If the GOP is racist how do you explain this?

Don't you understand, they want a cookie if they choose tribalism over their inherent racism. Maybe we should give them a cookie.

Nope. We just want you to stop with the wacism nonsense. It is strange to us, that reality has zero impact on that shit that you people think or say.
So, why are you not celebrating this? Was that not the goal? And how long has it been the case, and you didn't notice?

Why are you attacking us, instead of being happy?

What should be celebrated?

Do you think that it is so rare for your party to elect POC that each and everyone should be celebrated?

This goes back to my point to the OP....when you all get past the need to point out/celebrate doing this, then people might hold a different view of your party
What should be celebrated?

Do you think that it is so rare for your party to elect POC that each and everyone should be celebrated?


I don't. But based on the standard conventional wisdom of you libs, it seems that you think that of us and of America.

So, why are you pushing back on this, instead of celebrating it?
I do not think most of you are racist, but I understand why people do. And it is threads like this that perpetuate the image. The "hey look at us, we elected a black man" threads. One day it will be common enough to not be worth pointing out.

The two counties that this district include went for Trump by more than 60%, it is a staunchly Repub area, always has been. I went to high school there.

You are truly clueless

The only reason that the Representative is black is opposed to all of those libtards claiming Republicans are racists. The libtards really took it in the shorts in the Virginia elections that had a black Lieutenant Governor and the Attorney General was Hispanic. Libtards immediately claimed they were white supremacists. You can't fix stupid!

When you went to high school, that Congressional District did not exist.
What should be celebrated?

Do you think that it is so rare for your party to elect POC that each and everyone should be celebrated?

This goes back to my point to the OP....when you all get past the need to point out/celebrate doing this, then people might hold a different view of your party
Once again, the only reason Republicans have to point this out is the Democrats constant accusations that Republicans are racist or white supremacists. Tell the truth for once in your obviously miserable life!
So, why are you pushing back on this, instead of celebrating it?

I am not pushing back, I am merely pointing out that until you get past the need to celebrate these events you will not lose the specter of being racist. It is like someone going "hey look, I cannot be a racist I have a black friend"
Once again, the only reason Republicans have to point this out is the Democrats constant accusations that Republicans are racist or white supremacists. Tell the truth for once in your obviously miserable life!

And all they accomplish by doing so is making themselves look like racist. You all should quit letting the Democrats dictate your actions.
What should be celebrated?

Do you think that it is so rare for your party to elect POC that each and everyone should be celebrated?

This goes back to my point to the OP....when you all get past the need to point out/celebrate doing this, then people might hold a different view of your party
Bullshit. Real Americans should rub your nose in your own shit every chance we get.
Fucking liar

You don't know the Democrat party is the party of racists? Seriously? Let me remind you. Which party is behind ALL of the following: slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation, lynching and cross burning? Yes, only the Democrat party. And you joined that party, what a racist douche you are
2013. Prior to that the 19th was solid blue because it was part of Palm Beach County and Broward County...then in 2013 it was now Lee and Collier county and the Repus have won every time.
You didn't answer my question, I don't give a shit what it was. Republicans have controlled my state's Congressional delegation for decades. What does that prove? Nothing.
They are proving they are NOT racist, you pompous windbag!

You cannot prove you are not racist by pointing out your black friend, all it does is make you look more racist.

If they want to prove they are not racist, they need to quit making a big deal out of electing a POC
What should be celebrated?

Do you think that it is so rare for your party to elect POC that each and everyone should be celebrated?

This goes back to my point to the OP....when you all get past the need to point out/celebrate doing this, then people might hold a different view of your party
We're gonna stop when democrats stop calling us racists.
Since it is the only party you will vote for, yes your party.

And as I said, when they get to the point they need to quit bragging about actually electing a POC, then people might stop viewing them that way.

On the topic of the OP, which do you think played a bigger role in this election, the color of his skin of the district being drawn to be a safe, always go Repub, district?

I really can't find a post where you back up your claim you're a Republican

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