If the Constitution were yours to change...

why?? we should all love corporations since they got us from the stone age to here through capitalist competition!
they are like the air we breath
Corporations are the most fascist entity on the planet and none of them have ever pledged an allegience to the United States.

Corporations are not, by their very definition, fascist. They are not government. They have no actual control and, therefore, cannot be fascist.

What they do tends to promote fascist governments when you try and get the two intimately involved but the sad part that you fail to realize is that it has NOTHING to do with direct campaign donations. The laws you pass will have zero effect on this relationship no matter how strict you make them. Want corporations to not be allowed to donate anything at all to campaigns? That will do nothing to solve the problem. They will simply find another way. They can hire ex-politicians after they leave office for millions a year (like Gingrich) or they can bestow extravagant gifts or a million other things. The reality is that you are NEVER going to get the cash influence of corporations out of the government as long as you have government so damn involved with business.

It is just like religion. Religion did not leave government (and the corrupting influence that the alliance created) until GOVERNMENT was removed from religion. That is the ONLY way to accomplish this. You need to get GOVERNMENT out of corporations, not the other way around, and then corporations will naturally leave government. There will be no money in it.
obviously they cant be fascist since the are not a single government with control over us. THere are millions of them and they survive only by pleasing us, thats the opposite of fascism.

As a liberal you will lack the IQ to grasp the concept
When was the last time you spoke your mind to the corporate brass?

dear you can speak your mind or do whatever you want and they won't kill you. Its illegal. Liberal governments have killed 100's of millions !!
Government should be required to live by the same laws they impose on the citizens.
why?? we should all love corporations since they got us from the stone age to here through capitalist competition!
they are like the air we breath
Corporations are the most fascist entity on the planet and none of them have ever pledged an allegience to the United States.

Corporations are not, by their very definition, fascist. They are not government. They have no actual control and, therefore, cannot be fascist.

What they do tends to promote fascist governments when you try and get the two intimately involved but the sad part that you fail to realize is that it has NOTHING to do with direct campaign donations. The laws you pass will have zero effect on this relationship no matter how strict you make them. Want corporations to not be allowed to donate anything at all to campaigns? That will do nothing to solve the problem. They will simply find another way. They can hire ex-politicians after they leave office for millions a year (like Gingrich) or they can bestow extravagant gifts or a million other things. The reality is that you are NEVER going to get the cash influence of corporations out of the government as long as you have government so damn involved with business.

It is just like religion. Religion did not leave government (and the corrupting influence that the alliance created) until GOVERNMENT was removed from religion. That is the ONLY way to accomplish this. You need to get GOVERNMENT out of corporations, not the other way around, and then corporations will naturally leave government. There will be no money in it.

Government should be required to live by the same laws they impose on the citizens.

The government is not above the law, despite what you and some others think.
Yeah? Tell that to Eric Holder, who illegally sold guns to Mexican drug lords, or Obama, as he denies American citizens due process when he targets them with drone strikes. Or Congress, who exempted themselves from sexual harassment laws. Tim Geithner, the tax evader. Bill Clinton, the perjorer. Are you serious?
Government should be required to live by the same laws they impose on the citizens.

The government is not above the law, despite what you and some others think.
Yeah? Tell that to Eric Holder, who illegally sold guns to Mexican drug lords, or Obama, as he denies American citizens due process when he targets them with drone strikes. Or Congress, who exempted themselves from sexual harassment laws. Tim Geithner, the tax evader. Bill Clinton, the perjorer. Are you serious?

Government employees are convicted of crimes all the time. You just sound upset because everyone's innocent until proven guilty in court. Or because there's not enough admissible evidence. Too bad: life ain't perfect.
What do you think Obama was when he allowed a milion illegals to remain in the country. That was certainly above the law.
and then corporations will naturally leave government. There will be no money in it.

you mean people must vote Republican to shrink the size and power of government so corporations will have no interest in controlling government.
and then corporations will naturally leave government. There will be no money in it.

you mean people must vote Republican to shrink the size and power of government so corporations will have no interest in controlling government.

No. The point is that if we deny government the power to arbitrarily pick winners and losers in economic matters, the incentive for economic interests to manipulate government is vastly reduced. I don't think it's a good idea to make government small and weak. But it needs to be carefully constrained in reach and scope. We need government powerful enough to protect our nation and keep the peace, but not so pervasive as to intrude into all aspects of our lives.
What changes, if any, would you make to it?

Probably not much in the way of changes. I might try and stiffen the 2 Amendment and make it clear that individual citizens can not be disarmed, and can own any gun that can be carried.

The only restriction I would have in it would be licensing for explosive ammo, to be the concern of states.. (Like anti-tank stuff and grenades.)

I'd make it clear that states should be responsible for legislating all the social issues, and funding all the things the feds do besides border security, and to a large part the military and infrastructure.
The government is not above the law, despite what you and some others think.
Yeah? Tell that to Eric Holder, who illegally sold guns to Mexican drug lords, or Obama, as he denies American citizens due process when he targets them with drone strikes. Or Congress, who exempted themselves from sexual harassment laws. Tim Geithner, the tax evader. Bill Clinton, the perjorer. Are you serious?

Government employees are convicted of crimes all the time. You just sound upset because everyone's innocent until proven guilty in court. Or because there's not enough admissible evidence. Too bad: life ain't perfect.
How quickly your argument changes from "government isn't above the law" to "life ain't perfect" when you're proven wrong.
Yeah? Tell that to Eric Holder, who illegally sold guns to Mexican drug lords, or Obama, as he denies American citizens due process when he targets them with drone strikes. Or Congress, who exempted themselves from sexual harassment laws. Tim Geithner, the tax evader. Bill Clinton, the perjorer. Are you serious?

Government employees are convicted of crimes all the time. You just sound upset because everyone's innocent until proven guilty in court. Or because there's not enough admissible evidence. Too bad: life ain't perfect.
How quickly your argument changes from "government isn't above the law" to "life ain't perfect" when you're proven wrong.

The fact that some people get away with breaking the law (in or out of government) isn't a contradiction of anything I said earlier. Better luck next time.
Government employees are convicted of crimes all the time. You just sound upset because everyone's innocent until proven guilty in court. Or because there's not enough admissible evidence. Too bad: life ain't perfect.
How quickly your argument changes from "government isn't above the law" to "life ain't perfect" when you're proven wrong.

The fact that some people get away with breaking the law (in or out of government) isn't a contradiction of anything I said earlier. Better luck next time.
It IS a contradiction, and I just proved it with my reference to Congress exempting themselves from sexual harassment laws, as well as the others I mentioned. You just can't admit you're wrong. Typical.
Government employees are convicted of crimes all the time. You just sound upset because everyone's innocent until proven guilty in court. Or because there's not enough admissible evidence. Too bad: life ain't perfect.
How quickly your argument changes from "government isn't above the law" to "life ain't perfect" when you're proven wrong.

The fact that some people get away with breaking the law (in or out of government) isn't a contradiction of anything I said earlier. Better luck next time.

The fact that no criminal investigation is underway to determine who is responsible for Fast and Furious proves that we are not a nation of laws. You might not like that, you will probably deny it, but it is still true, thus negating your belief that the government is not above the law.
How quickly your argument changes from "government isn't above the law" to "life ain't perfect" when you're proven wrong.

The fact that some people get away with breaking the law (in or out of government) isn't a contradiction of anything I said earlier. Better luck next time.
It IS a contradiction, and I just proved it with my reference to Congress exempting themselves from sexual harassment laws, as well as the others I mentioned. You just can't admit you're wrong. Typical.

You just can't stop putting two and two together and getting 17. (Or whatever you think the answer should be today.)

Nobody is above the law. Nevertheless, some people break laws and get away with it on occasion. That fact does not put them above the law. That's both logic and life: it is what it is, and no wild accusations on your part can change it.
A change to Constitution: It would end with:

In sum, the above document is obviously designed to to keep big government liberalism as far from these shores as humanly possible. Please see to it!
The fact that some people get away with breaking the law (in or out of government) isn't a contradiction of anything I said earlier. Better luck next time.
It IS a contradiction, and I just proved it with my reference to Congress exempting themselves from sexual harassment laws, as well as the others I mentioned. You just can't admit you're wrong. Typical.

You just can't stop putting two and two together and getting 17. (Or whatever you think the answer should be today.)

Nobody is above the law. Nevertheless, some people break laws and get away with it on occasion. That fact does not put them above the law. That's both logic and life: it is what it is, and no wild accusations on your part can change it.
You stupid shit, when Congress passes a law making something illegal, then exempts it's own members from that law, that's putting themselves above the law. You're about as dumb as they come, aren't you?

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