If the demonRATS nominate Commie Bernie...will the stock market crash?

Just wondering about YOUR OPINION.....I think it will simply seal Trumps reelection, as Da Bern continues to try to out LEFT Fauxahontas who wants to now LOCK UP ALL corporation heads!

Elizabeth Warren 2020: Warren wants to jail CEOs for corporate misconduct
View attachment 305290
Apr 3, 2019 · Elizabeth Warren wants CEOs to go to jail when their ... because if executives are certifying that all their ducks are in a row but it ...

If Bernie is the nominee, I will invest 60% of my holdings into the stockmarket of the USA, and 40% outside of the USA.


Because if the market dips on a Bernie nomination, the odds are he can NOT win, which means the market will rocket after a Trump re-election. But, if magically Bernie does win, overseas will be the place to be, ergo 60-40!

Personally, I don't think Democrats are that STUPID, and if they are, in total Americans are NOT that stupid to give the Bern the Presidency. While we have delved into Bernie's record, the GOP has yet to do it as he is NOT yet the nominee. Have you looked at a Bernie rally on TV? 90% of his followers are under 30. While that is a whole lotta people, it is nowhere near the amount of people who would come out in opposition to him, as the 2nd coming of Fidel Castro!

Florida would be gone to the Dems, Ohio, and probably Penn. That in itself is enough to re-elect Trump!

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