If the GOP is racist how do you explain this?

You cannot prove you are not racist by pointing out your black friend, all it does is make you look more racist.

If they want to prove they are not racist, they need to quit making a big deal out of electing a POC
I have a better reference. Two of my three grandsons are black.

The only Democrat I ever voted for was a black candidate for Sheriff in Jacksonville named Nat Glover. He was a great man and true leader that kept us safe. He would patrol with his deputies and often stopped at my wife's place of business to ensure that department was taking care of protecting the store and their employees.
We're gonna stop when democrats stop calling us racists.

And all you are doing is playing into their hands. You are letting them dictate your actions...that is never a winning strategy
I really can't find a post where you back up your claim you're a Republican

Thank the fucking Odin I never made that claim, which is why you cannot find anything to back it up.
You cannot prove you are not racist by pointing out your black friend, all it does is make you look more racist.

If they want to prove they are not racist, they need to quit making a big deal out of electing a POC

Republicans need to prove they are not racist by letting Democrats control the narrative. Wow that's stupid, even for you.

You are a racist, you're all in with the Democrat party which has been the party that equals racism all though history
Republicans need to prove they are not racist by letting Democrats control the narrative. Wow that's stupid, even for you.

You are a racist, you're all in with the Democrat party which has been the party that equals racism all though history

Hey, if you are good with the Democrats controlling the actions of your party, then more power to you.

Just seems an odd way to go

Democrats who scream for links are always the ones who ignore them when you get them. You're a flat out liar, you've argued with me endlessly when I said you're not a Republican. This isn't a discussion we had in one post or even one thread. You're a liar, liar, liar ...
Hey, if you are good with the Democrats controlling the actions of your party, then more power to you.

Just seems an odd way to go

You're a really bizarre person that you think that's what my post said.

What did this one say, that I want broccoli with dinner?
I am not pushing back, I am merely pointing out that until you get past the need to celebrate these events you will not lose the specter of being racist. It is like someone going "hey look, I cannot be a racist I have a black friend"
This isn’t celebrating this is me stating that the systemic racism card leftists play is retarded. Republican and Independent voters aren’t all racist.
Yes, indeed. But democrats don't operate on substantial facts or truth. The Democrats have eclipsed the mafia, this race baiting racket is raking in the big bucks and votes. The Democrats have lost all credibility with this racism hucksterism. I used to be a democrat, too.
I was a registered democrat for half a century. I didn’t leave the party. It left me.
Non sequitur much? Joe Biden isn’t racist. I would even venture to say that the majority of Republicans aren’t racist, but they are OK with racists as long as they vote with the tribe.
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris accused Biden of supporting racism.
I am not pushing back, I am merely pointing out that until you get past the need to celebrate these events you will not lose the specter of being racist. It is like someone going "hey look, I cannot be a racist I have a black friend"

You are being disingenuous. We will never "lose the specter of being wacist" because no matter what we say or do, people like you point at us and cry wacist.

If we say nothing, your do it, and people come to accept it, because there is no disagreement.

If we push back, you find a reason to dismiss or minimize or as in this case, turn around our counter point.

It is an effective tactic. It has won you many elections and given you a lock on minority votes.

But at the cost of dividing this country into angry camps, and inciting racial hate and violence.

Next time you look in the mirror Gator. Think about the fact that you are looking at a man who is willing to see people die, for partisan gain.
Only when the GOP stops being racist at its core...so I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon.

If we were actual "wacist at our core" you would not have to fight so hard on such minor issues like this one.

ALL of your claims of wacism are weak ass shit that only having weight because you people fight so hard for every little lie.

As a mechanism of control and conformity it is impressive.

Of course, it is tearing this country apart. The riots of the last 5 years, where over a hundred people died? That was a small part of the cost of your strategy.

Next time you look in the mirror, ask yourself, are you really willing to see people die, so that you can have a partisan advantage?

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