If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

These morons still think it's about Trump, how stupid do you have to be? Pretty damn stupid I guess.
Uh oh. You aren't going to hit us with some nonsense about the fictitious deep state are you?
I think you are smug, foolish and overly confident — sort of like the utterly stupid German “Third Period” Stalinists who thought even Hitler was just a passing joke. They said things like: “After Hitler, it will be our turn!”

Well, it didn’t quite work out that way. But I suppose I shouldn’t expect much depth from a youngster who chooses the avatar “Red Front.”
How do you figure a few white-trailer trash, country bumpkins are going to take the country through force? Heck even communist "youngsters" like me have enough sense not to start a violent resistance against the powers that be in this country. That wouldn't end well for us. You actually think most Americans are on his side....


...Politically? No.
Some of the shit written here by Trump supporters favoring or supporting a “civil war” … is glib and treasonous talk.

Trump may or may not be convicted by a jury, he may or may not be jailed, but to consider a civil war or sedition because Trump is legally held accountable for his own criminal conduct … is a sign of how far gone these Trump cultists are.

Knowing his base full well, Trump can, if he so chooses, at any convenient moment arrange to have his bail revoked by dramatically defying the judges’ warnings not to threaten retribution against the state prosecutors or hostile witnesses. Thus he can force the state to jail him, even if for just a short time.

Donald Trump was a “born-with-a-silver-spoon” playboy who always sought the spotlight, a natural public personality who never won the respect he thought he deserved. His narcissism turned to megalomania. He has always had contempt for the rule of law, and now seems willing to embrace the role of martyr and lead the nation into ever deeper turmoil.

At this point Trump seems to have finally gotten himself cornered. But even now he can choose to go to jail to rile up his base. For example if — as seems likely — Trump is the Republican candidate, he may very well arrange to be jailed just before the November 2024 elections. Of course his foolish voter base would scream bloody murder that he is being persecuted and rush to the polls. But I’m not so sure — after Jan. 6th — he can get many of his followers to do much more.

Whether Trump will continue ‘til the end to perform for his followers as the “tough guy” defiant gangster / hero … is yet to be seen. But that most of his cult followers will love his performance, however it ends, it certain.

The issues in our country and the divide goes way beyond Trump, maybe you TDS'ers will figure that out someday, but probably not. The elites think all they have to do is cut off the head, it's not going to be that simple or easy, there are still tens of millions of people that are not happy with the US government and how it's been corrupted by the elite leftists in both parties. The more unsettled people become with the decaying economy, decaying infrastructure, decaying law enforcement, and decaying neighborhoods, the worse it's going to get, regardless of who is in DC. That's the problem with people who are protected and grow egos far beyond what they're capable of handling, they eventually must use force in order to keep the power they've obtained, and it won't matter which 'party' is in charge.
The issues in our country and the divide goes way beyond Trump, maybe you TDS'ers will figure that out someday, but probably not. The elites think all they have to do is cut off the head, it's not going to be that simple or easy, there are still tens of millions of people that are not happy with the US government and how it's been corrupted by the elite leftists in both parties. The more unsettled people become with the decaying economy, decaying infrastructure, decaying law enforcement, and decaying neighborhoods, the worse it's going to get, regardless of who is in DC. That's the problem with people who are protected and grow egos far beyond what they're capable of handling, they eventually must use force in order to keep the power they've obtained, and it won't matter which 'party' is in charge.
That sounds vaguely like a communist manifesto. Viva la revolution!

So when the disenfranchised masses tear the country asunder who fills the vacuum of power? Nihilists like Steve Bannon or Ramaswamy?
You're the 'authority' now, you're drunk on power, you're all hypocrites. All the revolutionary bullshit of the 60's was just that, bullshit, you were and still are puppets to the elites who use you to destroy the 'republic'. I have news for you, the 'republic' no longer exists.
The people are the authority. That's what it means to be a Republic.

The elites who want to destroy the Republic are the conservatives who think that our votes shouldn't count because they can't otherwise win elections based on their platform.
The people are the authority. That's what it means to be a Republic.

The elites who want to destroy the Republic are the conservatives who think that our votes shouldn't count because they can't otherwise win elections based on their platform.

You're either grossly over naive, stupid, or both. :cuckoo:
The issues in our country and the divide goes way beyond Trump, maybe you TDS'ers will figure that out someday, but probably not. The elites think all they have to do is cut off the head, it's not going to be that simple or easy, there are still tens of millions of people that are not happy with the US government and how it's been corrupted by the elite leftists in both parties. The more unsettled people become with the decaying economy, decaying infrastructure, decaying law enforcement, and decaying neighborhoods, the worse it's going to get, regardless of who is in DC. That's the problem with people who are protected and grow egos far beyond what they're capable of handling, they eventually must use force in order to keep the power they've obtained, and it won't matter which 'party' is in charge.
You're quite confused about who is responsible for all of this economic and social deprivation. It's not just the Democrats, it's the Republicans as well. Both parties serve the same vested interests at the expense of the American public. The Dems and Repubs are two sides of the same stinky turd.
You're quite confused about who is responsible for all of this economic and social deprivation. It's not just the Democrats, it's the Republicans as well. Both parties serve the same vested interests at the expense of the American public. The Dems and Repubs are two sides of the same stinky turd.

You'll get no argument from me on that front. :dunno:
Patriots. Hmmm. Like the ones who participated in Trump's failed coup? Do you see those jailed traitors as patriots?

You wouldn't be capable of recognizing them, you're too brain dead unfortunately. :dunno:
You literally just described your own party. :laughing0301:
How so?

Dems want everyone to be able to vote and everyone's votes to count.

Republicans have proven that is not their desire. That's why they support Trump's attempts to reverse the election by taking away our votes.
How so?

Dems want everyone to be able to vote and everyone's votes to count.

Republicans have proven that is not their desire. That's why they support Trump's attempts to reverse the election by taking away our votes.


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