If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

The Trump cult hates American democracy and our system of justice.

The first withstood his multiple attempts to subvert it, and the latter is holding him responsible for doing so.

Thanks to a vast amount of documented evidence and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, juries of his peers will assess that evidence, hear all those Republican witnesses, listen to his lawyers' attempts to refute and discredit them, and reach impartial verdicts.

Despite the cult's insistence that their object of veneration is above the law, and his hysterically raging against officers of the court, justice will be served.

His irrational hissyfits are calculated to wee wee up his goons, horrific tales of his being kept from watching golf as if it were a violation of the Geneva Conviction.

Oh, the humanity.

View attachment 821445
"I have the Staysure Senior PGA Championship in Aberdeen, Scotland,
on my great course, and I can't go. I have to stay around and fight off

the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists!"
We are not a Democracy, take a civics class!
How so?

Dems want everyone to be able to vote and everyone's votes to count.

Republicans have proven that is not their desire. That's why they support Trump's attempts to reverse the election by taking away our votes.
The Problem is they want dead people to vote and fake people to vote or people to vote with their ballot being filled out by democrat operatives, with no siganture verification process. Stop lying
The Problem is they want dead people to vote and fake people to vote or people to vote with their ballot being filled out by democrat operatives, with no siganture verification process. Stop lying
But when you can't find evidence of any of those things happening, you still want to throw away the ballots.
"If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison"

If the legal system goes after someone that is then proven to have committed crimes, is convicted by a jury of his (or her) peers, and then goes to prison (which ain't going to happen for P01135809 as the rich don't get the same punishments as the masses)...

Isn't that the legal system working and shows it didn't fail us.

The Trump cult hates American democracy and our system of justice.

The first withstood his multiple attempts to subvert it, and the latter is holding him responsible for doing so.

Thanks to a vast amount of documented evidence and the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, juries of his peers will assess that evidence, hear all those Republican witnesses, listen to his lawyers' attempts to refute and discredit them, and reach impartial verdicts.

Despite the cult's insistence that their object of veneration is above the law, and his hysterically raging against officers of the court, justice will be served.

His irrational hissyfits are calculated to wee wee up his goons, horrific tales of his being kept from watching golf as if it were a violation of the Geneva Conviction.

Oh, the humanity.

View attachment 821445
"I have the Staysure Senior PGA Championship in Aberdeen, Scotland,
on my great course, and I can't go. I have to stay around and fight off

the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists!"
Bigfoot 6'3" 215 pounds Ha Ha
There are still tens of millions of people that are not happy with the US government and how it's been corrupted by the elite leftists in both parties.
Actually I agree with most of what you said in your comment. I am a “Never Trumper” — for what I consider very good reasons, not a “TDSer.” But your main point I agree with, though I have a key criticism of the above excerpt.

As I see it, you have a huge misunderstanding in that you define the government and both parties as having been corrupted by “leftists.” That is preposterous. I look at things very differently. I say it is our ever more oligopolistic private and corporate finance capitalist system which is the real corrupting influence in society. That doesn’t mean I am opposed to capitalism per se. Who can deny that it has brought and can still bring great material progress?

How can you look at Wall Street and the Fed, huge profit-making corporations of every type dominating most every part of the economy, and still think this system is “Leftist”? Virtually every institution, and most individuals too, are inevitably dominated by and corrupted — in one way or another — by this highly competitive but rigged system in which money is the only real “god” and only reliable “savior.”

The wealthiest corporations and most of our biggest private capitalist oligarchs corrupt both parties quite easily and regardless of whether politicians are ideologically “conservative” or “liberal.” They usually contribute to both sides, unless one side gets taken over by radicals or lunatics that they simply do not trust. When “leftists” like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin threatened to come to power they dealt with them even more quickly and with more determination than they did to the demagogue and conman Trump.

All the cultural stuff and ideology too matters very little when you can’t afford medical or dental treatment for your kids and yourself, or you feel you are losing your rightful place in society while the rich get richer and laugh at you.

Today some of the most vicious and also deluded elements in our screwed up country have rallied around the populist “Trump Party.” Overwhelmingly, Republican politicians want us to remain irrationally hysterical about “woke” culture, want us to fight each other and castigate almost none-existent genuine “leftism” as if it were a great Satanic threat — they conflate it with the Democratic Party or “demoncrats” — playing on our fears and prejudices, building up nostalgia for the past (MAGA) while pushing absurdly simple and reactionary solutions to complex problems of the present.

We need two serious parties that at least frequently work together, and a reasonably sane and tolerant citizenry, so that the nation as a whole can figure out ways to move forward. We need fundamental reforms and fewer, not more, polarizing politicians and opportunists.
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Actually I agree with most of what you said in your comment. I am a “Never Trumper” — for what I consider very good reasons, not a “TDSer.” But your main point I agree with, though I have a key criticism of the above excerpt.

As I see it, you have a huge misunderstanding in that you define the government and both parties as having been corrupted by “leftists.” That is preposterous. I look at things very differently. I say it is our ever more oligopolistic private and corporate finance capitalist system which is the real corrupting influence in society. That doesn’t mean I am opposed to capitalism per se. Who can deny that it has brought and can still bring great material progress?

How can you look at Wall Street and the Fed, huge profit-making corporations of every type dominating most every part of the economy, and still think this system is “Leftist”? Virtually every institution, and most individuals too, are inevitably dominated by and corrupted — in one way or another — by this highly competitive but rigged system in which money is the only real “god” and only reliable “savior.”

The wealthiest corporations and most of our biggest private capitalist oligarchs corrupt both parties quite easily and regardless of whether politicians are ideologically “conservative” or “liberal.” They usually contribute to both sides, unless one side gets taken over by radicals or lunatics that they simply do not trust. When “leftists” like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbin threatened to come to power they dealt with them even more quickly and with more determination than they did to the demagogue and conman Trump.

All the cultural stuff and ideology too matters very little when you can’t afford medical or dental treatment for your kids and yourself, or you feel you are losing your rightful place in society while the rich get richer and laugh at you.

Today some of the most vicious and also deluded elements in our screwed up country have rallied around the populist “Trump Party.” Overwhelmingly, Republican politicians want us to remain irrationally hysterical about “woke” culture, want us to fight each other and castigate almost none-existent genuine “leftism” as if it were a great Satanic threat — they conflate it with the Democratic Party or “demoncrats” — playing on our fears and prejudices, building up nostalgia for the past (MAGA) while pushing absurdly simple and reactionary solutions to complex problems of the present.

We need two serious parties that at least frequently work together, and a reasonably sane and tolerant citizenry, so that the nation as a whole can figure out ways to move forward. We need fundamental reforms and fewer, not more, polarizing politicians and opportunists.

Your response might be better accepted if you were equally critical of both sides, but you don't appear to be.
Your response might be better accepted if you were equally critical of both sides, but you don't appear to be.
Well, I really can’t help that. It is, I admit, not only because I think Trump and Trumpism are now genuine threats to our democratic culture, our republic and the rule of law.

I am a “social democrat” and an “internationalist,” yet an American born patriot. I try to think how men like Thomas Paine or George Orwell would react if they lived in our our day, and act accordingly.

I was in my younger years an idealist “revolutionary,” a socialist, an anti-imperialist who opposed the Vietnam War and the Hubert Humphreys and LBJs who supported it and many similar U.S. foreign policy blunders. I even earned a fat COINTELPRO file from the FBI for my activism.

I became a blue collar worker active in a thoroughly integrated union. I worked with people of many backgrounds, and after retirement made an effort to travel widely abroad. I’m nevertheless traditional and conservative about many things, and am still open to change.

So I was in a broad sense “a man of the left.” Voting for Conservative Republicans in my youth never really appealed to me because back then they seemed to be a party of the wealthy and the worst warmongers too. I’ve changed quite a bit since then. Today I certainly respect honest Republicans who show personal integrity, and have a few friends, good guys, who almost always vote Republican and voted twice for Trump too. One has had it with Trump, or so he says.

I find much of American “identity politics” wrongheaded, though racial and ethnic forms of it have always been present and powerful in our country. Some of the new faddish gender-bending politics I find ridiculous. But I am for integration and tolerance, and I despise crude racists and bigots.

I don’t feel it necessary to apologize for Democrats because I’m not one of them. I used to criticize them severely, and very rarely voted for their national candidates. For example, I didn’t vote for Hillary even in then-contested Florida, even though I already knew all about (and despised) Trump, since I grew up in NYC and am close to him in age. Locally I now just look for qualified candidates of either party, and would support a Republican if they seemed the most competent … and were not “Trump Party” assholes.
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This OP is not a. What about is between Trump and Biden. It is about Trump. And his four trials. The fact is simple, he is in big trouble.
Every attempt has failed so far, but supposedly the actual evidence is still coming?
It will eventually see the light of day, the issue was they knew what would happen were they to allow it to actually be seen soon after the election. Courts decided a second civil war wasn't worth it!
You're the 'authority' now, you're drunk on power, you're all hypocrites. All the revolutionary bullshit of the 60's was just that, bullshit, you were and still are puppets to the elites who use you to destroy the 'republic'. I have news for you, the 'republic' no longer exists.
Old Flame needs to calm down
The people are the authority. That's what it means to be a Republic.

The elites who want to destroy the Republic are the conservatives who think that our votes shouldn't count because they can't otherwise win elections based on their platform.
That is utter B.S we want actual votes to count!
It will eventually see the light of day, the issue was they knew what would happen were they to allow it to actually be seen soon after the election. Courts decided a second civil war wasn't worth it!
Who are you talking about?

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