If the Left Wants War...

We should be dangerous to injustice... We should be dangerous to a system that treats us less than we deserve
The only reason the left would want war is because they know they would get their asses slaughtered. That would permanently cement the victim status, and they'd be eligible for reconstruction and reparations.
Never see the left advocating war

Only conservative gun nuts

Democrats are the biggest proponents of war. But they always seem to mismanage them horribly, until a Republican comes along to fix that for them.

Eh, basically the US South are big proponents of war.....
The only reason the left would want war is because they know they would get their asses slaughtered. That would permanently cement the victim status, and they'd be eligible for reconstruction and reparations.
Never see the left advocating war

Only conservative gun nuts
What do you call it when fascist nutjobs like Ralph Northam, and the rest of the Dem loons in Virginia start threatening law abiding citizens who are not willing to give up the Second Amendment rights with the National Guard? Nazi's made what was illegal to do to the citizens legal with legislative measures prior to Hitlers rise just like many Democrats and some RHINO's are attempting to do now.
90% of Virginia counties have become "sanctuary counties." Let that governor go to war with the People!
The left are the war mongers. If a war breaks out it will be because impeachment fails and the traitors in the intelligence community start going to jail.
The only reason the left would want war is because they know they would get their asses slaughtered. That would permanently cement the victim status, and they'd be eligible for reconstruction and reparations.
Never see the left advocating war

Only conservative gun nuts
What do you call it when fascist nutjobs like Ralph Northam, and the rest of the Dem loons in Virginia start threatening law abiding citizens who are not willing to give up the Second Amendment rights with the National Guard? Nazi's made what was illegal to do to the citizens legal with legislative measures prior to Hitlers rise just like many Democrats and some RHINO's are attempting to do now.
90% of Virginia counties have become "sanctuary counties." Let that governor go to war with the People!
He and the AG claim they have plans. The People should be working on recalls there and throwing all of their nasty asses out of office.
The left are the war mongers. If a war breaks out it will be because impeachment fails and the traitors in the intelligence community start going to jail.
Well Clinton's and crew don't seem to mind using other people to war. Bush's also did their fair share. I think it is time to break that cycle of allowing bankers and money mongers using the people and the peoples resources to enrich themselves if at all possible. Hell look at France and how they are up in arms over retirement age being raised from 64 to 67. Here people just took it and so many claimed it was no big issue because well they have retirements like the 401k's, etc. but the thing is the filthy bastards can wipe those out in a heart beat if they get the notion to and well they do get their cut first and foremost. The excuses they used for taking most the manufacturing out of country and all the other crap people have been fed becomes too much for the people to take when they start stepping on the Bill of Rights and ignoring the Constitution regularly.

What really agitates me is how they are claiming a national security risk for questioning what the Biden's and others did in Ukraine while all the time they have been lining their own filthy pockets and the people and the law be damn. A lot of politicians are guilty of the same and should be removed from office but that is going to be up to the people to do that; and it will be up to the people to make sure they have people with actual integrity to fill their positions.
I recall back in the day when we had folks that really wished it upon themselves to decide things themselves:
  • Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Sirhan Sirhan
  • Arthur Bremer
  • Squeaky Fromme
  • Sara Jane Moore
  • John Hinckley
This is what happens when they try to overturn an election

Republicans did not riot when Nixon was forced to resign
They won’t riot now

Of course we won't "riot." But will you, after Trump's impeachment breezes through the Senate, then he gets reelected for a second term?

I'm guessing you guys and girls will be apoplectic.

Will California throw another tantrum after Trump wins in 2020 and threaten to secede from the union again?
Just to be informative..in our countries history..almost all civil unrest has been instigated by the left..the concept of, 'taking it to the streets' is ingrained in the Leftist playbook. Not to say that the causes have not been just. Civil Rights..ending the Vietnam war..Protesting the draft--rioting over economic inequality..striking and rioting for worker's rights..and so on. The Right is almost always reactionary..and uses their proxies..the police and national Guard to attempt to restore 'order'. The feeble attempts of white nationalists notwithstanding--the streets belong to the Left..they always have.

Most people do NOT revolt over ideals..they revolt because they are hungry...out of work...or disenfranchised. The only significant group that fits that description currently are the Illegals and the homeless--and they are left-wing to the core--mostly because they don't think that the right has anything, at all, to offer them.

I also hear a lot of BS about how the right has some sort of edge over the left as to violence and the use of firearms. A quick reading of history should put that canard to rest--the left are quite adept at violence..and have no issues with shooting...it is the Right that usually lets the authorities do the dirty....

It would be interesting if the Right broke with tradition..and crossed the line into civil insurrection.....not that I long for such a thing--I deem it unlikely...where the Right is strong..in the rural areas..they need not do anything..they already run shit..in the cities..they would get slaughtered.
Just to be informative..in our countries history..almost all civil unrest has been instigated by the left..the concept of, 'taking it to the streets' is ingrained in the Leftist playbook. Not to say that the causes have not been just. Civil Rights..ending the Vietnam war..Protesting the draft--rioting over economic inequality..striking and rioting for worker's rights..and so on. The Right is almost always reactionary..and uses their proxies..the police and national Guard to attempt to restore 'order'. The feeble attempts of white nationalists notwithstanding--the streets belong to the Left..they always have.

Most people do NOT revolt over ideals..they revolt because they are hungry...out of work...or disenfranchised. The only significant group that fits that description currently are the Illegals and the homeless--and they are left-wing to the core--mostly because they don't think that the right has anything, at all, to offer them.

I also hear a lot of BS about how the right has some sort of edge over the left as to violence and the use of firearms. A quick reading of history should put that canard to rest--the left are quite adept at violence..and have no issues with shooting...it is the Right that usually lets the authorities do the dirty....

It would be interesting is the Right broke with tradition..and crossed the line into civil insurrection.....not that I long for such a thing--I deem it unlikely...where the Right is strong..in the rural areas..they need not do anything..they already run shit..in the cities..they would get slaughtered.

Well as the Trumpanzees like to say, Trump is in there to change the way things have been done.
He blew the dog whistle for violence at this rallies, in case you have forgotten already.
Just to be informative..in our countries history..almost all civil unrest has been instigated by the left..the concept of, 'taking it to the streets' is ingrained in the Leftist playbook. Not to say that the causes have not been just. Civil Rights..ending the Vietnam war..Protesting the draft--rioting over economic inequality..striking and rioting for worker's rights..and so on. The Right is almost always reactionary..and uses their proxies..the police and national Guard to attempt to restore 'order'. The feeble attempts of white nationalists notwithstanding--the streets belong to the Left..they always have.

Most people do NOT revolt over ideals..they revolt because they are hungry...out of work...or disenfranchised. The only significant group that fits that description currently are the Illegals and the homeless--and they are left-wing to the core--mostly because they don't think that the right has anything, at all, to offer them.

I also hear a lot of BS about how the right has some sort of edge over the left as to violence and the use of firearms. A quick reading of history should put that canard to rest--the left are quite adept at violence..and have no issues with shooting...it is the Right that usually lets the authorities do the dirty....

It would be interesting is the Right broke with tradition..and crossed the line into civil insurrection.....not that I long for such a thing--I deem it unlikely...where the Right is strong..in the rural areas..they need not do anything..they already run shit..in the cities..they would get slaughtered.

Well as the Trumpanzees like to say, Trump is in there to change the way things have been done.
He blew the dog whistle for violence at this rallies, in case you have forgotten already.
Isolated incidents at highly-charged political gatherings..are not really civil insurrection.

If you see 10,000 red hats shoulder arms and march on DC....then we have something to talk about...LOL!~
This is what happens when they try to overturn an election

  1. Adam Schiff is quietly escorted out of the mess safely ensconced in his bubble from the "common people."
  2. The quiet dissemination of propaganda and misinformation to the public continues.
  3. The quiet effort to effect control of the populace by the power elites continue.
  4. The inconvenience and danger of having a "Non-Washington" unwelcome non-initiated insider like Trump at the seat of power remains a huge problem.
Trump is to Washington what a union buster is to a gilded union shop.
Just to be informative..in our countries history..almost all civil unrest has been instigated by the left..the concept of, 'taking it to the streets' is ingrained in the Leftist playbook. Not to say that the causes have not been just. Civil Rights..ending the Vietnam war..Protesting the draft--rioting over economic inequality..striking and rioting for worker's rights..and so on. The Right is almost always reactionary..and uses their proxies..the police and national Guard to attempt to restore 'order'. The feeble attempts of white nationalists notwithstanding--the streets belong to the Left..they always have.

Most people do NOT revolt over ideals..they revolt because they are hungry...out of work...or disenfranchised. The only significant group that fits that description currently are the Illegals and the homeless--and they are left-wing to the core--mostly because they don't think that the right has anything, at all, to offer them.

I also hear a lot of BS about how the right has some sort of edge over the left as to violence and the use of firearms. A quick reading of history should put that canard to rest--the left are quite adept at violence..and have no issues with shooting...it is the Right that usually lets the authorities do the dirty....

It would be interesting is the Right broke with tradition..and crossed the line into civil insurrection.....not that I long for such a thing--I deem it unlikely...where the Right is strong..in the rural areas..they need not do anything..they already run shit..in the cities..they would get slaughtered.

Well as the Trumpanzees like to say, Trump is in there to change the way things have been done.
He blew the dog whistle for violence at this rallies, in case you have forgotten already.
Isolated incidents at highly-charged political gatherings..are not really civil insurrection.

If you see 10,000 red hats shoulder arms and march on DC....then we have something to talk about...LOL!~
a buncha gaylords with daddy issues that worship a politician

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