hospital and being raised as an american, you have an identity and concern for america. Raised canadian you have a split love, and somewhere down the line you might favor, knowingly or not, canada.

I served america but I still love my home where I grew up. It is natural when so much of you was molded some other place. Half a life, of even a quarter, has a profound effect on who you are. Canada is a friend and neighbor, but who knows what will come across a president's desk in the future.

How may people ate second, third, even youth generation that still feel a need to return, and in some cases muslims that choose to fight to somehow prove their religion. You spend a lot of time or been raised with stories of a home over there, it leaves a mark.

If not for politics he would not have considered a conflict and given up his citizenship. It was not like deciding at 18 who you are.
Then don't vote for him if you feel he isn't loyal enough that is your choice that doesn't mean he isn't a natural born citizen

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Last edited:
Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen.

Quote the law. Here's the entire United States Code, all 52 volumes of it


Show me.
That's exactly right. Its been established by law. Not by the Constitution. As the State department itself notes when discussing citizenship by blood:

So the question is.....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'? As by definition, such citizenship was NOT part of the original constitution. And thus couldn't be part of the originally recognized definition of 'natural born citizen' written in the constitution.

Well, without a delorean or a blue police box.

If you're using an originalist interpretation of the Constitution, then you have to use the terms of the Constitution as they were understood by the founders.

IF you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution, then you can use ideas that came after. Which includes citizenship for those born outside the US.

Cruz is an originalist.
You dont even know what the constitution is and you try to preach it to us?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship. The law says Cruz is a citizen. you following Gomer?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

LOL- Cruz is certainly a citizen- but not because the Constitution says that he is.

Skylar's analysis is spot on- neither he or I are arguing that Cruz is not a citizen, neither do either of us claim he is not a natural born citizen.

But based upon Cruz's interpretation of the Constitution- he would not be one.
Then you like her are idiots because the law is clear that he is a natural born citizen.

LOL- which 'law' exactly?

I have no doubts that Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen- it would be idiots like Trump and Ann Coulter who have doubts.

But there is no 'law' which makes him a natural born citizen- it is a law which makes him a citizen, and it is an interpretation of the Constitution which makes him a natural born citizen.
You really think that the GOP lawyers haven't vetted Cruz????
You think the GOP lawyers didn't bother to vett Cruz?
That's right you fucking moron! The GOP wants one of it's front runners ,like him or not, to suddenly be exposed as ineligible after the first Primaries. Oh ya that really going to help the GOP right? What are you like twelve? THINKKKKK!

You really think that you citing yourself is 'GOP lawyers?'

Ah, shit stain. You're adorable. But you're still gonna need to SHOW us that he was vetted. Not tell us about it. And of course, you're offering us a generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy.

Try again, dipshit. This time WITH evidence and WITHOUT the fallacies.
When anyone comes forward with any facts which disqualifies Cruz from running let us all know OK?

Wait....you're suddenly interested in facts?

Well then lets discuss history. Natural born citizenship didn't include citizenship by blood at the time the constitution was ratified. But only citizenship by soil: the location of your birth.

Citizenship by blood isn't embodied in the constitution. Its granted by statute. So is citizenship that's not embodied in the constitution but instead granted by statute 'natural born citizenship'?

It depends on how you interpret the constitution.

How about the part of the Constitution that says Congress can set the rules for citizenship?

Oops! That blew your whole argument! I'm sorry!

Except of course, that it doesn't. As the term 'natural born citizen' isn't located anywhere in the United States Code. Nor is anyone arguing that Cruz isn't a citizen.

Do try and keep up.
You once again prove you are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Yet he is correct about the Constitution- and you have offered nothing but a worthless personal attack.
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.

You agree that Ted Cruz is a United States citizen, correct?

Absolutely. No one I've seen has said otherwise. If you believe I have, quote me.

There are only two types of citizenship: natural born and naturalized.
Under our current law, absolutely. But citizenship embodied by the constitution? There's only citizenship by soil. Citizenship by blood is granted through statute and not embodied in the constitution.

So the question is....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

By the standards of originalism (which Cruz uses), probably not. As originalism (also known as 'jurisprudence by original intent) the constitution and its terms are gleaned by understanding what the founders understood them to mean when they ratified it. And citizenship by blood was not embodied in the constitution. But came after.

If you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution then laws that came after can be used instead of the original intent of the founders.

By Cruz's own standards...he's probably not eligible.

See how easy that was?
You really think that the GOP lawyers haven't vetted Cruz????
You think the GOP lawyers didn't bother to vett Cruz?
That's right you fucking moron! The GOP wants one of it's front runners ,like him or not, to suddenly be exposed as ineligible after the first Primaries. Oh ya that really going to help the GOP right? What are you like twelve? THINKKKKK!

You really think that you citing yourself is 'GOP lawyers?'

Ah, shit stain. You're adorable. But you're still gonna need to SHOW us that he was vetted. Not tell us about it. And of course, you're offering us a generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy.

Try again, dipshit. This time WITH evidence and WITHOUT the fallacies.
When anyone comes forward with any facts which disqualifies Cruz from running let us all know OK?

Wait....you're suddenly interested in facts?

Well then lets discuss history. Natural born citizenship didn't include citizenship by blood at the time the constitution was ratified. But only citizenship by soil: the location of your birth.

Citizenship by blood isn't embodied in the constitution. Its granted by statute. So is citizenship that's not embodied in the constitution but instead granted by statute 'natural born citizenship'?

It depends on how you interpret the constitution.

How about the part of the Constitution that says Congress can set the rules for citizenship?

Oops! That blew your whole argument! I'm sorry!

Where does it say that in the Constitution? I am looking for that quote.
Look everyone! A stupid fucking LIB with brown on his chin!
Cruz will be Trump's VP pick. Then we will get four fucking years of this moron putting up everyday why Cruz can't be VP.
Don't tell anyone but this asshole has a full size poster of Cruz on his bedroom door. A pair of satin gloves and a economy jar of Vaseline under his bed.
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!
And his Canadian birth certificate? Someone found THAT. Game changer. Big time.

his place of birth is less concern than the length of time growing up and how long it took to give up his canadian citizenship, for the sake of politics.

Being born on a military hospital and being raised as an american, you have an identity and concern for america. Raised canadian you have a split love, and somewhere down the line you might favor, knowingly or not, canada.

I served america but I still love my home where I grew up. It is natural when so much of you was molded some other place. Half a life, of even a quarter, has a profound effect on who you are. Canada is a friend and neighbor, but who knows what will come across a president's desk in the future.

How may people ate second, third, even youth generation that still feel a need to return, and in some cases muslims that choose to fight to somehow prove their religion. You spend a lot of time or been raised with stories of a home over there, it leaves a mark.

If not for politics he would not have considered a conflict and given up his citizenship. It was not like deciding at 18 who you are.

I think that Cruz is eligible- but not qualified.

Certainly it is legitimate for voters to decide whether his birth in Canada matters to them.

Why is he not qualified?
You really think that you citing yourself is 'GOP lawyers?'

Ah, shit stain. You're adorable. But you're still gonna need to SHOW us that he was vetted. Not tell us about it. And of course, you're offering us a generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy.

Try again, dipshit. This time WITH evidence and WITHOUT the fallacies.
When anyone comes forward with any facts which disqualifies Cruz from running let us all know OK?

Wait....you're suddenly interested in facts?

Well then lets discuss history. Natural born citizenship didn't include citizenship by blood at the time the constitution was ratified. But only citizenship by soil: the location of your birth.

Citizenship by blood isn't embodied in the constitution. Its granted by statute. So is citizenship that's not embodied in the constitution but instead granted by statute 'natural born citizenship'?

It depends on how you interpret the constitution.

How about the part of the Constitution that says Congress can set the rules for citizenship?

Oops! That blew your whole argument! I'm sorry!

Except of course, that it doesn't. As the term 'natural born citizen' isn't located anywhere in the United States Code. Nor is anyone arguing that Cruz isn't a citizen.

Do try and keep up.
You once again prove you are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

More accurately, I've convinced you to demonstrate that you have no idea what you're talking about. As when I asked you to quote the law where natural born citizenship is defined, or even mentioned....

.....you've got nothing.
As its no where in the USC. But don't take my word for it. Here's the entire United States Code. All 52 volumes of it:


Show us. Don't tell us.
You really think that the GOP lawyers haven't vetted Cruz????
You think the GOP lawyers didn't bother to vett Cruz?
That's right you fucking moron! The GOP wants one of it's front runners ,like him or not, to suddenly be exposed as ineligible after the first Primaries. Oh ya that really going to help the GOP right? What are you like twelve? THINKKKKK!

You really think that you citing yourself is 'GOP lawyers?'

Ah, shit stain. You're adorable. But you're still gonna need to SHOW us that he was vetted. Not tell us about it. And of course, you're offering us a generic 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy.

Try again, dipshit. This time WITH evidence and WITHOUT the fallacies.
When anyone comes forward with any facts which disqualifies Cruz from running let us all know OK?

Wait....you're suddenly interested in facts?

Well then lets discuss history. Natural born citizenship didn't include citizenship by blood at the time the constitution was ratified. But only citizenship by soil: the location of your birth.

Citizenship by blood isn't embodied in the constitution. Its granted by statute. So is citizenship that's not embodied in the constitution but instead granted by statute 'natural born citizenship'?

It depends on how you interpret the constitution.

How about the part of the Constitution that says Congress can set the rules for citizenship?

Oops! That blew your whole argument! I'm sorry!

Where does it say that in the Constitution? I am looking for that quote.
Article one

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No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen. Now just because you hate non white people doesn't mean you get to obscure law

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So why do you think Trump and Ann Coulter hate non-white people?
I was talking about you not them

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The GOP vetted Cruz with a fine toothed comb trying to find anything to disqualify him from running for President. They couldn't find anything AND the WANTED TO!
Go climb on another fucking dead horse asshole!
Still wearing your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T- shirt in public? Thought not. Fucking stupid Bonobo loser!
And his Canadian birth certificate? Someone found THAT. Game changer. Big time.

his place of birth is less concern than the length of time growing up and how long it took to give up his canadian citizenship, for the sake of politics.

Being born on a military hospital and being raised as an american, you have an identity and concern for america. Raised canadian you have a split love, and somewhere down the line you might favor, knowingly or not, canada.

I served america but I still love my home where I grew up. It is natural when so much of you was molded some other place. Half a life, of even a quarter, has a profound effect on who you are. Canada is a friend and neighbor, but who knows what will come across a president's desk in the future.

How may people ate second, third, even youth generation that still feel a need to return, and in some cases muslims that choose to fight to somehow prove their religion. You spend a lot of time or been raised with stories of a home over there, it leaves a mark.

If not for politics he would not have considered a conflict and given up his citizenship. It was not like deciding at 18 who you are.

I think that Cruz is eligible- but not qualified.

Certainly it is legitimate for voters to decide whether his birth in Canada matters to them.

Why is he not qualified?

I think he is not qualified because of his lack of executive experience, and because of his radical conservative agenda- but this is entirely my personal opinion- and of course each voter should- and does- decide whether a candidate is qualified for an elected office.

But he is certainly eligible.
And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen. Now just because you hate non white people doesn't mean you get to obscure law

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So why do you think Trump and Ann Coulter hate non-white people?
I was talking about you not them

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Trump and Coulter say that Cruz's eligibility is in question.

Do they hate non-white people?
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.

You agree that Ted Cruz is a United States citizen, correct?

Absolutely. No one I've seen has said otherwise. If you believe I have, quote me.

There are only two types of citizenship: natural born and naturalized.
Under our current law, absolutely. But citizenship embodied by the constitution? There's only citizenship by soil. Citizenship by blood is granted through statute and not embodied in the constitution.

So the question is....is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

By the standards of originalism (which Cruz uses), probably not. As originalism (also known as 'jurisprudence by original intent) the constitution and its terms are gleaned by understanding what the founders understood them to mean when they ratified it. And citizenship by blood was not embodied in the constitution. But came after.

If you're using a 'living document' interpretation of the constitution then laws that came after can be used instead of the original intent of the founders.

By Cruz's own standards...he's probably not eligible.

See how easy that was?

Forget for a second that I taught American Government to high school students and know the Constitution like the back of my hand. Tell me where it says anything of the sort!

You just keep repeating this as though it were true. It is not!

Go ahead. Prove it to me. Cite the applicable part of the Constitution.

My gauntlet is at your feet!
No he isnt. The constitution gives congress the power to decide citizenship.

And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen.

Quote the law. Here's the entire United States Code, all 52 volumes of it


Show me.
It has been quoted several times here ....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen. Now just because you hate non white people doesn't mean you get to obscure law

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So why do you think Trump and Ann Coulter hate non-white people?
I was talking about you not them

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Oh- so you are just admitting you are hypocritical and partisan.

Well that is the most honest post from you so far.
And where did I ever say otherwise? The question isn't if Cruz is a citizen. He clearly is. The question is if citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute is 'natural born citizenship'?

You following Gomer?
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen.

Quote the law. Here's the entire United States Code, all 52 volumes of it


Show me.
It has been quoted several times here ....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Then it would be easy for you to show us that law- or just refer to the specific post with that law.

Or you could just admit you are just making this crap up.
Apparently you dont. The law says he is a citizen. Period. End of discussion

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Strawman. No one has claimed he isn't a citizen. We're discussing if he's a naturally born citizen. For the third time....this is what we're discussing:

Is citizenship not embodied in the constitution but granted through statute 'natural born citizenship'?

Which you have yet to address. Feel free to join us if you ever muster up the courage to do so.
Law says he is a natural born citizen. Now just because you hate non white people doesn't mean you get to obscure law

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

So why do you think Trump and Ann Coulter hate non-white people?
I was talking about you not them

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Trump and Coulter say that Cruz's eligibility is in question.

Do they hate non-white people?
They are lying for political reasons and feeding ignorant racists like you

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

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